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人称代词和物主代词的题目和答案 人称代词和物主代词练习题

导读: 今天来聊聊关于人称代词和物主代词的题目和答案,人称代词和物主代词练习题的文章,现在就为大家来简单介绍下人称代词和物主代词的题目和答...


1、用括号中所给词的正确形式填空:1.____ is a boy. Do you know ____ name?(he) 2._____ is a parrot. ____ name is JiJi. (it)3.____father is an English teacher. ____ is my friend._____ name is Kitty. (she)4.Lily and _____ are in the same class. _____number is eleven.( I )5.Where is _____ teacher, do ____ know?( you)6.Are ____ _____ Japanese friends? No, ______ aren’t.( they)7.____ old friend / ____ X / ____ U (a).8.This is a cat, but I don’t know_______ name.9.I’m a Chinese boy. _______ name is Ma Weiping.10.Look at that man. Can you spell ______ name?11.I know that woman. _____ bike is very old.***.Mr Ye is not here. Where’s _______?13.What is this in English ? Is ______ a dog ?14.----Are ______ Mrs Read ? -----Sorry, _____ am Mr Black.15.Excuse ______, is _______a Japanese car?16._____ are a new student(学生). What’s ____ name?17.Hi, Jack. This is ______ friend. _____name is Sam.人称和物主代词专练1.你 I don’t know what’s ________ name, can ______tell me? Look at that picture. Is that ______ and _______ father ?2.我 These are _______boxes. ______ put them over there. Jack and ______ are good friends. ______ English name is kitty.3.他 _____ is an American boy and _______ is a student. ______mother is a Chinese woman, but _____ father is an American man.4.她 I have a good friend. ______ name is Lucy. _______ is twelve. ______ and I are in the same class. ______ parrot is very nice.5.它 What is _______ name ? ______ is MiMi. What’s seven plus six? ____ is thirteen.6.你们-------Are _______ names Lucy and Lily?------- Yes, we are. -------Are _____ twins? ---------Yes,_____ are right.7.我们-------Are ______ all here today? --------No, ______ monitor(班长) is not here. This is ______ Japanese teacher. ________ like her very much.8.他们 --------Are _______ _________ buses? ---------No, _______ aren’t. ________ buses are over there.9.凯特 They are _________ father and mother.10.哥哥 My ________ name is Jim. Do you know my _________?可以么?。



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