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内容导航:1、双语——非利士人中的约柜(THE ARK AMONG THE PHILISTINES-E53)2、如何清空hosts文件(Win7系统)3、如何清除dns缓存 修改HOSTS文件法4、win10怎么清理hosts文件?


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THE ARK AMONG THE PHILISTINES【译】非利士人中的约柜【单词】ARK 原型:ark 名词 [ahrk][ɑːk] n. 约柜【单词】AMONG 原型:among 介词 [uh-'muhng][ə'mʌŋ] prep. 在 ... 之中【专有名词】PHILISTINES 原型:Philistine 名词复数形式 ['fil-uh-steen, -stahyn, fi-'lis-tin, -teen]['filistain] n. 非利士人


In those days the Israelites went out to meet the Philistines, and in a hard-fought battle the Israelites were defeated by the Philistines.【译】那时,以色列人迎战非利士人,经过一番激烈的战役,非利士人打败了以色列人。【单词】hard-fought 形容词 [,hɑ:d'fɔ:t] adj. 激烈的【单词】defeated 原型:defeat 动词过去分词 [dih-'feet][dɪ'fiːt] n. 挫败;战胜;击败【专有名词】Israelites 原型:Israelite 名词复数形式 ['iz-ree-uh-lahyt, -rey-]['iz,riəlait] n. 以色列人

When the people returned to the camp, the leaders of Israel said, "Why has Jehovah let us be beaten to-day by the Philistines?【译】民众回到营里,以色列的领袖说:“Jehovah为什么让我们今日被非利士人打败呢?”【单词】returned 原型:return 动词过去式 [ri-'turn][rɪ'tɜːn] v. 返回【单词】camp 名词 [kamp][kæmp] n. 野营;帐篷;营地【单词】leaders 原型:leader 名词复数形式 ['lee-der]['liːdə] n.领导者;首领【单词】beaten 原型:beat 动词过去分词 [beet][biːt] v. 打;打败【专有名词】Israel 地名 ['iz-ree-uh l, -rey-]['ɪzreɪl] n. 以色列[亚洲]【专有名词】Jehovah [ji-'hoh-vuh][dʒɪ'həʊvə] n. [圣经]耶和华(指上帝)

Let us bring the ark of our God from Shiloh.【译】让我们把神的约柜从Shiloh带过来。【专有名词】God 名词 [god][ɡɒd] n. 上帝

He may then go out with us and deliver us from our enemies."【译】他就可以和我们同去,助我们摆脱敌人。”【单词】deliver 动词 [dih-'liv-er][dɪ'lɪvə] v. 解救

So the people sent to Shiloh and took from there the ark of Jehovah of hosts.【译】他们就打发人去Shiloh把主Jehovah的约柜带来。【单词】hosts 原型:host 名词复数形式 [hohst][həʊst] n. 主人


When it came to the camp, all the Israelites shouted so loud that the earth resounded.【译】当把约柜带到营地,以色列人大声呼喊,大地回响。【单词】shouted 原型:shout 动词过去式 [shout][ʃaʊt] v. 呼喊;高声呼叫【单词】resounded 原型:resound 动词过去分词 [ri-'zound][rɪ'zaʊnd] v. (使)回响;鸣响

The Philistines heard the sound of the shouting and said, "What does this sound of great shouting in the camp of the Hebrews mean?" When they knew that the ark of Jehovah had come to the camp, they were afraid, for they said, "Their god has come to their camp.【译】非利士人听见呼喊的声音,就说:“希伯来人在营里大声呼喊是做什么?”当他们知道Jehovah的约柜被带到了以色列营里,就很害怕,他们说:“以色列人的神已经到了他们的营中。【单词】mean 动词 [meen][miːn] v. 意思是;意味着【单词】afraid 形容词 [uh-'freyd][ə'freɪd] adj. 担心的;害怕的【专有名词】Hebrews 原型:Hebrew 名词复数形式 ['hee-broo]['hiːbruː] n. 希伯来人

Woe to us! for it has never been so before; but be strong and act like men." So the Philistines fought, and the Israelites were defeated and each fled to his tent.【译】我们的悲哀!因为以前从来没有这样过;但是要坚强,像男人那样做。”然后他们打仗,非利士人打败了以色列人,以色列人各自逃回到帐棚里去。【单词】Woe 原型:woe 名词 [woh][wəʊ] n. 悲哀;苦痛;不幸【单词】fought 原型:fight 动词过去式 [fahyt][faɪt] v. 打架;对抗【单词】fled 原型:flee 动词过去式 [flee][fliː] v. 逃走;消失;逃离【单词】tent 名词 [tent][tent] n. 帐篷

The same day a Benjamite from the ranks ran to Shiloh with his clothes torn and with earth on his head.【译】当天,一个便雅悯人士兵跑到Shiloh,衣服撕裂,头上顶着土。【单词】ranks 原型:rank 名词复数形式 [rangk][ræŋk] n. 排;队列【单词】torn 原型:tear 动词过去分词 [teer][teə] v. 扯下;撕破;撕扯【专有名词】Benjamite 便雅悯人


As he came, Eli was sitting on his seat by the gate watching the road, for his heart was trembling for the ark of God.【译】他来的时候,艾利正坐在门旁看着道路,因为他的心因神的约柜而颤动。【单词】trembling 原型:tremble 动词动名词形式 ['trem-buhl]['trembl] v. 发抖;忧虑;震颤

When the man came and told the people of the city, they all cried out.【译】那人来把发生的事情告诉城里的人,他们都大声呼喊。【短语】cried out 原型:cry out 呐喊,呼喊,尖叫;例句:They heard someone cry out from inside the house. 他们听见有人在屋里大声喊叫。

Eli heard the sound of crying and said, "What is this uproar?" So the man came quickly and told Eli, "I am the man who came from the battle, for I fled from the ranks." Eli said, "How did it go, my son?" The messenger answered, "Israel fled from the Philistines, and many people were killed, and your two sons are dead, and the ark of God has been captured." When he spoke of the ark of God, Eli fell off his seat backward beside the gate, and his neck was broken, for he was old and heavy, and he died.【译】艾利听见喊声,就说:“为什么有这骚动?”那人就急忙来,对艾利说:“我是从战场上来的,因为我从队伍中逃跑了。”艾利说:“我的儿子,这是怎么回事?”使者回答说:“以色列人从非利士人那里逃了出来,许多人都被杀了,你的两个儿子也都死了,上帝的约柜也被非利士人擒获了。”当他说起神的约柜时,艾利在门边从座位上向后跌落下来,脖子断了,因为他又老又重,就死了。【短语】spoke of 原型:speak of 谈及,说到,讲到;例句:We have heard him speak of it. 我们听到过他谈及这事。【短语】fell off 原型:fall off 跌落,掉落;例句:Leaves fall off the trees in the autumn. 秋天,树叶纷纷从树上掉下来。【单词】uproar 名词 ['uhp-rawr, -rohr]['ʌprɔː] n. 骚动;喧嚣【单词】messenger 名词 ['mes-uhn-jer]['mesɪndʒə] n. 报信者;信使【单词】captured 原型:capture 动词过去分词 ['kap-cher]['kæptʃə] v, 捕获;夺得【单词】backward 副词 ['bak-werd]['bækwəd] adv. 向后【单词】neck 名词 [nek][nek] n. 颈;脖子【单词】broken 原型:break 动词过去分词 [breyk][breɪk] v. 折断


The Philistines took the ark of God and brought it to the temple of Dagon in Ashdod and set it up by the side of Dagon.【译】非利士人将神的约柜抬到位于Ashdod的大衮庙,把约柜放在大衮的旁边。【短语】by the side of 在……旁边;例句:The child stood by the side of his mother. 孩子站在母亲身边。【单词】temple 名词 ['tem-puh l]['templ] n. 神殿;寺院;庙宇【专有名词】Dagon ['dey-gon][宗]大衮(《圣经·旧约》中非利士人的主神;上半身是人;下半身是鱼)【专有名词】Ashdod 地名 n. 阿什杜德(以色列城市)

When the people of Ashdod rose early the next day and came to the temple of Dagon, there was Dagon on the ground flat on his face before the ark of Jehovah.【译】当Ashdod人民次日一早起床来到大衮庙,大衮在耶和华的约柜前脸朝下趴在地上。【单词】rose 原型:rise 动词过去式 [rahyz][raɪz] v. 起身;起床【单词】ground 名词 [ground][graʊnd] n. 土地;地面【单词】flat 名词 [flat][flæt] n. 平地;平面

Then they raised up Dagon and set him in his place again.【译】他们就把大衮扶起来立在原处。【单词】raised up 原型:raise up 举起;例句:You can raise up that big case. 你能举起那只大箱子。


But when they rose early on the following morning, there was Dagon on the ground flat on his face before the ark of Jehovah.【译】但当他们第二天早晨起来,大衮又在耶和华的约柜前脸朝下趴在地上。

The head of Dagon and both his hands were broken off on the door sill, and only his body was left.【译】大衮的头和双手在门槛上被折断,只剩下他的身体。【短语】broken off 原型:break off 折断;例句:The two wings of the aircraft broke off on impact. 飞机的两个机翼遭受撞击折断了。【单词】sill 名词 [sil][sɪl] n. 门槛

Jehovah severely punished the people of Ashdod, for he punished them with boils.【译】耶和华严厉惩罚了Ashdod人,惩罚他们生疮。【单词】severely 副词 [suh-'veer][sə'vɪrlɪ] adv. 严格地;严重地;严肃地;严厉地【单词】punished 原型:punish 动词过去分词 ['puhn-ish]['pʌnɪʃ] v. 惩罚【单词】boils 原型:boil 名词复数形式 [boil][bɔɪl] n. 疖子

When the men of Ashdod saw this, they said, "The ark of the god of Israel shall not stay with us, for he is severely punishing us and Dagon our god." So they sent for all the rulers of the Philistines and asked, "What shall we do with the ark of the god of Israel?" They answered, "Let it be carried around to Gath."【译】当Ashdod人看到这些,就说:“以色列神的约柜不可留在我们这里,因为他在严厉惩罚我们和我们的神大衮。”所以他们叫来非利士人统治者,问道:“我们要怎么对待以色列神的约柜呢?”他们回答说:“把它带到Gath。”【短语】sent for 原型:send for 召唤,派人去叫;例句:I've sent for the doctor. 我已经派人去请医生了。【短语】carried around 原型:carry around 携带;例句:Carry around two plastic cups for your night of performances. 晚上表演的时候,记得带上两个塑料杯子。【单词】rulers 原型:ruler 名词复数形式 ['roo-ler]['ruːlə] n. 统治者;支配者【专有名词】Gath 地名 [ɡɑ:θ] n. 迦特(基督教《圣经》中腓力斯五大城市之一)

So they carried the ark of the God of Israel around to Gath.【译】所以他们就把以色列神的约柜带到了Gath。

Then Jehovah punished the men of that city, both young and old, with boils.【译】Jehovah就惩罚了那城的人,无论是青年人还是老年人,让他们都生疮。

Therefore they sent the ark of the God of Israel to Ekron; but when it came to Ekron, the Ekronites cried out, "They have brought around the ark of the god of Israel to kill us and our people!" They sent, therefore, and gathered all the rulers of the Philistines and said, "Send the ark of the god of Israel back to its own place, so that it will not kill us and our people!"【译】他们就把以色列神的约柜送到Ekron;但当它来到Ekron,那里的人喊道:“他们把以色列神的约柜带来是要杀了我们和我们的民众!”于是他们聚集起非利士人的首领,说:“把以色列神的约柜送回它原本的地方吧,这样它才不会杀死我们和我们的百姓。”【单词】Therefore 原型:therefore 副词 ['thair-fawr, -fohr]['ðeəfɔː] adv. 因此;所以【单词】gathered 原型:gather 动词过去式 ['gath-er]['ɡæðə] v. 聚集;集合

Then the Philistines called the priests and diviners and asked, "What shall we do with the ark of Jehovah?【译】于是非利士人叫来祭司和占卜者,问他们:“我们应该怎样对待耶和华的约柜?【单词】priests 原型:priest 名词复数形式 [preest][priːst] n. 教士;神父;牧师【单词】diviners 原型:diviner 名词复数形式 [dih-'vahy-ner][di'vainə] n. 预言者;占卜者

Tell us with what we shall send it to its place." They said, "If you send back the ark of the god of Israel, you must not send it away empty, but must return to him an offering to repay him for all that you have done to the ark.【译】我们若把它送回原地,要带些什么?”他们说:“你若将以色列神的约柜送回,就不可空手将他送回去,必须要奉献祭品,来补偿你们对这约柜所做的一切。【短语】send back 归还;例句:Won't you please send back my picture? 你何不把我的相片寄回来。【单词】offering 名词 ['aw-fer-ing, 'of-er-]['ɒf(ə)rɪŋ] n. 祭品【单词】repay 动词 [ri-'pey][rɪ'peɪ] v. 偿还;报答;回报


Then you shall be healed, and you shall know why he has continued to punish you." They said, "What offering shall we send back in order to repay him?"【译】这样你们就会痊愈,就会知道他为何一直惩罚你们。”他们说:“我们要送些什么来补偿他呢?”【用法】in order to 意为“为了……”,表示目的;在用法和意义上相当于so as to结构,但是in order to结构可以用于句首、句中,而so as to多用于句中。【单词】healed 原型:heal 动词过去分词 [heel][hiːl] v. 治愈;使恢复健康【单词】continued 原型:continue 动词过去分词 [kuhn-'tin-yoo][kən'tɪnjuː] v. 继续

They said, "Five golden boils and five golden mice, the same number as the rulers of the Philistines; for one plague was upon you as well as upon your rulers.【译】他们说:“五个金疖子,五只金老鼠,这和非利士人首领的数量一样。因为瘟疫降临到了你们和你们的统治者身上。【短语】as well as ... 与...一样,也 ;例句:The child is lively as well as healthy. 这孩子既健康又活泼。【单词】boils 原型:boil 名词复数形式 [boil][bɔɪl] n. 疖子【单词】mice 原型:mouse 名词复数形式 [noun mous; verb mouz][maʊs] n. 老鼠【单词】plague 名词 [pleyg][pleɪɡ] n. 瘟疫;麻烦;灾祸

Now therefore prepare a new cart and two milch cows that have never worn a yoke, and fasten the cows to the cart, but leave their calves behind them at home.【译】因此,准备一辆新马车和两只从没戴过枷锁的奶牛,把牛绑在车上,但把它们的小牛留下。【单词】prepare 动词 [pri-'pair][prɪ'peə] v. 预备;准备【单词】cart 名词 [kahrt][kɑːt] n. (二轮或四轮)马车【单词】milch 形容词 [milch][mɪltʃ] adj. 生乳的;产奶的【单词】cows 原型:cow 名词复数形式 [kou][kaʊ] n. 母牛【单词】worn 原型:wear 动词过去分词 [wair][weə] v. 穿戴【单词】yoke 名词 [yohk][jəʊk] n. 轭;束缚【单词】fasten 动词 ['fas-uhn, 'fah-suhn]['fɑːsn] v. 拴紧;使固定;系【单词】calves 原型:calve 名词复数形式 [kav, kahv][kɑːv] n. 小牛

Then take the ark of Jehovah and place it upon the cart and put in a box at its side the golden objects which you are sending to them as an offering to repay him.【译】你要将Jehovah的约柜放在车上,放进一个箱子里,箱子旁边放上你们将供奉给他作为补偿的金制品。【单词】objects 原型:object 名词复数形式 [noun 'ob-jikt, -jekt; verb uhb-'jekt]['ɒbdʒɪkt] n. 物体

Then send it away.【译】然后把它送走。


If it goes on the way to its own border, to Bethshemesh, then it is Jehovah who has done us this great harm; but if not, then we shall know that it is not he who has punished us; it was only an accident."【译】如果它走向自己的国界,走到Bethshemesh,就是Jehovah给我们带来的这巨大的伤害;但如果没有,我们就知道,不是耶和华惩罚的我们;这只是一个意外。”【单词】border 名词 ['bawr-der]['bɔːdə] n. 边界;边境;边缘【单词】harm 名词 [hahrm][hɑːm] n. 危害;伤害;损害【单词】accident 名词 ['ak-si-duhnt]['æksɪdənt] n. 事故;意外;偶然

The men did so, and the cows took a straight course along the Bethshemesh road.【译】他们就这么做了,牛群直直地走向Bethshemesh。【单词】straight 形容词 [streyt][streɪt] adj. 直的;笔直的【单词】course 名词 [kawrs, kohrs][kɔːs] n. 道路;路线

They went along the highway, lowing as they went, and did not turn aside to the right nor to the left.【译】他们走在路上,边走边低声叫,不曾转变方向。【短语】went along 原型:go along 前进,进行;例句:We can't go along that road because the sign says No Entry'. 我们不能走那条路,因为牌子上写着“禁止入内”。【短语】turn aside 转变方向;例句:Turn aside to your right or to your left. 转向你的左边或你的右边。【单词】highway 名词 ['hahy-wey]['haɪweɪ] n. 公路;大路【单词】lowing 原型:low 动词动名词形式 [loh]['ləʊɪŋ] v. 低声叫;牛叫

The rulers of the Philistines also went after them as far as Bethshemesh.【译】非利士人的统治者也追随着它们到Bethshemesh。

The inhabitants of Bethshemesh were harvesting their wheat in the valley, and when they looked up and saw the ark, they rejoiced at the sight.【译】Bethshemesh的居民在山谷收割麦子,抬头看见约柜,就十分欣喜。【单词】inhabitants 原型:inhabitant 名词复数形式 [in-'hab-i-tuhnt][ɪn'hæbɪtənt] n. 居民【单词】harvesting 原型:harvest 动词动名词形式 ['hahr-vist]['hɑːvɪst] v. 收获;收割【单词】wheat 名词 [hweet, weet][wiːt] n. 小麦【单词】valley 名词 ['val-ee]['væli] n. 山谷;溪谷;流域【单词】rejoiced 原型:rejoice 动词过去式 [ri-'jois][rɪ'dʒɔɪs] v.(使)高兴;(使)欢喜【单词】sight 名词 [sahyt][saɪt] n. 视力;看见;视线

When the ark came into the field of Joshua, the Bethshemeshite, it stood still there.【译】约柜到达Bethshemeshite的约书亚领域后,它静静地立在那里。【单词】field 名词 [feeld][fiːld] n. 领域【专有名词】Joshua ['josh-oo-uh]['dʒɔʃwə] n. 约书亚

And a great stone was there; so they split up the wood of the cart and offered the cows as a burnt-offering to Jehovah.【译】那里有一块大石头,他们就把做车的木头劈开,把母牛当作燔祭献给耶和华。【短语】split up 劈开,分裂;例句:The wood can be split up for fuel. 这块木头可以破开当柴烧。【单词】offered 原型:offer 动词过去式 ['aw-fer, 'of-er]['ɒfə] v. 提供【单词】burnt-offering 名词 n. 烧祭品

When the five rulers of the Philistines saw it, they returned to Ekron the same day.【译】非利士人的五个首领见此情况,当天就回到了Ekron。



如图所示,依次打开C盘WINDOWSsystem32driversetc,找到hosts文件。 双击hosts文件,弹出“打开方式”选项框,我们选择记事本,点击确定。 打开之后,可以看到记事本中内容如下,这是正常的文字,多出来的文字, 就是被恶意修改了,把它删掉就可以了。

3、如何清除dns缓存 修改HOSTS文件法


各种不同系统hostst文件的位置。Windows 98系统,文件路径Windows目录下;Windows XP系统,文件路径WindowsSystem32DriversEtc目录下;Windows 2000系统,文件路径:WINNTSystem32DriversEtc目录下;Windows 7系统,文件路径WindowsSystem32Driversetc目录下;选择hosts的打开方式为记事本打开,然后删除里面的所有内容,点击保存。上面的方法不行的话,清理DNS缓存。

方法如下:1.运行输入“cmd”2.输入ipconfig /flushdns命令,“successfully flushed the dns resolver cache”的提示时就说明当前计算机的缓存信息已经被成功清除。然后即可解决。


在Windows系统中,包括XP、Win7.Win8  C:WINDOWSsystem32driversetc

2015年1月21日,微软在华盛顿发布新一代Windows系统,并表示向运行Windows7.Windows 8.1以及Windows Phone 8.1的所有设备提供,用户可以在Windows 10发布后的第一年享受免费升级服务。[7]  2月13日,微软正式开启Windows 10手机预览版更新推送计划。

[9]  4月22日,微软推出了Windows Hello和微软Passport用户认证系统,微软今天又公布了名为“Device Guard”(设备卫士)的安全功能。[10]  4月29日,微软宣布Windows 10将采用同一个应用商店,即可展示给Windows 10覆盖的所有设备用,同时支持Android和iOS程序。[11]  7月29日,微软发布Windows 10正式版。



只要能运行Windows 7操作系统,就能更加流畅地运行Windows 10操作系统。针对对固态硬盘、生物识别、高分辨率屏幕等更件都进行了优化支持与完善。

除了继承旧版Windows操作系统的安全功能之外,还引入了Windows Hello,Microsoft Passport、Device Guard等安全功能。



上一篇: 男孩咳嗽发热硬扛白肺,孩子咳嗽白痰发烧吃什么药(12岁男孩硬扛成了白肺)

下一篇: 茶叶的起源是什么时候,茶叶是什么时候出现的(茶叶的起源是什么时候的)
