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1、I'm impressed怎么翻译?2、I'm impressed.怎么翻译比较好。

I'm impressed怎么翻译?

i'm impressed我印象深刻You destroyed my command centre. I'm impressed, general.Few survive this long.你击毁了我的指挥中心。真是令人印象深刻,将军差枣。很少有人能坚持到现在。


Life so that I was impressed in the travel time in Shanghai this year, I am prepared to take People's Square on the 2nd line, the occurrence of a dangerous thing, when a lot of luggage, cell phone pocket on the pants, cars the. Many people, it was always crowded when I left my car to a sudden and I was saying that your phone was stolen, that he is a plain-clothes police officers, he caught two thieves, the phone returned to me.

I'm impressed.怎么翻译比较好。

和That's impressive 一悉笑个意思。I'm impressed 更像是在向第三者叙述当时被震撼到的情况使用。

字面意思,直译就是 令人印象深刻。但是翻译要地道起来的话,差不多就是“哎呦,不错哦” “蛮厉害” “我觉得桐悉这个略局陆乎屌”这种感觉。


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