Abu Dhabi has apirations to bee the capital of the international art scene. Star architects have been missioned to build avant-garde museums in the desert metropolis. 如今的阿联酋迪拜正在变成一个世界艺术建筑的大都会。世界上许多著名的建筑师都云集到迪拜这座沙漠中的城市,并设计了各种前卫的博物馆。 Jean Nouvel's proposal for a museum involves buildings of various types clustered directly by the sea. 法国建筑师让·努维尔设计的坐落在海边的博物馆,这个博物馆由许多样式各异的建筑集羣而成。 Zaha Hadid's Performing Arts Centre is an amoeba-like structure covered with a like window structure. 世界著名设计师扎哈·哈迪德设计的表演艺术中心像一个科幻世界里的变形虫,这个建筑的外面装饰了网状的玻璃窗结构。 Hadid is considered the high priest of deconstructive architecture. This image shows a simulated aerial view of her proposal for the Performing Arts Centre. 哈迪德的设计理念反应了建筑学中的解构主义理念。这是模拟出的表演艺术中心鸟瞰图。 This is Frank O. Gehry proposal for the Guggenheim Museum in Abu Dhabi. 法兰克·盖里在阿布扎比设计的古根海姆博物馆。 这是哈迪德设计的表演艺术中心内的表演厅景观图,它让人想起被锯断的动物骨头形状。 The Performing Arts Center would feature a spectacular view of the Persian Gulf and of Abu Dhabi's skyline. 表演艺术中心能看到迪拜附近美丽的 一色的波斯湾大海。