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内容导航:1、八上单词:enough,从发音到拼写,再到用法例句,这里都有2、enough怎么读3、enough怎么读?4、enough 这个单词怎么读?




enough英 [ɪˈnʌf]   美 [ɪˈnʌf]det.  足够;pron.  足够;adv.  充分地; 相当; 很双语例句1. Three hundred million dollars will be nothing like enough.3亿美元远远不够。2. I met him only the once, and that was enough.我就见过他那一次,那就让我受够了。

3. It's enough to make you wet yourself, if you'll pardon the expression.这足以吓得你尿裤子了,请原谅我这么说。

4. It's just not enough money to start life over.这些钱根本不够用来开始全新的生活。5. Ford had the bright idea of paying workers enough to buy cars.福特公司想出了一绝妙的主意:付给工人足够的薪水去购买汽车。6. I suggest we gather enough firewood to last the night.  我建议大家捡足够多的木柴来撑过这一晚。7. Stop asking questions! You should know when enough is enough.别问问题了!你应该知道什么时候该适可而止。

8. Little of the existing housing is of good enough quality.现有的住房几乎少有质量过关的。9. If Douglas came down hard enough on him, Dale would rebel.如果道格拉斯对戴尔太过严厉,他就会反抗。10. Auntie Hilda and Uncle Jack couldn't fuss over them enough.希尔达姨妈和杰克姨父对他们宠爱有加。

11. That was enough to give Mansell an unassailable lead.那足以让曼塞尔获得别人无法撼动的领先地位。


enough 发音:英 [ɪˈnʌf]   美 [ɪˈnʌf]enough 释义:det.(用于复数或不可数名词前)足够的,充足的,充分的pron.足够;充分;充足adv.足够地;充分地;充足地;相当;尚;十分;很enough 例句:1、They had enough cash for a one-way ticket他们有足够的钱买单程票。2、I met him only the once, and that was enough我就见过他那一次,那就让我受够了。

3、Winter is a common enough German surname温特是一个非常普通的德国姓氏。

扩展资料:1、enough already(informal, especially NAmE) 行了;早已够了used to say that sth is annoying or boring and that you want it to stop2、enough is enough(saying) (认为不应再继续)够了,行了used when you think that sth should not continue any longer3、enough said无须再讲;不必多说‘He's a politician, remember.’ ‘Enough said.’“记住,他是一个政客。”“不用多说了。”4、have had enough (of sth/sb)对…已厌烦透了;再也忍受不住;受够了I've had enough of driving the kids around.我已厌烦驾车带孩子们到处去。5、adv.curiously, funnily, oddly, strangely, etc. enough(表示惊奇)奇怪的是,说来也奇怪Funnily enough, I said the same thing myself only yesterday.奇怪的是,就在昨天我自己也说过同样的话。

6、fair enough(informal, especially BrE) (指想法、建议)有道理,说得对,行If you don't want to come, fair enough, but let Bill know.你要是不想来,可以,不过要让比尔知道。

4、enough 这个单词怎么读?

enough[英][ɪ'nʌf] [美][ɪˈnʌf] 生词本简明释义adv.足够地,充足地;十分地adj.充足的;足够的n.充分,足够;满足int够了易混淆的单词:Enough以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 短语词组 同反义词1.DET足够;充分Enough means as much as you need or as much as is necessary. They had enough cash for a one-way ticket...他们有足够的钱买单程票。There aren't enough tents to shelter them all.没有足够的帐篷供他们容身。



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