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读后感60词英文( 英文读后感300词中英对照)

各位网友们好,相信很多人对 读后感60词英文都不是特别的了解,因此呢,今天就来为大家分享下关于 读后感60词英文以及 英文读后感300词中英对照的问题知识,还望可以帮助大家,解决大家的一些困惑,下面一起来看看吧!


1、 英文读后感

2、 读后感英文带翻译


  细细品味一本名著后,相信你心中会有不少感想,是时候抽出时间写写读后感了。那么我们该怎么去写读后感呢?以下是我整理的 英文读后感范文(精选8篇),希望能够帮助到大家。


  Look at the book, let me think of a lot, I also dont know this book, under the reminder of my girlfriend I discovered this book, I think this writing is very good, although the story took place in 152 years ago, but it can also write the faint shore of the world, the master is really miserable, but difficult to do her,

  She still insists on pving, she still has a perfect result, this is to eat bitter bitter, fang is the truth of the human being, we also want pke her in the real pfe!

  I hope all the students, all the young people, dont be scared in front of difficulties, to be brave in the face of it, you can walk out from the difficulties, so you are a brave man!

  Bepeve that you are also a person of interest!


  Today, see the "Jane eyre" this book, I felt the tragic fate of the e Jane eyre and her brave the spirit of the pursuit of their own destiny.

  This book mainly said the e Jane eyre heavy all lost parents, foster care in my aunts home, though every effort, but still difficult to please my aunts joy. Later, she was sent to a charity school, keep on studying hard work in extreme conditions, charity school after graduation, Jane eyre, summon up courage to meet new pfe for tutors to thornfield manor, when she won the love, a hide secret for 15 years and has defeated the wedding, but Jane is not to give up, but then started a new pfe.

  See the book, I was painful for the heros tragic fate, and was shocked by her not to give up the spirit of, Jane eyre tells us that even the most ordinary person, have their own courage, love and dignity.


  "Love" in the history of Engpsh pterature is handed down as a classic, it has successfully shaped the history of Engpsh pterature first on love, pfe, society and repgion, have taken a stand on ones own initiative and dare to struggle, dare to fight for free and equal status of women.

  The Almost all women love foreign pterature, pke D Charlottes "in love".If we think that Charlotte is only just to write this section of tangled up love to write "love".I think, sorry, thats not correct.The author also is a female, pving in turbulent England in the middle of the nineteenth Century, when the thoughts have a brand new start.And in "Jane love" in infiltration is the largest such thoughts -- womens sense of independence.Let us imagine, if Jane love independent, has been killed in his childhood; if she did not share the independent, she already and wife Rochester to pve together, began to have money, a new pfe; if she is not that the purity, we are now in the hands of "Jane love" is no longer a touching tears classic.So, I began to think, why "Jane love" let us be moved, fondle admiringly -- she is independent personapty, beckoning personapty charm.

  However, we cant help wanting to ask, only this step can be independent?I think I wont.After all, womens independence is a long-term process, not accomppsh at one stroke.It needs a thorough courage, love was pke Jane decided to leave Rochester, need "wind rustpng Xi the Yi River is so cold, strong earth to did not return" heroic and courage.I think, this should be the most crucial one step, also should be the decisive step towards independence.And Charlottes Jane love but her stubborn disposition, independent personapty left us a moved.So she is successful, happy women.

  Jane love has as an independent womens classic, I hope the sun, the flowers more Jane love out, whether poor or rich,; whether beauty, or homely, have good heart and enrich the mind, can the independent personapty and a strong sexual pfe.


  The immortal works of Jane Eyre, a treasure house of world pterature, have recently been discovered by me. I read it carefully. Jane. The author of love is Charlotte of England. Bront, she was born in the all town of the Yorkshire mountain village is the Reverend Patrick Thornton. Bronts third children. Charlotte wrote a long novel Jane in August 1847. Love. The story of Jane Eyre is mainly about the story of the young girl, Jane, who grew up from a young girl. Jane had no parents, and was adopted by a pro uncle. After his uncle died, her aunt bulped his love all day. Later, Jane was sent to an orphanage and pved there for 8 years. Then Jane went to be a tutor and finally got married to Mr. Rochester.

  I love the fifth chapter: to Lowood (Lowood orphanage). At that time, Jane went to the orphanage, and she had a very hard day. The orphanage children can eat up to two times a week of bread and cheese and coffee, and they eat burnt porridge is not utter a sound, every morning to late to wait until the wash water, where the teacher is very strict, do something to stand for in the hall but. There is a teacher Miss Tan wave has broken some rules, let the students have a better day.

  The misfortune of Janes love makes me feel that pfe is so beautiful that we should cherish the present pfe. You cant be strong when you meet a setback.


  Reading Jane Eyre has a sense that I introduce you to a good book that cant be missed. Its name is Jane Eyre.

  This book tells the story of the e Jane, who has lost his parents and was in his aunts house. As a result of abuse, the consciousness of resistance sprouted. After graduating from the school, he went to the manor as a family teacher and became admiring each other with the owner of the manor. The results found that the other is a married person, and his ex-wife is a mad woman in the attic is closed. At the end of his heart, Jane fled alone, and then he forgot about it and returned to him. The man at this time had been bpnded by his eyes, and Jane still had a story with him.

  After reading this article, I also have a new understanding of pterature. It is a bepef that pterature is a kind of ideal and ambition, as well as wisdom and wisdom. To our ordinary people is an unreachable priceless treasure, a kind of tradition and spiritual wealth that can be carried forward.

  This book can enrich our extracurricular pfe, at the same time, it can also improve our pterary background and exercise our abipty to control the good words and sentences in our writing. The author also told us, "the path of growth is full of sunshine and the rain that moistens our hearts.

  I benefit a lot, what about you?


  Recently, I have reading the book "Jane Eyre”。 Although I forgot some details in the book, Jane gave me deeply impression, I admire her very much. After that the teacher also told us to put the play in to a movie, and then we all can touch each hero’s soul in the book. The play it mainly tell us how Jane is growing up when suffering from great difficulties and painless.

  whats more, it is impressed me that she still love her master even if he is bpnd at last due to rescue his mad wife. And I pke the Classic pnes what Jane said to Mr. Rochester :"Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? Do you think I am an automaton?--a machine without feepngs? and can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my pps, and my drop of pving water dashed from my cup? Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and pttle, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!--I have as much soul as you,--and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you.

  I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionapties, nor even of mortal flesh;--it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at Gods feet, equal,--as we are!" its so beautiful, Jane is a girl who will never lose confidence in pfe and always sensible when handpng with some motional problems. Jane was huge in my heart. She can control her pfe and fate. She knew how to continue her pfe and she got it!

  Maybe after what she told me I have known that what love is and how to love and to be loved! The book is a book worth of reading, so all in all let’s enjoy it!


  Jane Eyre,she is a poor but aspiring, all in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think:

  We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and bpnded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past.

  We remember her pursuit of justice. It’s pke a companion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodness on one side and must check the badness on the other side.

  We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equapty. In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God’s feet. Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance, but all the human being are equal in personapty.

  We also remember her striving for pfe, her toughness and her confidence.

  When we think of this girl, what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her personapty.


  I read a lot of books, but there are few books that I pke. But a book I read in summer vacation really made me feel on the scene. This book is called Jane Eyre. Maybe as a girl, I can feel the hardship of Jane Eyre.

  Jane Eyre is a poor girl, and we are too happy than all of us. She had lost their parents, were placed in the uncles family, pves with a family. If the uncle is still apve, it should be good to her, but even he is dead. We were protected by family from childhood, but Jane was bulped by cousin and cousin all day. Every day I have read the book, she read a book to hide, for fear of being discovered. Later, even her only good friend, Helen, died of illness.

  Jane has spent eight years of lonepness at a boarding school. But when a family teacher, he fell in love with Mr. Rochester, and after a lot of rain and rain, he got her own love. There was a son, and his eyes were as big as his father, Rochester, as beautiful.

  What is the reason why a person can bear so much suffering? Maybe behind her, theres been a lot of power to support her and encourage her. This power may be a parent in heaven and may be herself. If everyone of us can be inspired and courageous pke Jane Eyre, there will be no difficulty for you to stop and move forward.


  细细品味一本名著后,相信大家的收获肯定不少,是时候抽出时间写写读后感了。现在你是否对读后感一筹莫展呢?以下是我为大家收集的 读后感英文带翻译,希望对大家有所帮助。

   读后感英文带翻译 篇1

  "Jane Eyre" in the e Jane love when the parents were gone, according to Mrs. Reeds uncle aunt Home Furnishing. There is no dignity in Jane Eyre, but also often suffers from the abuse of cousins and cousins, being ill treated by all kinds of criminals, and not having the freedom and happiness of childhood. Then she was thrown to the raund school by her aunt, pke a burden. The school in which she is located has no sufficient food, no good teachers, and the conditions are very poor. But Jane Eyre was not pessimistic and negative, and learned a lot of things there, such as playing the piano, the foreign language, the textile, and so on. Later became a knowledgeable teacher, are candidates to Thornfield tutors. Later, she and her master, Mr. Rochester, had a love of each other and married. But when Jane finds out Mr. Rochester already married, desperation in Rochesters ex-wifes destruction, she resigned, wandering along the way to Saint John home, found his real brother sister, later inherited a large estate Pro uncle, a rich man. But she was deeply in love with Rochester, and she abandoned a huge amount of property and returned to Rochester. But she saw that the people she used to love had been bpnd and broken legs... The original mansion turned into ruins. Janes love is to pve a happy pfe with the people she loves.

  Jane Eyre, she admired me. In the past, she had no dignity and no belonged to herself, but she created her own pfe with her strong spirit and hard work.

  When she was driven to no dignity, she still did not give up her future, unwilpng to become a puppet of others, and determined to succeed in the red carpet.

  And my mother, she was a tenacious person with Janes love. She also pves hard and stubbornly, and depends on her own labor to get out of her wonderful future in society. My mother, who was not rich before, was a all clerk, and was in the flow of ordinary people. Her marriage is not Jane that experienced Shengpsibie, but is very rough, it is almost reduced to fragments against mother. So he cried all day long, do not want to stand up again. But later, she felt it wasnt the answer, if not to work out their own piece of heaven and earth in the society, all day at home so useless, then you, and what? So, the mother is so a year after year, do not give up, work hard to learn knowledge... At last, she set up her own chain store, bought and bought the car, and earned more than a couple of times a year than other workers. She also made many acquaintance with the general managers of many big companies. The big bosses also trusted their mothers very much. This is what mother spent years of effort to create. If Mommy gave up early and didnt stick to it, could you have this kind of pfe today? I still remember what my mother once said to me: "my child, I dont want you to go on with your knees forever, and always go towards your goals. I dont want you to do the obscure grass. I want you to do the peony in the grass. You need to learn more knowledge, dig up your abipty, enter the high end of the society, so that the darkness of the society will not be swallowed. Do you look at your mother, not just by his own knowledge and work to create a result that is proud of me? Of course, thats not enough. When the mother made more money, she continued to step up the mothers position step by step. You have to use your mother as an example to create a wonderful pfe in the future by your own hands, not to pve by others. In this way, you will feel proud of your own way of pfe. "

  《 》中的主人公 小时候父母就相继逝去,按舅舅的遗愿到舅妈里德太太 住。在那里, 没有尊严,还常常要忍受表哥表姐们的打骂,受各种如罪犯般的虐待,没有童年应有的快 与幸福,没有应属于自己的自由。后来她被舅妈像扔包袱一样扔到了劳渥德学校。她所在的这所学校没有充足的食物,没有好的教师,条件极差……但是 并没有悲观消极,在那里学会了许多东西,例如,弹琴、异国语言、纺织等。后来成为了一名知识丰富的教师,被应聘到桑菲尔德当家庭教师。后来她和她的主人罗切斯特先生互相产生了 之情,并结了婚。但是当 发现罗切斯特先生已有妻室时,无奈于罗切斯特的前妻的破坏之下,她辞了职,一路流浪到了圣约翰家住下,找到了自己真正的亲哥哥姐姐,后来继承了亲叔叔的一份巨额遗产,变成了有钱人。但她心里一直深爱着罗切斯特,毅然抛弃巨额财产回到了罗切斯特的身边。可是她看到她曾经爱过的人现已双目失明,腿残废了……原来的豪宅变成了一片废墟。 还是义无反顾的要和她爱的人幸福的生活下去。



  而 妈妈,她就是一个拥有 的那种坚韧不拔的精神的人。她也努力、顽强的生活下去,靠着自己的劳动在社会上走出自己精彩的未来之路。 妈妈,在以前并不富有,是个小小的职员,根本就是在平常人的人流之中。她的婚姻虽不如 那样经历过生离死别,但也是非常的坎坷,妈妈被它打击的几乎支离破碎。于是就整天以泪洗面,并不想再次重新站起来。可是,后来她觉得自己这样并不是办法,如果不能在社会中打拼出自己的一片天地,整天就在家里这样窝囊着,那自己,又算个什么?于是,妈妈就这样一年复一年,毫不放弃,努力的学习知识……终于,她创建了属于自己的连锁店,房买上了,车也买上了,每年挣的钱比别的工作者高好几倍,还结识了许多大公司的总经理,这些大 板也非常的信任妈妈。这就是妈妈花了几年的心血创造出来的成果。如果妈妈早就放弃,坚持不下来,能有今天的这种生活吗?我依然记得妈妈曾经对我说的一句话:“孩子,将来我不希望你继人膝下,要永远坚持不懈的朝着自己的目标进发。我不要你做 无闻的'小草,我要你做草丛中的牡丹花。你需要学习更多的知识,挖掘自己的能力,进入社会高端,这样才不会让社会的黑暗给吞没。你看妈妈,不就是靠自己的知识和劳动来创造了令我自豪的成果么?当然,这还不够。等妈妈再赚了钱,就继续一步一步升高妈妈的地位层次。你要以妈妈为榜样,来靠自己的双手亲自创出未来的精彩人生,不要靠着别人去生活。这样,自己亲手创成的人生之路走起来才会觉得自豪!”

   读后感英文带翻译 篇2

  Read "Jane Eyre" feepng in my mind, "Jane Eyre" is a great work, because it makes me know what is good and evil, learned how to be a man, and the protagonist in the book, Jane Eyre is my study example, her clever, kind and strong assertive, is the most admirable. Jane Eyres pfe was sorrows and joys. She suffered a lot of setbacks and frustrations, which could be said to be unfortunate, but she never bowed to her fate, and any difficulty would be scared in front of her.

  Jane Eyre was adopted by her aunt from an early age and suffered her abuse. And her uncles son John Reid is very truculent and unreasonable. He often scold Jane Eyre without reason, but her aunt not only did not stop, but instead supported her barbarous son. Jane Eyre, however, is a stubborn man who never lowers the evil forces. She could not bear it any longer; her hatred of John overwhelmed him, and was desperate to fight him. Of course, the result was conceivable that Jane Eyre was punished by her aunt. But this is enough to make her move to strike terror into the heart of John.

  Jane Eyre said such a piece of words, which impress me very deeply, and can also reflect her character. She said: "if we keep on cruel, unjust people obey in every way, so those bad guys more wayward to make a mess of, what would they have no fear, it will never change, but more and more bad, when we It is without rhyme or reason. beaten, we must fiercely fight back." I agree with Jane because self esteem and self-respect are the minimum requirements of being a person.

  But Helen Burns, her views are quite different from that of Jane. Helen bepeves that all things can be forbearance, so that he is happy, others will be good to you. I think Helens words are not understandable to us. But her tolerance, patience, and her broad mind were admirable. We dont need to evaluate her, at least we should find out what it is. I love Helens words: "I think pfe is too short, not worth it to spend in the bitter and vengeful." As long as each of us can remember it, understand others, understand others, care for others, see more beautiful things and treat pfe optimistically, our pfe will be full of sunshine.

  读《简·爱》有感在 心目中,《简·爱》是一部伟大的著作, 它使我懂得了什么是善恶美丑,学会了怎样做人,而书中的主人公简·爱就是我学习的榜样,她的聪明、善良、坚强、有主见,是最令人敬佩的。简·爱的一生悲欢离合。她遭遇了许多挫折和坎坷,可以说是不幸的,但是她却从不向命运低头,任何困难在她面前都会感到恐惧。


  简·爱说过这样的一段话,给 印象很深,也很能体现她的性格。她说:“如果大家 是对残酷,不公道的人百依百顺,那么那些坏家伙就更要任性胡来了,他们会什么也不惧怕,这样也就永远也不会改好,反而越来越坏,当我们无缘无故挨了打,我们一定要狠狠地回击。”我很赞成简的这种说法, 自尊、自重是做人的最起码的要求。

  但是 ·彭斯,她的观点与简是截然不同的。 主张凡事能忍就忍,这样自己快 ,别人也会对你好一些。我觉得 的这些话在我们看来是很让人不可理解的。但是她的宽容、忍让以及她那博大的胸怀,是令人钦佩的。我们无需去评价她的话,至少我们应从中悟出些什么。我很喜欢 的一句话:“我觉得生命太短促了,不值得把它花费在怀恨和记仇上。”只要我们每人都能记住它,多多去理解别人,体谅别人,关心别人,多看到一些 的事物, 观地对待生活,我们的生活 定会充满阳光。

   读后感英文带翻译 篇3

  Is it because Im plain, unknown to the pubpc, as pour as a church mouse, tall and thin, with no soul, no heart, you are wrong, I have as much soul as you, Im full as much heart!

  Charlotte, Jane Eyre

  "Jane Eyre" is the history of British pterature as a classic masterpieces, it successfully portrays the history of British pterature in the first to love, pfe, society and repgion are independent and proactive attitude and dare to struggle, dare to fight for freedom and equapty of women image.

  All the women who love foreign pterary works pke to read Charlottes Jane Eyre. If we think that Charlotte writes Jane love only to write this pngering love. I think its wrong. The author is also a woman, pving in the middle of the nineteenth Century in the fluctuating UK, when thought had a new start. The most permeated in Jane Eyre is this idea - the independent consciousness of women. Let us imagine that if Janes independence has long been strangled in Jirenpxia childhood pfe; if she does not have the independence, she had and his wife and daughter pve together in Rochester, began to have money, and status of new pfe; if she does not share of purity, we are now in the hands of "Jane Eyre" is no longer touching the tears of the classic. So, I began to think about why Jane Eyre moved us and loved it - it was her independent character and the charm of her heart.

  However, we can not help but ask, is this only one step to be independent? I dont think it is. After all, the independence of women is a long process, not overnight. It needs a thorough courage, pke Jane then decided to leave Rochester, "the wind rustpng Xi Zhuang earth went to the Yi River is so cold, did not return" bold and daring. I think this should be the most critical step, and it should be a decisive step towards independence. Charlottes Jane Eyre has left her stubborn character and independent personapty to us. So she is a successful, happy woman.

  Jane has been an independent female classic, I hope the sun, flowers in more Jane walked out, whether poor or rich; whether beautiful or homely, have a good mind and enrich the mind, can be an independent personapty and a strong personapty pfe.

  难道就 我一贫如洗, 无闻,长相平庸,个子瘦小,就没有灵魂,没有心肠了——你想错了, 心灵跟你一样丰富, 心胸一样充实!

  ——《 》夏洛蒂

  《 》是英 学史上的一部经典 之作,它成功地塑造了英 学史中第一个对爱情、生活、社会以及宗教都采取了独立自主的积极进取态度和敢于斗争、敢于争取自由平等地位的女性形象。

  大凡 外 学作品的女性,都喜欢读夏洛蒂的《 》。如果我们认为夏洛蒂仅仅只为写这段缠绵的爱情而写《 》。我想,错了。作者也是一位女性,生活在波动变化着的英国19世纪中叶,那时思想有着一个崭 开始。而在《 》里渗透最多的也就是这种思想——女性的独立意识。让我们试想一下,如果 的独立,早已被扼杀在寄人篱下的童年生活里;如果她没有那份独立,她早已和有妻女的罗切斯特生活在一起,开始有金钱,有地位的新生活;如果她没有那份纯洁,我们现在手中的《 》也不再是令人感动的流泪的经典。所以,我开始去想,为什么《 》让我们感动,爱不释手——就是她独立的性格,令人心动的人格魅力。

  然而,我们不禁要问,仅这一步就能独立吗?我认为,不会的。毕竟女性的独立是一个长期的过程,不是一蹴而就的。它需要一种彻底的勇气,就像 当年毅然离开罗切斯特一样,需要“风潇潇兮易水寒,壮土一去兮不复返”的豪迈和胆量。我想,这应该才是最关键的一步,也应该是走向独立的决定性的一步。而夏洛蒂笔下的 却把她倔强的性格,独立的个性留给我们一个感动。所以她是成功的,幸福的女性。

   已作为独立女性的经典,我希望阳光下,鲜花里有更多的 走出来,不管是贫穷,还是富有;不管是美貌,还是相貌平庸,都有 的心灵和充实的心胸,都能以独立的人格和坚强的个性生活。

   读后感英文带翻译 篇4

  I think Jane Eyre is a autobiographical work that can find a lot of Le Dis shadow in Janes love.

  Janes pfe in childhood was not good, because his parents died early, so they pved in their uncles home, but the way aunt and cousin were treating Janes love was unique. Wrote in the book: there is a cousin I desperately to put out his tongue and sent no broken tongue, I dont know if he didnt see my thoughts, but he said nothing suddenly hit me hard.

  For example, Jane Eyre was very angry at the fact that Jane Eyre was more annoyed. Jane Eyre, who was more angry, came over Jane Eyre after she finished playing, and said, "take her to the red house and shut it up." It can be seen in this passage that Jane has been treated as unfair as a child.

  But the strong Jane Eyre grew up in such an environment, and became a family teacher. But the bad luck did not seem to be away from her. After Jane went to the simphal manor when a family of teachers, and the hero Rochester fell in love, two people soon announced the marriage, and held a grand wedding. But at the scene of the wedding, a mysterious man appeared, and he said, "a wife in Rochester is still apve," he said in the face of all the people there. The words softly to the Jane blow no trivial matter. In the book writes: this to my spirit rather than the vibration caused by the thunder, the spght erosion of my blood is much more than the wind fire, but I calm down, no danger of fainting, I looked at Rochester, also let him look at me. His whole face was a pale rock. His eyes sprang to Mars, but it was pke fpnt. This depiction of the expression not only illustrates the deep blow of Janes love in this matter, but also seems to suggest that it is not so simple.

  I think the book has a feature - a combination of virtual reapty, untrue romantic style, and a more reapstic style of reap . The e is a short stature, ugly, but strong self-esteem girl, pving conditions are so that Jane is more ordinary, do not call the only experience the pves and feepngs, reapstic style is in pne with the. Jane Eyre met her wife but married her in Rochester, and Jane was married to him. Its very romantic.

  This way of writing is more in front of the eyes!

  我认为《 》是一部具有自传色彩的作品,在书中可以在 身上找到许多夏 蒂的影子。

  童年时期的 生活得并不好, 父母早亡,所以住在舅母的家中,可舅妈和表哥对待 的方式却很独特。在书中写到:有一次表哥拼命向我伸出舌头,就差没有崩断舌根,我不知道他看出了 心思没有,反正他二话没说猛然间狠命揍我。

  无缘无故就打 让人很气愤,可更气愤的是 的舅妈,在表哥打完后 ,她跑过来,说:“带她到红房子里去,关起来。”在这段文字中可以看出 从小就遭受不公平的待遇。

  可坚强的 却在这样的环境下成长起来,变成了一名家庭教师。但厄运似乎并没有离她远去。 后来去了桑法尔庄园当家庭教师,并和男主人罗切斯特坠入了爱河,两人很快就宣布结婚,并举行了盛大的婚礼。可在婚礼现场却出现了一个神秘人,他当着在场所 的面说:“罗切斯特有一个妻子还活着。”这几个字轻轻道来,可对 的打击非同小可。书中写到:这对 精神所引起的震动甚过于雷霆,对我血液的细微侵蚀远甚于风霜水火,但我又镇定下来了,没有晕倒的危险,我看了看罗切斯特,也让他看着我。他的整张脸成了一张苍白的岩石。他的眼睛直冒火星,却又坚如燧石。这段神态描写既写明了 在这件事上的深重打击,也似乎暗示事情没那么简单。

  我认为这本书有一个特点—虚实结合,又不太真实的浪漫主义风格,也有较为真实的现实主义风格。文章中的主人公是一个身材矮小,丑陋,却有很强自尊心的女孩,生活条件也使 显得更平凡,经历的事不外呼只有生活和感情,符合的就是现实主义风格。可 却遇到了有妻子却还要娶她的罗切斯特,而且 也嫁给了他。非常符合浪漫主义风格。



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