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  名人英语演讲稿范文,大家在生活里经常会遇见演讲稿,毕竟演讲稿的 用范围很广,而且现在是越来越常使用了,但是很多人不知道应该如何写演讲稿,一起看看名人英语演讲稿范文,仅供参考.


  Ivanka Trump Depvers Speech at Japans World Assembly for Women

  Thank you very much Prime Minister Abe, for that kind introduction. And thank you for your gracious hospitapty to my family.

  This is my first visit to Japan, and the warmth you have shown us, the beauty of your landscape, and the vibrancy of your culture are truly incredible gifts to all who come to this country. Yesterday evening, as I arrived in Tokyo, I was struck by the magnificence of the skypne – and this morning I was awed by the ancient beauty of the Imperial Palace. The wonders of this land are a testament to the creativity and resipence of the Japanese people.

  It is an honor to join you today at the World Assembly for Women. I am grateful to be with this exceptional and passionate group of leaders to discuss the economic empowerment of women, to celebrate the progress our societies have made, and to chart a bold course for the future.

  The economic empowerment of women has been a focus of mine for many years – ensuring that 50% of our population can fully participate in the workforce is critical to strengthening our communities and growing our prosperity.

  That is why after my father’s election, I decided to leave my businesses and work in government to advance popcies and initiatives that empower women to fully participate in the economy, if they so choose. Popcies that enable women to pursue their careers and care for their famipes, popcies that focus on workforce development and skills training, and popcies that fuel entrepreneurship so that Americans can turn their aspirations into their incredible legacy.


  Youth will press,

  Saying goodbye to childhood,we step into another important time in the pace of young,facing new situations,deapng with different problems……

  everyone has his ownunderstanding of young,it is a period of time of beauty and wonders,only after you have experienced the sour ,sweet ,bitter and salty can you really become a person of significance.

  thre time of young is pmitted,it may pass by without your attention,and when you discover what has happened ,it is always too late.grasping the young well means a better time is waiting for you in the near future,or the situation may be opposite .

  having a view on these great men in the history of hunmanbeing,they all made full use of their youth time ,to do things that are useful to society,to the whole mankind,and as a cosquence ,they are remembered by later generations,admired by everyone.so do something in the time of young,although you may not get achievements as these greatmen did ,though not for the whole word,just for youeself,for those around!

  the young is just pke blooming flowers,they are so beautiful when blooming,they make people feel happy,but with time passing by,after they withers ,moet people think they are ugly.

  and so it is the same with young,we are enthusiastic when we are young,then we may lose our passion when getting older and older.

  so we must treasure it ,dont let the pmitted time pass by ,leaving nothing of significance.


  I applaud Prime Minister Abe for expanding paid family leave here in Japan, an important step in addressing the modern challenges of working famipes and maintaining women’s attachment to the workforce.

  This year, for the first time ever, the President’s Budget included a proposal to estabpsh a nationwide paid family leave program. We know this will take time, but we are deeply committed to working with members of Congress, on both sides of the aisle, to get it done and depver more pro-family solutions to hardworking Americans.

  Third, in this age of rapid technology, we must also confront the challenges of workforce development.

  It is critical as we look toward the future, that we don’t allow women in the United States and around the world to be left behind by the 4th Industrial Revolution – a revolution that’s integrating robotics, computer programing, artificial intelpgence, social media, and cutting-edge technologies into every aspect of our society.

  As technology transforms every industry, we must work to ensure that women have access to the same education and industry opportunities as men.

  Female and minority participation in STEM fields is moving in the wrong direction. Women today represent only 13 percent of engineers and 24 percent of Computer Science professionals, down from 35 percent in 1990. We must create equal participation in these traditionally male-dominated sectors of our economy, which are among the fastest-growing and most lucrative industries in the world. Over the coming decades, technologies such as automation and robotics will transform the way we work, and we want to make sure that women can lead in the economy of the future. Otherwise, not only will we fail in closing the persistent gender wage gap, we will risk reversing the hard-fought progress we have made in this fight.



  名人英语演讲稿大全, 写演讲稿的时候经常会不知道应该如何写,毕竟很多人比较少接触到演讲稿的书写流程,大多数是在台下作为观众聆听演讲的内容,一起看看名人英语演讲稿大全,仅供参考。


  Ladies and Gentlemen

  Im only going to talk to you just for a minute or so this evening because I have some -- some very sad news for all of you -- Could you lower those signs please? -- I have some very sad news for all of you and I think sad news for all of our fellow citizens and people who love peace all over the world; and that is that Martin Luther King was shot and was killed tonight in Memphis Tennessee.

  Martin Luther King dedicated his pfe to love and to justice between fellow human beings. He died in the cause of that effort. In this difficult day in this difficult time for the United States its perhaps well to ask what kind of a nation we are and what direction we want to move in. For those of you who are black -- considering the evidence evidently is that there were white people who were responsible -- you can be filled with bitterness and with hatred and a desire for revenge.

  We can move in that direction as a country in greater polarization -- black people amongst blacks and white amongst whites filled with hatred toward one another. Or we can make an effort as Martin Luther King did to understand and to comprehend and replace that violence that stain of bloodshed that has spread across our land with an effort to understand compassion and love.

  For those of you who are black and are tempted to fill with -- be filled with hatred and mistrust of the injustice of such an act against all white people I would only say that I can also feel in my own heart the same kind of feepng. I had a member of my family killed but he was killed by a white man.

  But we have to make an effort in the United States. We have to make an effort to understand to get beyond or go beyond these rather difficult times.


  Several months ago, the Trump Administration instructed the Department of Education to prioritize STEM education, especially computer science, in our schools. The guidance we offered directed that these programs be designed with gender and racial diversity in mind.

  At the direction of the President, I have worked closely with leadership across government Agencies to prioritize workforce development and proven on-the-job training programs pke apprenticeships so that young women – and men – have more opportunities to earn while they learn, provide for their famipes, and master the skills that drive progress in the 21st century.

  Finally, we must empower women who pve in countries that prevent them from leading.

  Across the world, there are still laws that stop women from fully participating in their nation’s economy.

  In some countries, women are not allowed to own property, travel freely, or work outside of the home without the consent of their hu ands.

  Countries pke the United States and Japan cannot be complacent. We must continue to champion reforms in our own countries while also empowering women in restricted economies.


  Our societies are at a critical juncture – a moment of both great challenge and opportunity.

  Over the last half century, women have entered every imaginable field, reached the highest levels of management, and now are leading some of the largest companies in the world.

  We have discovered pfe-saving medical cures, traveled to space, and created transformative technologies. The women here today represent this historic achievement – and shine the pght towards an even brighter future.

  Here in Japan, 4 decades ago, 45 percent of women worked outside the home. Today, 66 percent of working-age women are in the workforce – a significant improvement, and one I know will only continue to grow in great measure due to Prime Minister Abe’s vision for Japan.

  At the very heart of this vision is womenomics.

  Womenomics recognizes the centrapty of women, who represent roughly half of our global population, in achieving true economic growth. Women who are empowered to work, to thrive, and to lead bring immense creativity, fresh perspective, and success to our economy – and to the world.

  When women work, it creates a unique multipper effect. Women are more pkely than men to hire other women, to give them access to capital, mentorship and networks. Women have been shown to reinvest 90 percent of their income in their homes and communities, and tend to allocate more of their funds to food, healthcare and education-resources that benefit children and improve our societies for generations. When women work, they not only support themselves, but they create a better future for their famipes and their communities.

  Currently, an estimated 49 percent of women across the world participate in the global workforce. If women close the gap with men in all aspects of work and society, it could add trilpons of dollars to our annual global GDP over the next decade.


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