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导读 今天之间网超哥来为大家解答以上的问题。英文歌词带翻译的音乐软件,英文歌词带翻译相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、Li...


1、Lia - The Force Of Love 爱情的力量All alone, somewhere far away from home孤独地。

2、在离家很远的地方In a lonely place where no one konws your name 在一个没有人知道你的名字的 寂寞的地方Lost inside a corner of your mind迷失在思想的一个角落Looking for a place to hide and none to find 找一个没有人能发现的地方 来隐藏Back in the days when you were just a child在你还是孩子的时候The sunrays danced eternally阳光永久地在跳舞And when you least expect it, you hear a voice inside在你没有想到的情况下。

3、你听到了一个声音Telling you to begin the life of your dreams 告诉你 开始为自己的梦而活You have the power to believe你有力量去相信Take a look inside your heart 看看自己的心里A road is waiting for you一条路在等着你The truth is written in the stars真相写在星星里No matter who you are 无论你在何处You feel the force of love都可以感觉到 爱的力量Like a wind blowing high above the clouds像在云上飞舞的风一样You were moving fast but couldn’t touch the ground 你快速的移动 却没能接触地面Think of the days when you were just a child想想你还是孩子的时候You felt a joy so tenderly 感觉到了一份暖心的快乐And if you stop to listen to what you feel inside 如果你再也不去听你心里是怎么想You can be everything you wanted to be 你可以变成你想要的所有You have the power to achieve你有力量去实现If you reach inside your heart如果到达了自己的心里面Your wish is waiting for you你的愿望在等你The truth is written in the stars真相写在星星里No matter where you are无论你在何处You feel the force of love 都可以感觉到 爱的力量All the pain and tears and broken dreams所有的痛苦 眼泪 和无法完成的梦Flowing like a river像河一样地流动着It’s never easy to see这些是很不容易看到的Trust what you feel and just keep your spirit free相信你的感觉 释放你的灵魂You can be all the things you wanted to be你可以变成你想要的所有In your dreams 在梦里You have the power to believe你有力量去相信Make a promise in your heart和心建立一个约定Your future’s waiting for you你的未来在等你A secret in the sky above天空上的秘密Like a shooting star像一颗流星You feel the force of love感觉到 爱的力量It’s written in the stars它写在星星里...呵呵~。



上一篇: 客户致歉函 致歉信客户怎么写

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