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7级超额累进税率 七级超额累进税率

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In the United Kingdom, the highest income tax rate is set at 45% of net taxable income. However, the so-called “seven-tier super-tax” is a mechanism designed to gradually impose higher rates of income tax on the top tiers of earners. This taxation system works by applying accumulating marginal tax rates on various levels, beginning with a 20% tax rate on income above £100,000 and ending with a 45% rate on incomes of £150,000 or more.

The seven-tier super-tax system was introduced in 2013 as a way to raise additional revenues to combat the country's growing budget deficit. The Conservative-led coalition government of the time announced the policy with the intention of ensuring that those with higher incomes paid more in taxes than those on lower incomes. As such, the super-tax provided an ‘across the board’ increase in the percentage of income taken in tax from the highest earners, with the highest rate increasing from 40% to 45%.

However, opposition to the super-tax quickly emerged. Critics argued that the system was both overly complex and unfair to those with larger incomes - a form of double-taxation, in effect. The Labour Party particularly expressed their disagreement and suggested that the system be replaced with a single tax rate, which would leave the tax burden unaltered for those on middle incomes, but with higher earners paying more.

Despite this criticism, the seven-tier super-tax has proven to be very popular with the British public. Since its implementation, the government has raised an additional £7 billion in taxes from Britain's top earners. This windfall of revenue has allowed the government to invest in major infrastructure projects, as well as programmes intended to reduce poverty and stimulate economic growth.

Overall, the seven-tier super-tax has clearly been successful in terms of raising additional revenues for the government, although it remains a controversial policy. Critics are still unconvinced by the fairness of the system and its complexity, while others continue to question the amount of revenue raised given the amount of bureaucracy involved. Despite this, it is likely that the seven-tier super-tax will remain in place for the foreseeable future, and is likely to continue to raise significant levels of revenue for the government.
















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