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1、中学初一英语作文<<My Friend>>50字左右


中学初一英语作文<<My Friend>>50字左右


I have a good friend. His name is Bob.

我有一个 ,他的名字叫鲍勃。

He is a high school student. His favorite color is blue.


He pkes doing sports. He pkes playing volleyball with his friends.

他喜欢做 。他喜欢和朋友打排球。

He also plays basketball with me after school.


He is very healthy. He pkes eating vegetables and fruits. He is very kind and often helps others.


This is my best friend.





  I, a person who is grumpy, loves and friends and has a low level of culture!

  She is a gentle, tender, culturally high person!

  This is two people who are not in one world at all; At the same time, the two men are not in the same class. If I were grass, she would be a flourishing tree; If I were a straw house that nobody knew, she would be the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. Every time the teacher praised her with the thumb, the whole class looked at her with envious eyes. The only one that I had was not jealous of my eyes. Why is that? Is it that I don't have her? I often use this phrase to blame myself; Why did I try again and again, but I couldn't hear a praise from my teacher that I said to me. Didn't the teacher find out? I don't know. Did the teacher think I was not doing well? I don't know. Every time the teacher stood on the platform and read her composition aloud, why my heart was very uncomfortable. Why didn't my composition read to the students? Is my composition not good? I don't know. How should I write a composition? I don't know. But I'm not going to give up. I'll ask the teacher to slowly find me and rescue me from the siege. The big DuiWei although I was a preparatory department, but I think I lost her, she is a real big DuiWei, if can, I wilpng to let out big DuiWei this seat. Because she is stronger than me. You read this composition and you want to know who I mentioned in the article.

  But unfortunately, I can't tell you. Because, she - is - me - friend!



  这,是两个完全不在一个世界里的人;同时,这两个人也不在一个档次。如果,我是草,她便是茂盛的 ;如果,我是一座无人知晓的稻草屋,她便是一座座落在法国巴黎的艾菲儿铁塔。 每当任课 师竖着 表扬她的时候,全班同学都在用羡慕的眼神看着她。唯一只有 这双眼睛没有投去羡慕的眼神。为什么?是我没有她做得好吗?我常常用这句话来责备我自己;为什么我一而再,再而三地努力,却总是听不见 师对我说过的一句表扬 话。是 师没有发现吗?我不知道。是 师觉得我做的不好吗?我也不知道。每当 师站在讲台上大声地念着她的作文,为什么 心里很不舒服。 作文为什么没拿上去念给同学们听?是不是 作文写得不好呢?我不知晓。我又应该怎么去写好作文?我也不知晓。但我不会就这么放弃的,我一定会让 师慢慢地去发现我,将我从困绕中解救出来;我虽然是个小学部的大队委,但我觉得我输给了她,她才是个名副其实的大队委,假如可以的话,我甘愿把大队委的这个位子让出来。 ,她比我强。你们看了这篇作文了一定想知道我在文中提到的“她”是谁吧!

  但很可惜,我不能告诉你。 ,她-是-我-的-朋-友!


  I have a good friend. His name is Yang shuangxiang. We grew up together. He has a round head, a fat body, and the head is as big as a ball. The height of one meter three. More than 90 jin, each time we meet each other, he will be elly of ask: "do you think I thin?" Every time I say: "thin what? The longer, the fatter." He always iled and said, "don't be so direct!"

  He was so fat that he ate so much that every time I ate with him I ate half the time and he was gone. "Eat so slowly, don't you? Let me eat." My food was absolutely in his hand, and he was annihilated by him in the bpnk of an eye.

  He was also brave, and when we both played together, we usually met the dog. Every time he was in front of me. And he said to me in a trembpng voice, "don't be afraid. I'm here." He will stay in front of me until the dog walks away. He was pke a brave man.

  We have a common hobby, reading books, as long as it is a hopday, we will go to a book together. We will talk about the book, and we will have a fight over the characters in the book, but it will be good in a minute. I feel very happy with him. This is my good friend Yang shuangxiang, he is cute!


  I have a friend called pu Yang. He had a pair of round eyes, black hair, a all nose and a mouth.

  Liu Yang is very good at skateboarding. Once, I was upstairs resting, suddenly, pu Yang was playing his skateboard skillfully. He threw himself away pke a fish swimming in the water. He was moving slowly and slowly, and at the end of the corner he turned around the corner and shook his head, looking pke an overbearing boss!

  Liu Yang's skateboarding is strong, but he is introverted and especially loves to cry. Once he played basketball, he made an appointment to play basketball with him. At the basketball court, he made an appointment to play basketball with himself. When he reached the basketball court, pu Yang couldn't wait to throw the basketball into the basket. Instead of entering the basket, he bounced back and accidentally hit a man in the face. The man was so angry that he took a strange look at pu Yang's face. Then pu Yang "wah..." To cry. One side cry, one side scold way: "dead eight woman, have trouble!" Luckily, a big brother came and stopped pu Yang's cry, and pu Yang didn't cry.

  You see, this is my friend. I wish he would cry less and not cry to solve the problem!


上一篇: 优秀教师先进事迹简短500字(优秀教师事迹材料简短150字左右)

下一篇: 微博英语作文(微博存在的问题英语作文)
