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cookiejar cookiejar解析

导读 大家好,小宜来为大家讲解下。cookiejar,cookiejar解析这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!Two new Vocabulary words of the...


Two new Vocabulary words of the day!!


Zealot ~ Categorically

1. Zealot ~ n. The hamburger zealot was so fanatical about his burgers that he camped outside his favorite fast-food joint for hours every morning, waiting for it to open. And he would never put mustard on them, only ketchup. The original zealots were a group of first-century Jews who were absolutely determined to overthrow Roman rule in Palestine. Today, anyone who goes overboard in their zeal, or enthusiasm, for a particular cause, a religion, a sports team, or a charitable organization — can be called a zealot. The coffee lover was a zealot regarding where his coffee was grown, who grew it, and how it was roasted.

2. Categorically ~ adv. Categorically means in a way that's so clear that it's impossible to be confused or uncertain. When your sister categorically warns you against snooping in her diary, there's no mistaking what she means. If you categorically deny knowing anything about who ate the last chocolate chip cookie, you state clearly and directly: "I did not eat that cookie, and I have no idea who did." In fact, anything you do or say categorically is done or said unambiguously and unconditionally. This adverb comes from categorical, "asserting absolutely," and its Greek meaning , "accusatory or affirmative."

1... (a) When the fitness zealot learned a tobacco shop was moving next door to his gym, he decided to picket the shop’s corporate office. (b) Some people call Mr. Pete a zealot because of the lengths he goes to in order to get extra big warm hugs. (c) During the middle of the night, a pro-life zealot bombed the abortion clinic and killed two nurses who were working late.

2... (a) He insisted that the policy is fundamentally flawed and categorically untrue. (b) Authorities have categorically denied that any violence took place, which was obviously incorrect. (c) My friend Cherry, categorically denies she took the cookie from the cookie jar.





1. Crave discomfort 直面难受的感觉,比如你已经工作一天很累,那么去gym运动 自虐;

2. Accept Pain 直面困难 ,困难像弹簧,你强它就弱你弱他就强;

3. The 40% rules 就是你的身体为了自保,在它真正能承受的40%的时候就告诉你,不行了done吧;

4. the cookie jar 就是说你的任何一个小进步,比如连续学习了2h都能被储存为一块cookie,当你真的遇到困难的时候,让这一块块小cookie激励自己继续。


其中有一点我就很不同意的,1. Crave discomfort 直面难受的感觉,比如你已经工作一天很累,那么去gym运动自虐;



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