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Why do climate scientists predict a change of just 1.5 or 2° Celsius means disaster for the world?【译】为什么气候科学家预测只有1.5或2摄氏度的变化却对世界来说意味着灾难?【单词】climate ['klahy-mit]['klaɪmət] n. 气候【单词】scientists 原型:scientist ['sahy-uh n-tist]['saɪəntɪst] n. 科学家【单词】predict [pri-'dikt][prɪ'dɪkt] v. 预言;预报;预知;预测【单词】disaster [dih-'zas-ter, -'zah-ster][dɪ'zɑːstə] n. 灾难【专有名词】Celsius ['sel-see-uhs, -shee-]['selsiəs] adj. 摄氏的 n. 摄氏
How can such a small temperature shift make such a big impact?【译】这么小的温度变化怎么会产生这么大的影响?【单词】temperature ['tem-per-uh-cher]['temprətʃə] n. 气温;温度【单词】shift [shift][ʃɪft] n. 变化;移动;计谋;轮班职工【单词】impact ['im-pakt]['ɪmpækt] n. 影响;冲击力
It's not just about the temperature getting a few degrees warmer.【译】不仅仅是气温升高几度。【单词】warmer 原型:warm 形容词比较级,更暖和的
An effect of rising CO2 levels is that the global average temperature will get a few degrees warmer.【译】二氧化碳浓度上升的一个影响是全球平均气温将升高几度。【单词】global ['gloh-buhl]['ɡləʊbl] adj. 全球性的;总的【单词】average ['av-er-ij]['ævərɪdʒ] adj. 平均的;一般的;通常的【专有名词】CO2 [化]二氧化碳(=carbon dioxide)
That average temperature increase is a benchmark only, not the problem in and of itself.【译】平均气温上升只是一个基准,而不是问题本身。【单词】benchmark ['bench-mahrk]['bentʃmɑːk] n. 基准点;参照点
It's the other effects of the same root cause of increasing CO2 levels that are a problem.【译】这是一个问题的另一个相同的根本原因,二氧化碳浓度的增加。【单词】root [root, roo t][ruːt] n. 根;根源;根本
The earth is a giant thermodynamic engine that takes in energy in higher amounts near the equator where solar gain is greater than heat radiated back into space, and funnels it to the poles, where solar gain is less than heat radiated to space.【译】地球是一个巨大的热力学引擎,在赤道附近吸收更多的能量,那里的太阳增益大于辐射回太空的热量,并将其输送到两极,那里的太阳增益小于辐射到太空的热量。【语法】greater than 形容词或副词比较级 + than,是“比...更...”的意思;例句:He is younger than me. 他比我(更)年轻。He runs faster than me. 他比我跑得(更)快。【短语】less than 小于;少于;不到;例句:Seven is two less than nine. 9比7少2。【单词】earth [urth][ɜːθ] n. 地球【单词】giant ['jahy-uh nt]['dʒaɪənt] adj. 巨大的【单词】thermodynamic [thur-moh-dahy-'nam-ik][ˌθɜːməʊdaɪ'næmɪk] adj. 热力的;热力学的【单词】engine ['en-juh n]['endʒɪn] n. 发动机;引擎【单词】equator [ih-'kwey-ter][ɪ'kweɪtə] n. 赤道【单词】solar ['soh-ler]['səʊlə] adj. 太阳的;太阳能的【单词】gain [geyn][ɡeɪn] n. 获得;收益;增益【单词】heat [heet][hiːt] n. 热度;热【单词】radiated 原型:radiate ['rey-dee-eyt]['reɪdieɪt] v. 放射;散发;辐射【单词】funnels 原型:funnel ['fuhn-l]['fʌnl] vt. 使成漏斗状;使经过漏斗【单词】poles 原型:pole [pohl][pəʊl] n. 杆;柱;极点
CO2 acts like a blanket over the system, keeping more heat in, but the equatorial zones don't heat much, they just shuttle that extra heat to the poles through ocean and wind currents.【译】二氧化碳就像覆盖在整个系统上的一层毯子,把更多的热量保持在里面,但是赤道区域的热量并不多,它们只是把多余的热量通过洋流和风流输送到两极。【单词】blanket ['blang-kit]['blæŋkɪt] n. 毛毯;覆盖物【单词】equatorial [ee-kwuh-'tawr-ee-uhl][ˌekwə'tɔːriəl] adj. 近赤道的;赤道的【单词】zones 原型:zone [zohn][zəʊn] n. 地域;地带;地区【单词】shuttle ['shuht-l]['ʃʌtl] v. 往返运送;穿梭移动【单词】extra ['ek-struh]['ekstrə] adj. 额外的【单词】ocean ['oh-shuh n]['əʊʃn] n. 海洋;海量
The same air currents also shuttle CO2 up to the poles, as can be seen in this NASA model, which further reduces heat radiated back into space at the poles.【译】同样的气流也将二氧化碳输送到两极,这一点可以在美国宇航局的模型中看到,这进一步减少了在两极辐射回太空的热量。【单词】reduces 原型:reduce [ri-'doos, -'dyoos][rɪ'djuːs] v. 减少;缩小【专有名词】NASA ['nas-uh]['næsə] abbr. 美国国家航空和航天管理局(=National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
This means that the poles are heating up a lot more than 2 degrees C.【译】这意味着两极的温度上升了2摄氏度以上。
More like 10.【译】差不多10(摄氏度)吧。
The bulk of earth's frozen water is at the poles, so this rise of several degrees Celsius in the polar regions will melt a significant amount of land based ice, raising sea levels.【译】地球上大部分的冷冻水都在两极,因此极地地区几摄氏度的上升将融化大量的陆地冰,提高海平面。【单词】bulk [buhlk][bʌlk] n. 体积;容积;大块;大部分;大批【单词】frozen 原型:freeze [freez][friːz] v. 冻结;冷冻;凝固。frozen [ˈfrəʊzn]在这里是过去分词做形容词用,意为“冷冻的; 冰封的; 结冰的;”【单词】polar ['poh-ler]['pəʊlə] adj. 两极的;对立的【单词】regions 原型:region ['ree-juhn]['riːdʒən] n. 地区;范围;领域;地带;地域【单词】melt [melt][melt] vt. 使融化;使熔化;使消散【单词】based 原型:base [beys][beɪs] n. 底部;基础【单词】raising 原型:raise [reyz][reɪz] vt. 升起;举起;
This is going to cost trillions of dollars to either preemptively try to deal with or as flood damage.【译】这将花费数万亿美元,无论是提前设法处理或作为可能产生的洪灾带来的损失。【单词】trillions 原型:trillion ['tril-yuhn]['trɪljən] n. 大量;兆;万亿【单词】dollars 原型:dollar ['dol-er]['dɒlə] n. 美元【单词】preemptively [pree-'emp-tiv-lee][prɪ'emptɪv] adj. 优先购买的;先发制人的【单词】flood [fluhd][flʌd] n. 洪水【单词】damage ['dam-ij]['dæmɪdʒ] n. 损害;损失;毁坏
In addition, CO2 in the atmosphere is also absorbed into the oceans.【译】此外,大气中的二氧化碳也被吸收到海洋中。【单词】addition [uh-'dish-uhn][ə'dɪʃn] n. 增加;附加物
【短语】in addition 另外,此外。例句:In addition, we buy you a medical insurance. 除此而外,我们给你买医疗保险。【单词】atmosphere ['at-muhs-feer]['ætməsfɪə] n. 大气;空气【单词】absorbed 原型:absorb [ab-'sawrb, -'zawrb][əb'sɔːb] vt. 吸收
As the CO2 levels in the ocean rise, the oceans acidify, due to the creation of carbonic acid.【译】随着海洋中二氧化碳含量的上升,海洋会被“酸化”,这是因为会有碳酸产生。【短语】due to 多数表示“由于;因为”。如:This accident was due to his careless driving.同时,due 与to 单配,还可以表示“付给某人”,如:Respect is due to older people.【单词】acidify [uh-'sid-uh-fahy][ə'sɪdɪfaɪ] v. 使变酸;酸化【单词】creation [kree-'ey-shuhn][kri'eɪʃn] n. 创造;产生【单词】carbonic [kahr-'bon-ik][kɑː'bɒnɪk] adj. 碳的;含碳的【单词】acid ['as-id]['æsɪd] n. 酸;酸性物质
You may have seen of heard of people dissolving baby teeth in a can of coke, and the same thing happens to carbonaceous minerals in acidified ocean water.【译】你可能听说过有人把乳牙溶解在可乐罐里,同样的事情也发生在酸化海水中的含碳矿物上。【单词】dissolving 原型:dissolve [dih-'zolv][dɪ'zɒlv] vt. 使溶解;消除【单词】teeth 原型:tooth [tooth][tuːθ] n. 牙齿;齿状物【单词】coke [kohk][kəʊk] n. <口>可口可乐(=Coca-Cola)【单词】happens 原型:happen ['hap-uhn]['hæpən] vi. 发生;碰巧【单词】carbonaceous [kahr-buh-'ney-shuhs][ˌkɑːbə'neɪʃəs] adj. 碳的;碳质的;含碳的【单词】minerals 原型:mineral ['min-er-uhl, 'min-ruhl]['mɪnərəl] n. 矿物【单词】acidified [uh-'sid-uh-fahy][ə'sɪdɪfaɪ] v. 使变酸;酸化
So organisms with calcium carbonate shells like shellfish and coral grow slower and will likely soon reach the point where their structures are dissolving faster than they grow.【译】因此,有碳酸钙壳的生物,如贝类和珊瑚,生长较慢,很可能很快就会达到结构溶解速度比生长速度快的程度。【单词】organisms 原型:organism ['awr-guh-niz-uhm]['ɔːɡənɪzəm] n. 有机体;生物体;有机组织【单词】calcium ['kal-see-uhm]['kælsiəm] n. 钙【单词】carbonate ['kahr-buh-neyt, -nit]['kɑːbəneɪt] n. 碳酸盐【单词】shells 原型:shell [shel][ʃel] n. 壳【单词】shellfish ['shel-fish]['ʃelfɪʃ] n. 贝;甲壳类动物【单词】coral ['kawr-uhl, 'kor-]['kɒrəl] n. 珊瑚
This kicks the legs out of the base of the ocean's food web, and will largely collapse ocean life in near shore areas with the exception of algae and jellyfish.【译】这将把它们踢出海洋食物网的底层,并将在很大程度上摧毁近岸地区的海洋生物,除了藻类和水母。【单词】kicks 原型:kick [kik][kɪk] v. 踢【单词】web [web][web] n. 网;网络【单词】collapse [kuh-'laps][kə'læps] v. (使)倒塌;(使)崩溃;(使)瓦解【单词】shore [shawr, shohr][ʃɔː] n. 岸;滨【单词】exception [ik-'sep-shuhn][ɪk'sepʃn] n. 例外;不合规则;反对【单词】algae ['al-jee]['ældʒiː] n. 水藻;海藻; 名词alga的复数形式.【单词】jellyfish ['jel-ee-fish]['dʒelifɪʃ] n. 水母;海蜇
Finally, since the earth is currently being shifted out of equilibrium, the weather patterns are behaving like a top that is starting to topple, with extreme systems swinging across the globe.【译】最后,由于地球目前正在失去平衡,天气模式的表现就像一个顶部开始倾倒的极端系统在全球范围内摆动。【单词】currently ['kur-uhnt-lee, 'kuhr-]['kʌrəntli] adv. 现在;通常;当前【单词】equilibrium [ee-kwuh-'lib-ree-uhm, ek-wuh-][ˌiːkwɪ'lɪbriəm] n. 平衡;均衡;平静【单词】patterns 原型:pattern ['pat-ern; British 'pat-n]['pætn] n. 模式【单词】behaving 原型:behave [bih-'heyv][bɪ'heɪv] v. 表现;行为;举止【单词】topple ['top-uhl]['tɒpl] vi. 倒塌【单词】extreme [ik-'streem][ɪk'striːm] adj. 极度的;极端的【单词】swinging 原型:swing [swing][swɪŋ] v. 摇摆;旋转;动摇【单词】globe [glohb][ɡləʊb] n. 地球;世界
We are getting high pressure systems that park themselves over an area for weeks at a time, blasting the area with heat.【译】这些高压系统会一次在一个区域上空停上几个星期,用高温对该区域进行破坏。【单词】blasting 原型:blast [blast, blahst][blɑːst] v. 爆破;摧毁
In the ocean, this can kill corals, and much of the earth's coral reefs are already dying off as a result of these extended heat waves.【译】在海洋中,这会杀死珊瑚,地球上的许多珊瑚礁已经因为这些比以前更持久的热浪而死亡。【短语】as a result (of ...) 结果,因...而...;例句:The plan foundered as a result of lack of finance. 这个计划由于缺乏资金而失败。【单词】reefs 原型:reef [reef][riːf] n. 暗礁;矿脉【单词】dying 原型:die [dahy][daɪ] v. 死;枯竭;消失
【单词】extended 原型:extend [ik-'stend][ɪk'stend] v. 延伸;延长;伸展;扩展【单词】waves 原型:wave [weyv][weɪv] n. 波浪;波
Over land they reduce crop yields and can kill people.【译】在陆地上,它们会降低作物产量,并可能导致死亡。【单词】crop [krop][krɒp] n. 农作物;收成;庄稼【单词】yields 原型:yield [yeeld][jiːld] n. 投资收益;生产量
We have a circumpolar band of wind called the polar vortex that will start to meander, bringing snow to Florida and dropping temperatures across the Eastern US by 10-15 degrees C below normal in the middle of winter for weeks at a time, killing native plants and animals that aren't adapted to being able to survive that kind of cold for that long.【译】我们有一个被称为“极地涡旋”的环绕极地风带,它将开始盘旋,给佛罗里达州带来降雪,整个美国东部地区的气温在隆冬时节连续数周低于正常值10-15摄氏度,杀死那些不适应在那种寒冷中存活那么长时间的当地动植物。【单词】circumpolar [sur-kuhm-'poh-ler][ˌsɜːkəm'pəʊlə] adj. 极地附近的;天极附近的【单词】band [band][bænd] n. 带;箍【单词】vortex ['vawr-teks]['vɔːteks] n. 漩涡;旋风【单词】meander [mee-'an-der][mi'ændə] v. 缓慢而弯曲地流动;漫步;迂回【单词】native ['ney-tiv]['neɪtɪv] adj. 本国的;本土的;当地的【单词】plants 原型:plant [plant, plahnt][plɑːnt] n. 植物【单词】adapted 原型:adapt [uh-'dapt][ə'dæpt] vi. 适应;适合【单词】survive [ser-'vahyv][sə'vaɪv] vt. 幸免于难;存活;艰难度过【专有名词】Florida 地名 ['flawr-i-duh, 'flor-]['flɒrɪdə] n. 佛罗里达(美国州名) 【专有名词】Eastern US 美国东部
These shifting weather patterns also change climate in areas, such that some areas will see extended drought such that there will no longer be enough water for the people that currently live there.【译】这些不断变化的天气模式也改变了一些地区的气候,因此一些地区将出现持续的干旱,从而不再有足够的水供应目前居住在那里的人们。【单词】drought [drout][draʊt] n. 干旱
In other areas, heavier rainfall increase flooding and landslide events, which cause millions to billions of dollars of damage to communities and kill people.【译】在其他地区,强降雨增加了洪水和山体滑坡事件,给社区造成数百万至数十亿美元的损失,并造成人员死亡。【单词】heavier 原型:heavy 形容词比较级 ['hev-ee]['hevi] adj. 大(量)的;重的;沉重的;猛烈的【单词】rainfall ['reyn-fawl]['reɪnfɔːl] n. 降雨;降雨量【单词】landslide ['land-slahyd]['lændslaɪd] n. 山崩;滑坡【单词】billions 原型:billion ['bil-yuh n]['bɪljən] n. 十亿
Any time the world goes through a climactic shift, it becomes less habitable to the species that were adapted to the old patterns.【译】任何时候,世界经历了一次极度的转变,它就变得越来越不适合那些只适应旧模式的物种居住。【单词】climactic [klahy-'mak-tik][klaɪ'mæktɪk] adj. 高潮的;顶点的【单词】habitable ['hab-i-tuh-buhl]['hæbɪtəbl] adj. 可居住的;适于居住的【单词】species ['spee-sheez, -seez]['spiːʃiːz] n. 种类;(单复同)物种
Because of the interconnectedness of ecosystems, these effects ripple in a positive feedback loop that drives up extinction rates in a runaway process that can radically alter the biome.【译】由于生态系统的相互联系,这些效应在正反馈环中波动,从而在一个失控的过程中推高灭绝率,从而从根本上改变生物群落。【单词】interconnectedness [in-ter-kuh-'nek-tid-nis][ˌɪntəkə'nekt] v. 使互相连接;连接【单词】ecosystems 名词复数形式 Ecosystems 生态系统【单词】ripple ['rip-uhl]['rɪpl] v. 使起涟漪;起伏【单词】positive ['poz-i-tiv]['pɒzətɪv] adj. 积极的;肯定的;正面的【单词】feedback ['feed-bak]['fiːdbæk] n. 反馈【单词】loop [loop][luːp] n. 环;圈;回路【单词】drives 原型:drive [drahyv][draɪv] v. 驱动;迫使【单词】extinction [ik-'stingk-shuhn][ɪk'stɪŋkʃn] n. 消失;消减【单词】runaway ['ruhn-uh-wey]['rʌnəweɪ] adj. 逃跑的;失控的;迅速的【单词】radically ['rad-ik-lee]['rædɪkli] adv. 根本地;完全地;过激地【单词】alter ['awl-ter]['ɔːltə] v. 改变;更改【单词】biome ['bahy-ohm]['baɪəʊm] n. 生物群系
This is not good for humans in the short run or the long run.【译】无论从短期还是长期来看,这对人类都不好。
billion /ˈbɪljən/n.十亿,现在小编就来说说关于billion和billions的区别?下面内容希望能帮助到你,我们来一起看看吧!

billion /ˈbɪljən/
1680s, from French billion.A million million in Britain and Germany (numeration by groups of sixes), which was the original sense; subsequently altered in French to "a thousand million" (numeration by groups of threes) and picked up in that form in U.S., "due in part to French influence after the Revolutionary War" [David E. Smith, "History of Mathematics," 1925]. France reverted to the original meaning in 1948. British usage is truer to the etymology, but U.S. sense is said to be increasingly common there in technical writing.
英语单词billion来自法语,由bi-(两个)和million(百万)构成,本意是million million(万亿)。进入英语都保留了“万亿”的本意。但后来,也许是因为“万亿”这个单位太大,曾经有段时间,billion在法语中的含义从“万亿”变成了“十亿”。也许是因为在美国独立战争中美国人和法国人并肩和英国人作战的缘故,美国人也采用了法国人的做法。法国从1948年开始将billion的含义恢复到它的本意“万亿”,但美国依然坚持用billion来表示“十亿”而非“万亿”。就这样,同一个英语单词billion,在美国和英国的含义相差了整整一千倍。为了避免混淆,英国曾经在1961年用表示“十亿”的词根giga-创造了新单词gillion,表示“十亿”。不过,随着美国文化影响力日益增大,越来越多的英国人也开始采用美国人的做法,用billion来表示“十亿”而非“万亿”。
His businesses are worth a combined total of $3 billion.
Sales jumped from $2.7 billion to $3.5 billion.
本文关键词:billion和million区别,billion和trillion,billion和g,billions and billions,billion和billions of的区别。这就是关于《billion和billions的区别,英读廊——为什么科学家预测一两度的温度上升却对世界意味着灾难》的所有内容,希望对您能有所帮助!