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  Two new Vocabulary words of the day!!

  5/31/22 Happy Childrens Day!!![庆祝][庆祝]

  Paradigm ~ Overwhelm

  1. Paradigm ~ n. Aparadigmis a standard, perspective, or set of ideas. Aparadigmis a way of looking at something. The wordparadigmcomes up a lot in the academic, scientific, and business worlds. A new paradigm in business could mean a new way of reaching customers and making money. In education, relying on lectures is a paradigm: if you suddenly shifted to all group work, that would be a new paradigm. When you change paradigms, you're changing how you think about something.

  2. Overwhelm ~ v. Overwhelmmeans “give a person too much of something.” If your friend agrees to feed your pet fish while you’re on vacation, don’toverwhelmher with requests by also asking her to do your laundry and wash the dishes. While it’s easy to be overwhelmed by chores or complaints, it’s also possible to be overwhelmed by good things — if they occur in large quantities. You might enjoy a stack of pancakes for breakfast, but you'd probably find a truckload of pancakes overwhelming. Sometimes people feel overwhelmed by emotion, and this can be a positive or negative experience, depending on the emotion.

  1... (a) The Chinese are beginning to embrace a fundamentally different paradigm in development.(b) Even though Liza is an unconventional teacher, she still supports the educational paradigm that is used by most of the veteran teachers at her school.(c) Handsome, intelligent, and kind, John is the paradigm of the perfect man.

  2... (a) You don't want to overwhelm young children with complicated tasks. (b) Deal with stress fast whenever it threatens tooverwhelmyou.(c) The young mother was overwhelmed with love when she first held her newborn baby.



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