Jack Birns(杰克·伯恩斯 1919-2008),美国《生活》杂志摄影记者,在中国内战的最后几年被派往上海进行战时报道。1947 年,当杰克・伯恩斯作为美国《生活》杂志摄影记者被派往上海的时候,正值中国内战时期。上海这座曾经繁华的国际都市正处于贫困、腐败和混乱的包围之中。不顾出版人亨利・R. 卢斯的反对,伯恩斯将他的老相机聚焦在战乱中的普通人和他们的日常生活上,他在极其困难和危险的情况下,拍下了难民、乞丐、儿童、妓女、士兵以及贫富悬殊的生活、街头的行刑和市民的反抗,但当时这些照片许多都未获准发表。
P75.China, Last Days Of Shanghai
P76.China, Last Days Of Shanghai
P77.China, Last Days Of Shanghai
P78.French Indo China Government official Vien Bay, reading a prepared speech.
P79.Army Transport Service about to sail with load of AAG vehicles being removed from Nanking to 8th Army headquarters in Japan.
P80.China, Last Days Of Shanghai
P81.China, Last Days Of Shanghai
P82.North China
P84.Statue of Portuguese hero Lt. Nicolau de Mesquita in Square of Macao.
P85.Large transport ships sitting with native boats in harbor, in French Indo China.
P86.Movie house advertising movie, "Tll The Clouds Roll By," in French Indo China.
P88.Colonel Wei-Kuo Chiang, wearing full military dress uniform, relaxing with a cigarette.
P89.Local patrons shopping in store, in French Indo China.
P90.China, Last Days Of Shanghai
P91.Assembly delegates.
P92.Many billboards advertising cigarettes.
P93.Locals enjoying the town garden, in French Indochina.
P94.Chinese General Kai-Shek Chiang sitting at his residence.
Cities of the day what are you doing to Dunedin House of beer? Yeah, yeah bro you Navajo city need to be at Baywatch Ocean city in ye
第二天早上迫不及待,10点多前赶到一个有名的龙虾店。里面有四个大鲜贝和四个大虾,才30刀,特别新鲜,味道好极了。新鲜的硬壳和软壳龙虾,无论怎么做都让人回味无穷,缅因也是野蓝莓的故乡,这里的蓝莓饱满丰富,蓝莓 Soda 清甜不腻。
然后去了那里最有名的观光地点,灯塔Light House. 这里最大的特点是那些像腐木一样的石头。灯塔与海岸线的交汇永远是最美丽的,一座海边的小灯塔,像是童话里的小屋子,藏满了故事和幻想。有没有觉得熟悉,好多明信片都出自于此。我特别喜欢坐在那里听海水打在礁石上发出的声音。哗哗哗的,浪很高很急。录了好几段视频。小时候去北戴河度假,也喜欢听涛声。
午餐后溜达回小木屋,走了一个多小时,正好赶上吃晚餐,这里只有一个餐馆。我们去的时候才重新开放。他家的龙虾卷和clam chowder 比较有名。挡不住龙虾卷的诱惑,买了一个尝尝。分量大,拿到手里,能看到沉甸甸的龙虾肉颤巍巍的堆在一起,面包烤得酥脆,一口咬下去,新鲜美味,有种这龙虾是刚才海里捞出来的错觉。这是此趟行程最美味的龙虾卷,一定不要错过。
另外一个推荐是炸鱼 Battered Casco Bay Pollock,炸得十分蓬松可人,肉新鲜软嫩,感觉也是桌桌必点的。我们在室外吃的,气温非常舒适,竟然没有蚊子。所以在这里用餐环境挺好。
#海外条友说# #全球新视野#
To travel around the world is the dream of many adventurous people.But very few people can afford a global tour because hotels,food and airplane tickets are too expensive.Some people,however,have thought of some ways to realize their dreams.
Laura Cody and Tanbay Theune,a couple from Britain,decided to travel around the world.They have found a good way to pay for their trips.They look after pets for rich house owners.In exchange,they can stay in the houses for free.
They have looked after horses,cows,cats,dogs and fish.In two years,the couple has been to Australia,Germany,Spain and Italy.They have stayed in big cities and small villages.The home owners are usually very generous and have given them food,wine and day trips.
Another person who tries to realize her travel dream is photographer Rhiannon Taylor.She travels around the world to visit,review and take photos of the best hotels.She shares the places she stays and the food she eats on the Internet with tens of thousands of followers.
With these ways of making money,traveling around the world is no longer a dream.More and more young people are thinking creatively to make their dream come true.
环游世界是许多爱冒险的人的梦想。 但是很少有人能负担得起环球旅行,因为酒店、食物和机票都太贵了。 然而,有些人已经想到了一些方法来实现他们的梦想。
Laura Cody和Tanbay Theune是一对来自英国的夫妇,他们决定环游世界。 他们找到了支付旅行费用的好办法。
他们为富有的房主照看宠物。 作为交换,他们可以免费住在房子里。 他们照看过马、牛、猫、狗和鱼。 两年来,这对夫妇去过澳大利亚、德国、西班牙和意大利。 他们一直住在大城市和小村庄。 房主通常都很慷慨,给了他们食物、酒和一日游。
另一个试图实现自己旅行梦想的人是摄影师里安农·泰勒。 她周游世界,参观、回顾和拍摄最好的酒店。 她在网上分享她住过的地方和吃过的食物,有成千上万的粉丝。
有了这些赚钱的方式,环游世界不再是梦想。 越来越多的年轻人用创造性的思维来实现他们的梦想。