【2019年12月6日 百天英语-Day133】
昨天学习了主要学习了 ①suffer的用法,与suffer同义词辨析。②the further … the less,the more … the more的用法。
The great ship, Titanic, sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10th, 1912. She was carrying 1,316 passengers and crew of 891. Even by modern standards, the 46,000 ton Titanic was a colossal ship.
巨轮“泰坦尼克”号1912年4月10日从南安普敦起锚驶向纽约。船上载有1,316名乘客与891名船员。却使用现代标准来衡量,45,000 吨的“泰坦尼克”号与算得上一艘巨轮了。
节选《新概念英语3 Flying cats》
She was carrying 1,316 passengers and crew of 891.
This is a college of 10,000 students and faculty. 这所大学拥有 一万名学生和教职工。
Even by modern standards…
4,6,8 are all even numbers. 4,6,8都是偶数。
even: 通常指平面上的各点或一条直线的各点处在同一平面或直线上。
flat: 指光滑平整的表面,但不一定是水平的。
level: 强调没有高低之处,且在同一水平面,可引申指才能相等或与相邻某物平行。
smooth: 侧重指表面十分平滑,无任何粗糙的感觉。引申作圆滑解。
You need an even surface to work on. 你需要有个平面在上面工作。
③常用词组even if,even though 即使
I like her, even though she can be annoying at time. 尽管她有时很烦人,我还是喜欢她。
Even if two of these were flooded, she would still be able to float.即使有两个舱进水,仍可漂浮的水面上。
这个句子中采用了be able to的用法,表示有…能力,是不是与can很相似?能互用吗?明天我们来看一下。
Tina loves watching TV.
She has a television in every room of the house,
even the bathroom.
These pictures are really awful. Even I take better pictures than these.
(and I’m certainly not a good photographer)
He always wears a coat, even in hot weather.
The print was very small. I couldn’t read it, even with glasses.
Nobody would help her, not even her best friend. 或者说
Not even her best friend would help her.
Laura has travelled all over the world. She’s even been to the Antarctic.
They are very rich. They even have their own private jet.
你可以用even连用否定词(not even, can 't even, don 't even等):
I can’t cook. I can’t even boil an egg. (and boiling an egg is very easy)
They weren’t very friendly to us. They didn’t even say hello.
Jessica is very fit. She’s been running quite fast and she’s not even out of breath.
你可以用even comparative(cheaper / more expensive etc):
I got up very early, but Jack got up even earlier.
I knew I didn’t have much money, but I have even less than I thought.
We were very surprised to get an email from her. We were even more surprised when she
came to see us a few days later.
even though / even when / even if
We use even though / even when / even if subject verb:
我们用even though /even when /even if 主语 动词:
Even though Tina can’t drive, she has a car.
主语 动词
He never shouts, even when he’s angry.
This river is dangerous. It’s dangerous to swim in it, even if you’re a strong swimmer.
我们不用even subject verb. 我们说:
Even though she can’t drive, she has a car. (not even she can’t drive)
I can’t reach the shelf even if I stand on a chair. (not even I stand)
比较even if 和 even (不带 if):
It’s dangerous to swim here even if you’re a strong swimmer. (not even you are)
The river is dangerous, even for strong swimmers.
比较 even if 和 if:
We’re going to the beach tomorrow. It doesn’t matter what the weather is like.
We’re going even if the weather is bad.
We want to go to the beach tomorrow, but we won’t go if the weather is bad.