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intelligent中文翻译 intelligent

导读: 今天来聊聊关于intelligent中文翻译,intelligent的文章,现在就为大家来简单介绍下intelligent中文翻译,intelligent,希望对各位小伙伴们...


1、性及解释 Part of speech and definition a. 聪明的, 智能的, 了解的例句 Sentences An intelligent terminal; intelligent peripherals.智能终端;智能外部设备Very intelligent or talented悟性高的;聪颖的;天才的A highly intelligent person.高智力的人Intelligent she certainly was.她的确十分聪明。

2、And he is intelligent,too.他还很有才华呢。

3、搜索更多短句 相关词条 Relative words intelligent robot intelligent controller intelligent management intelligent printer intelligent use intelligent memory intelligent learning intelligent artifact intelligent machine intelligent mail intelligent workstation intelligent data intelligent program intelligent device intelligent agent intelligent maturation intelligent automaton 相关资料 Relative Resource a.1. 有才智的;聪明的;明智的;有理性的The child made a very intelligent comment.那孩子作了很有见地的评论。

4、Elephants are intelligent animals.象是有灵性的动物。

5、2. 【电脑】智能的;能将数字信息转换成硬拷贝的3. 了解的,熟悉的[(+of/about)]He has really been very intelligent about the whole thing.他对事情的全过程确实很了解。



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