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典范英语7海象参加表演电子版 典范英语7海象参加表演afterreading

导读: 今天来聊聊关于典范英语7海象参加表演电子版,典范英语7海象参加表演afterreading的文章,现在就为大家来简单介绍下典范英语7海象参加表演...


1、I. 1-6 CABCBAII. 1. hurt 2. took 3. will be 4. stay, not move 5. givingIII. 1. What should , do 2. Howare, feeling 3. What’s wrong 4. How longIV. Kangkang went to call a taxi and Jane andMaria looked after him. They took him to the hospital. Michael had to stay inhospital for a few days. I hope he will get well soon and return home.。



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