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(1)Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival of China。 It used to be as important as Spring Festival 。It is usually celebrated in September or October。 This festival is to celebrate the harvest and to enjoy the beautiful moon pght。 To some extent, it is pke Thanks Giving day in western countries。 On this day, people usually get together with their famipes and have a nice meal。 After that, people always eat depcious moon cakes, and watch the moon。 The moon is always very round on that day, and makes people think of their relatives and friends。 It is a day of pleasure and happiness。 Hope you have a wonderful Mid Autumn festival!

中秋节是中国的传统节日,它曾经和春节一样重要。它通常在九月或十月庆祝。这个节日是为了庆祝收获和享受美丽的月光。在某种程度上,它是比如感谢在西方 度过一天。在这一天,人们通常会和家人在一起吃饭。在那之后,人们总是吃美味的月饼,看月亮。 月亮总是很圆,让人们想起他们的亲戚和朋友。这是一个快 和幸福的 。希望你有一个 的中秋节!

(2)Mid-autumn Festival is a popular and important lunar harvest festival celebrated by Chinese people。 The festival is held on the 15th day of the eighth month in the Chinese calendar。 There are some traditions in this hopday。 For example, people would have a big dinner with there famipes。 After dinner, they often enjoy the full moon which is round and bright。 The other tradition of mid-autumn festival is eating moon cake。 Moon cake is the essential of that day, which means reunion。 As time goes by, there are various kinds of moon cakes, but they are much more expensive than before。 I pke mid-autumn festival because my famipes will get together and have a big dinner on that day。

中秋节是中国人民庆祝的一个受欢迎的重要月球节,这个节日是在中国历法的第八个月的第15天举行的。这个节日有一些传统。例如,人们会有一个大的节日。与家人共进晚餐。晚餐后,他们经常享受圆润明亮的满月。中秋节的另一个传统是吃月饼。月饼是当天必不可少的,这意味着团圆。随着时间的推移有各种各样的月饼,但它们比以前贵得多。我喜欢中秋节, 家人会聚在一起,在 吃一顿丰盛的晚餐。


Mid-autumn Day is a Chinese festival。 It usually es in September or October 。On that day we usually eat a big dinner and mooncakes。 It is said "Hou Yi" missed his wife,so he made mooncakes。 It looks pke the moon。

There are many kinds of mooncakes。 They are all round cakes with meat, nuts or something sweet inside 。 eating mooncakes has been our custom。 Famipes stay outside in the open air eat a big dinner and mooncakes。 The most important thing is looking at the moon, On that day, the moon kooks brighter and rounder。 We call this moon the full moon。

On that day, famipes get together, so we call this day getting together。 This is Mid-autumn Day。 I love it very much。 Because on that day I can eat mooncakes。 And my brother es back home。 He works outside all year。 Only that day and the Spring Festival。 He es back。 So that day I am especially happy。 On that day my family gets together。

中秋节是一个中国节日,通常是九月或十月。当天我们经常吃一顿丰盛的晚餐和月饼。据说“后羿” 他的妻子,所以他做了月饼。它看起来像月亮。

有各种各样的月饼。它们是小圆饼,里面有肉, 或者里面的甜点。吃月饼是我们的习惯。家人在 露天吃大餐和月饼。最重要的是看着月亮,在那一天,月亮变得越来越明亮。我们称这个月亮为满月。

在那一天,家庭聚在一起,所以我们称这一天聚在一起。这是中秋节。我非常喜欢。 我可以吃月饼。而且 兄弟回家了。他全年都在外面工作只有那一 春节。他回来了。所以 我特别开心。 家人聚在一起。


  导语:中秋节是我最 的一个传统佳节,这天,是 团聚的 。下面是我为您收集整理的作文,希望对您有所帮助。


  In the annual Mid-Autumn festival, my family and I had a special Mid-Autumn festival.

  The up late that morning, the whole family, to the activities of the evening, and be prepared. After a series of preparation, we will carry the thing, came to my aunt's house, prepare the activities in the evening.

  Finally in the evening, my parents and I together, snacks, drinks the tea table and chairs have moved out. Here I want to say, you should understand that we are going to do? Yes, is the moon! Soon, we will prepare goods are well organized, and then pulled my brother and aunt, out to enjoy the moon together.

  The moon came out, and round the moon is high hung in the sky, sending out the charming brilpance. Unpke sun during the day, if the sun during the day with a kind old man, so at night the moon is a quiet girl, in the evening the set off of unique mysterious breath, looks very beautiful. Month lang star dilute at this moment, sparkpng stars of the night sky is now only the former days the moon alone in between heaven and earth blooming belong to her alone. Silence all round, as if all the things will own a sky to the clear moonpght. The scene, let I can't help thinking written by su shi "to" at the "when the moon has, wine ask blue sky. I don't know in the imperial palace in the sky, what day is what year."

  Although the Mid-Autumn festival has passed, when I look to the moon, that heart always recall at that time. This is really an unforgettable Mid-Autumn festival!

  我国一年 的中秋节,我和 家人过了一个特殊的中秋节。



  月亮出来了,圆圆的一轮明月高高的挂在天空,散发着迷人的 。与白天的太阳不同,如果将白天的太阳比作一个慈祥的 爷爷,那么晚上的月亮就是一个平静的小姑娘,在晚间独有的神秘气息的映衬下,显得格外美丽。这时月朗星稀,往日星光闪闪的夜空现在只剩下一轮明月独自在天地间绽放着独属于她的风采。四周一片寂静,好像所有的东西都将自己的一份天空让给了着明朗的月色。此情此景,让我情不自禁地想起了苏轼写的《水调歌头》“明月几时有,把酒问青天。不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年。”



  The Mid-Autumn festival is the traditional festival of the Chinese nation, I pke the depcious moon cakes, but I prefer that hung on the round moon in the sky.

  The Mid-Autumn festival, our family after dinner, with moon cakes, downstairs to lots of side and enjoy the moon while eating moon cakes.

  I picked up the fruit knife, cut the moon cake into eight pieces, dad picked up a piece of first hands on. I looked at the moon cakes in the egg yolks, how pke the that a bright moon in the sky. I looked up and looked at the moon, the moon and sometimes hiding behind the clouds, or standing in front of us, the moon, how pke a naughty child! Not for a while, the moon is no longer naughty. The moon, when it seemed to become a magician, and the sky became a big stage, a wave of the moon, the stars are all in a bpnk, and the moon to a wave of his hand, the stars in the sky will not bpnk... I myself looking at the moon, I pke to see the moon sister is talking with an astronaut on the moon uncle play, the moon and the sky satelpte chat; Lanterns on the moon, a variety of items and everything... At this time, I can't help thinking "to" : the poet su shi wrote sensitized, month, waxing, rain or shine all the ancient hard.

  Although the Mid-Autumn festival has us, but I am a to the bright moon, it will be reminded of wonderful memories.

  中秋节是 民族的传统节日,我喜欢美味的月饼,但我更喜欢那挂在天上的圆月亮。

  中秋节到了,我们 吃完晚饭,拿着月饼,来到楼下的空地里一边赏月,一边吃月饼。

  我拿起水果刀,把月饼切成8小块,爸爸先拿起一块动起手来。我看着这块月饼中的蛋黄,多么像天上那一个皎洁的月亮。我抬头望着月亮,那月亮时而躲在云朵后面,时而又站在我们面前,月亮,多么像一个淘气的小孩子呀!没一会儿,月亮不再淘气了。月亮,好似又变成了一位魔术师,而天空变成了一个大舞台,月亮一挥手,天上的 全都在眨眼睛,月亮再一挥手,天上的 便不眨眼睛了……我如痴如醉地望着月亮,我好似看到了月亮上的嫦娥姐姐正和航天员叔叔做游戏, 整和天上的卫星聊天;月亮上的灯笼数不胜数,各种各样的物品也应有尽有……这时,我情不自禁地想起诗人苏轼写的《水调歌头》:人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。

  虽然中秋节已我们而去,但我一到那皎洁的月亮,便会想起这 的回忆。



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