1、These are just a few habits I’ve found that have made a huge difference for me. They’re a bit uncommon and take a while of practice in order to make them work, but once they’re installed you’ve essentially created a limit-breaking loop that leads you to higher and higher levels of success. It feeds on itself to grow. So now my question for you is this: What habit has made the biggest difference for you? What one question or ritual has changed your life? 有些习性能提高生活的品质,不仅可使你事半功倍,而且也能帮你亡羊补牢。
2、但是,有哪些习性竟能彻底颠覆你的长年故态?又有哪些问题能触动心灵,发人深省,使固有观念发生根本性的动摇,从而帮你重塑自我,使你脱胎换骨,焕然一新呢? 这里介绍的七种习性,不仅能改善你处世应事的能力,还能使你的品性得到升华。