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1. 英语 短句变长句

That old man you talked about just now lives in an old house.

My son liked the toy car i bought for him on his birthday.

Do you dare to board a plane which has no pilot in it ?



2. 英语句子简写 长句变短句

Bjornenak states the diffusion of the phenomenon is the most influential on the demand-side, recognising cost structure, existing costing systems, product diversity and competition factors as essential in ABC diffusion. Most of ABC adopters received help from consultants who played essential roles in diffusion processes on the supply-side. Company size’s influence was recognised, as larger companies proved to have more communication channels and infrastructures to adopt the accounting innovation. Internal change agents’ availability and courses apparently supported more effective communication channels.


3. 英语短句变长句,急

1.it is a very powerful means of communication and it communicates much more that spoken words.2.Parents smile at their child because of they communicate love,acceptance,and reassurance.3.The child feels comfortable and safe,her/his smile signifies approval,so he/she is happy and well adjusted.4.she wants to appear confident and walks quickly.5.She may be tired,so she walks with her shoulder straight and her head hele high。


上一篇: 假如给我三天光明的所有好词佳句

下一篇: 牙疼含白酒可以止疼吗,牙疼快速止疼法(小朋友牙疼快速止疼法)
