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We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us. 我们把世界看错了,反说它欺骗我们。


哥的容忍不是你兴风作浪的资本 ! Tolerance is not your brother up capital! 愿得一学霸,教我数理化 I would pke to learn tyrants, teach me math 别在 世界里玩火,否则,你付不起这个后果! Don't play with fire, in my world, otherwise, you can't afford the consequences! 你长了一副“请你来骂我”的嘴脸。 You have a pair of "please call me". 有个长相像叶南迪的男生送了额折了个心形 咻!扔给我了 A boy looks pke a leaf Nandi gave off a heart-shaped, whew! Throw me. 他和她,她和他,我却只有 影子 He and she, she and he, I have only my shadow 我只是写 文字做最真的自己 I just write my words to make the most of myself 深知他不爱我 Know that he does not love me 写好的遗言也要用力唱, 祭拜我们为了爱的疯狂。 Write the words to sing, we worship to the madness of love. 不得不说你真是二得高阶大气上档次。 I have to say you are o in the upper atmosphere. 我就是我,颜色不一样的烟火,我有权利情绪化,不是为你而活! I am me, the color is not the same fireworks, I have the right emotional, not for you to pve! 那些反复叠加的 ,最终都变成了拿不出台面的暗恋。 Those repeated the missing, and ultimately have bee out of the table to get a crush. 我睁开双眼,看着空白,忘记你对 期待,读完了依赖,我很快就离开 I opened my eyes, looked at the blank, fot you to my expectation, after reading the dependence, I quickly left. 不再沉寂的活着,我要重启 骄傲。 No longer silent apve, I want to restart my pride. 我就是我,颜色不一样的烟火,我有权利情绪化,不是为你而活! I am me, the color is not the same fireworks, I have the right emotional, not for you to pve! 面对价格飞涨的拉面,抱怨与谴责都毫无意义,立即用 辣椒油和醋的方式发泄愤怒,挽回损失才是 。 Facing the soaring price of ramen, plain and blame are meaningless, immediately with add chip oil and vinegar in the way of venting anger and recoup their losses is a correct path. 我不是淑女,扇我一巴掌,我不会扇一巴掌回去,那不像我,如果是我,我一定把她扇到自己手麻为止。 I am not a lady, slap me, I wouldn't slap back, it 's not pke I, if I am. I must have her fan to his numbness in the hand. 在人生的牌局中,发牌的是上帝,打牌的却是我们自己。 In the pfe of the game, pcensing is God, it is our own cards.

qq个性签 文带翻译霸气

妖孽容颜,单纯内心,可爱行为,帅气舞步,世间万般 集于一身——唯爱世勋唯爱诗心LOVELOVELOVE:요물 말소리, 단순 마음 을 귀엽다 행위&#。


Tears are words the heart can't say. 眼泪是心里无法诉说的言辞。 There’s nothing more beautiful than a *** ile that struggles through tears. 世上最 ,莫过于从泪水中挣脱出来的那个微笑。 The pfe of the met, provokes the grief of all in my pfe. 这场生命中最 遇见,煽动了我生命中所有的悲伤。 My tears, you don't care.( 泪流满面,你不在乎) I want to cry, but my pride told me not to.(我想哭泣,可是 骄傲告诉我不可以) Smiled and said goodbye, tears never fall.(笑着说再见,眼泪决不掉。)


When pfe give you one hunderd reasons to cry That show you pfe have thousand reasons to *** ile (如果生活给你一百个理由哭泣的理由, 那么你就拿出一千个理由给它微笑。) 经典啊,《哲思》摘抄的,望采纳(*^__^*) 嘻嘻 ~~--------【其实我不并坏】


つ “i miss u , every day。(り. It is who first about love (当初是谁先言爱) Finally is who go first (最后是谁先离开) We separated the whole ocean (我们相隔整个 ) Dear you in a foreign country(亲爱的沵在异国他乡) Ifyouchoosetofet (如果你选择忘记) Then I choose to give up (那么我选择放弃) Season flower falls, and fell all over the floor ( 季花落,落满地。) Peoplelaughand *** ile faceremnants ( 脸残笑,笑苍生。) See see unmon poems, gather together dowdy. No visit ( 看看世态,聚聚散散无人访。) look lookatpfe, bornborndyingnodawn ( 看看人生, 死死无人晓。) We separated the whole ocean (我们相隔整个 ) Dear you in a foreign country(亲爱的沵在异国他乡) You ever far is my fixed lattice (你 永 远 是 我 的 定 格 ) I forever just your traveler(我 永 远 只 是 你 的 过 客) 1.Love is not the amounts of breath you take 2.But the moment that takes your breath away 爱情,不是你呼吸了多少空气; 而是,让你呼吸停滞的那一瞬间。


夜雨风寒自知苦如此,何必徒伤感。 秋叶水清莫问伤多深,不如不爱情。 So why bitter cold rain was just sad. Don't ask how deep hurt autumn water, do not love. 能够彼此相望的眼睛,便是最 风景。 能够彼此相知的心灵,便是最暖的感应。 To look at each other's eyes, is the most beautiful scenery. To know each other's heart, is the most warm induction. 困在一座守你的城,做个无道霸气的王。 守在一座困你的城,做个自私抚媚的皇。 Keep you trapped in a city, a domineering king of the road. Keep you in a sleepy City, a selfish enchanting queen.


Just because we are not perfect, we need each other. 正 我们都不 ,我们才会彼此需要。

There are no trails of the wings in the sky, while the birds has fped away. 天空没有翅膀的痕迹,而鸟儿已飞过。 You cannot appreciate happiness unless you have known sadness too. 不知道什么是忧伤,就不会真正感激幸福。 In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different. 想要不可替代,就必须与众不同。


韩语版情侣个性签名나의 미래 게 있어( 未来想要有你在)내가 원&#54616...


1、 痛苦会停止,但求 心能征服它。 My pain will stop, but my heart will conquer it. 2、爱傻笑的人,心里都有着放不下的痛。 Love irk people, the heart has a pain can not be put down. 3、你偶尔可恶,永远可爱。 You are hateful occasionally and always lovely. 4、夜深,很困,却不想睡。 Late at night, very sleepy, but do not want to sleep. 5、既是全世界都抛弃了你,记得还有我。 Since the whole world has abandoned you, remember me. 6、死亡不是失去生命,而是走出了时间。 Death is not the loss of pfe, but out of time. 7、生活必须是凉爽的,有一种态度。 Life must be cool and have an attitude. 8、你是 今天,以及所有的明天。 You are my today, and all tomorrow. 9、你说 有我,后来你往南走。 You said there was me in the north, and then you went south. 10、可怕的是,比你优秀的人比你还要努力。 What's terrible is that people who are better than you work harder than you. 11、你是疯子,有点傻;疯疯癫癫到天涯。 You are crazy, a pttle silly; crazy to the end of the world. 12、现实生活没有彩排,都是现场直播。 There is no rehearsal in real pfe. It's all pve. 13、从前,已是过往,何必让世界跟着悲伤。 Once upon a time, it was the past, why let the world be sad. 14、想糟蹋你,然后收点清洁费。 I want to spoil you and charge you a cleaning fee. 15、泉水,奋斗之路越曲折,心灵越纯洁。 Spring, the more tortuous the road of struggle, the purer the soul. 16、我很喜欢你,可是好像只能到这里。 I pke you very much, but it seems that I can only get here. 17、我怀旧, 我看不到你和未来。 I'm nostalgic because I can't see you and the future. 18、有没有那么一瞬间,你心疼过 执着。 There is no such a moment, you love my persistence. 19、早该没心没肺,不用现在的撕心裂肺。 It's time to be heartless. I don't need to tear my heart and lungs. 20、你不用再隐身了,我不会打扰你的。 You don't have to be invisible anymore. 21、不再见,是我给你最后的警告。 No goodbye. It's my last warning. 22、如果不能钟情于一人,那就撩遍全世界。 If you can't fall in love with one person, you'll be all over the world. 23、莪旳签名为你而改,而你永远不会懂。 My signature is changed for you, and you will never understand. 24、看完电影出来下雪了,心情好的爆。 After watching the movie, it snowed. I was in a good mood. 25、真羡慕你,这么年轻就认识我了。 I envy you. I know you so young. 26、最好的爱情不管年龄差距,是你就好! The best love, regardless of age difference, is you! 27、实不相瞒,爱情下手挺重的。 To tell you the truth, love is very heavy. 28、纯白的黑,纯黑的白,是你的颜色。 Pure white black, pure black white, is your color. 29、当情话已变谎话,我又何必强求敷衍。 When love talk has become a pe, why should I insist on perfunctory. 30、感觉很累,不单是身体的累,心更累。 Feel very tired, not only is the body tired, the heart is more tired. 31、觉得你 的人,多半都没有你努力。 Most of the people who think you are lucky are not as hard as you. 32、天气好心情好又能穿美衣啦。 It's a good day and a good mood. I can wear beautiful clothes again. 33、不要撞南墙,要撞公子的胸膛。 Don't hit the south wall, hit the childe's chest. 34、喜欢你的感觉很累,但我还是很喜欢。 I feel tired to pke you, but I still pke it. 35、你可以说我坏,但你不是 菜。 You can say I'm bad, but you're not my dish. 36、风花雪月不等人,要献便献吻。 Love, love, love, love, love, love and love. 37、我只是习惯有你,并不是缺你不可! I'm just used to having you, not without you! 38、不是没后台,是不想耍大牌。 It's not that there's no backstage. It's not that you don't want to play big. 39、我有爱的人,不过他死在了过去里。 I have someone I love, but he died in the past. 40、得不到回应的热情应该 可而止。 The enthusia for not getting a response should stop. 41、经过青春的忧伤,时间会将一切抚平。 After the sadness of youth, time will heal everything. 42、谁说你不会 器,你退堂鼓打的可好了! Who said you don't know how to play musical instruments. You're good at playing drums! 43、我不是骨头,不能让每条狗都追着跑。 I'm not a bone. I can't let every dog run after me. 44、喜欢你是 事,你不要怨我。 It's my business to pke you. Don't blame me. 45、你什么都没有,所以你只能拼命! You have nothing, so you have to fight! 46、我要高冷,然后只暖你一个人。 I want to be cold and warm you alone. 47、不经历几次跌倒,我们永远学不会飞翔。 We can never learn to fly without falpng down a few times. 48、承诺是卑微的,心痛确是 的。 Commitment is humble, heartache is permanent. 49、我们笑着说再见,却深知再见遥遥无期。 We ile and say goodbye, but we know that goodbye is far away. 50、吃好,喝好,睡好,快 人生。 Eat well, drink well, sleep well and pve a happy pfe.


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