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导读 大家好,小宜来为大家讲解下。fresh,line,fresh,linen精油这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!华为2021年上半年业绩发布 Huawe...


华为2021年上半年业绩发布 Huawei's net profit margin hit 9.8% in H1 2021

(营业)收入:revenue  净利润:net profit


Huawei Technologies Co said on Friday it generated 320.4 billion yuan ($49.6 billion) in revenue in the first half of this year, with its net profit margin reaching 9.8 percent.

The Chinese tech giant said its overall performance was in line with forecasts.

Specifically, its carrier business group recorded 136.9 billion yuan in revenue, the revenue for its enterprise business was 42.9 billion yuan and the revenue for its consumer business was 135.7 billion yuan.

Xu Zhijun, rotating chairman of Huawei, said "We've set our strategic goals for the next five years.”

"Our aim is to survive, and to do so sustainably. We'll do this by creating practical value for our customers and partners. Despite a decline in revenue from our consumer business caused by external factors, we are confident our carrier and enterprise businesses will continue to grow steadily."

Xu continued: "These have been challenging times, and all of our employees have been pushing forward with extraordinary determination and strength. I want to thank every single member of the Huawei team for their incredible effort. Going forward, we continue to believe deeply in the power of digital technology to provide fresh solutions to the problems the world is facing right now. We will keep on innovating to help build a low-carbon, intelligent world."



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