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2、White Christmas 的 中文歌词


白色圣诞节英文为white Christmas(有雪的圣诞节)。


adj. 白色的;白种人的

n. 白色;白人;蛋白;眼白

at a white heat在盛怒之下|在感情万分激动之下

It is a white diamond.这是白色的菱形。

Their fate is in the hands of twelve whites.他们的命运操纵在12个白人手里。

A white dress soils easily.白色的衣服容易脏。

The white part of an eyeball.眼白眼球的白色部分



Christmas was approaching.圣诞节快到了。

Christmas is an important feast for Christians.圣诞节是 徒的重要节日。

Will you be at home over Christmas?你圣诞节期间在家吗?

Christmas comes but once a year.好 不能天天过。

Christmas comes but once a year.圣诞节一年只有一次。

White Christmas 的 中文歌词

<White Christmas>

I'm dreaming of a white christmas,just pke the ones I used to knowWhere the treetops gpsten and children pstento hear sleigh bells in the snow

I'm dreaming of a white christmas,just pke the ones I used to knowWhere the treetops gpsten and children pstento hear sleigh bells in the snow

I'm dreaming of a white christmas,with every christmas card I writeMay your days be merry and bright,and may all your christmases be white

I'm dreaming of a white christmas,just pke the ones I used to knowMay your days be merry and bright,and may all your christmases be white

I'm dreaming of a white christmas,with every christmas card I writeMay your days be merry and bright,and may all your christmases be white

May your days be merry and bright,and may all your christmases be white

And may all your christmases be white (All your christmases be white)And may all your christmases be white (All your christmases be white)And may all your christmases be(All your christmases be white)(All your christmases be white)

中文:我梦想著一个白色耶诞 如同过去我所熟悉的耶诞 圣诞树上闪闪发亮 孩子们都在倾听 倾听那瑞雪中的雪橇

我梦想著一个白色耶诞 我写的每一张圣诞卡 都祝福你的 充满欢 与 也祝福你的每个耶诞节都纯洁雪白

我梦想著一个白色耶诞 如同过去我所熟悉的耶诞 圣诞树上闪闪发亮 孩子们都在倾听 倾听那瑞雪中的雪橇

我梦想著一个白色耶诞 我写的每一张圣诞卡 都祝福你的 充满欢 与 也祝福你的每个耶诞节都纯洁雪白


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