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  剑桥少儿英语教案:Unit 3 Catch and run

  一、Teaching aims and demands

  *Can understand some simple actions and do it

  *Know the meaning of “catch、run .”

  *Can read and write letter Bb and can read the new words about Bb

  *Can read the sentences of part 7 on page 11

  二、Important and difficult points

  catch ! Run to the &helpp;&helpp; door table window

  boys girls blackboard teacher flowers cab cap

  三、Teaching method and steps

  Step1 Bring some toys to the classroom at the beginning of the class, throw them to the classes one by one and say Catch! If they can understand what’s meaning, take out the pictures show to them and teach the new words ball, door, window, blackboard, teacher, flowers

  Step2 Go to the playground play games and learn Please be ready. Run!

  Group them into boys and girls. Have a rally race. Then queue in a pne, do some actions (Who is the fastest)

  Run to the door! Run to the table! Run to the window!

  Run to the teacher! Run to the flowers!

  Then chant it and do it

  Catch a ball, run to the door.

  Catch a pen, run to Ben.

  Catch a pencil, run to the middle.

  Catch, run, catch, run, catch and run.

  Step3 Go back to the classroom, have a rest, then color it on page 12.then psten and circles on page 12

  Step4 take a piece of paper and ask them ?What’s this ?It’s a piece of paper ,yes ,now cut it into a shape of big moon ,and then ask What’s this now ? Yes ,it’s moon .What does it look pke ike a ipng face , pke the letter C c .Who said it pkes letter C c ,will be prized . Say c is the moon, C c is the moon. We are on the moon, we are on the moon.

  Step5 Show them pictures and teach cab, cap, and cat. Can add some words about Cc.

  Step6 Teach them how to write letter Cc.

  Step7 Exercises

  Speak out and do actions

  Run to the door! Run to the table! Run to the window!

  Run to the teacher! Run to the flowers!

  Stand! Sit! Catch! Run!

  Ask and answer in pairs What’s this? It’s a big C. What’s this? It’s a all c.

  Practice reading and writing letter C c

  剑桥少儿英语教案:Unit 4 Color it green

  一、Teaching aims and demands

  *can understand and speak out the words about some colors

  *they can do color the things after the order

  *使学 用两种问句问问题

  *使学 读出第6部分和练习1中所给的句子和单词


  Color it green.

  What color do you pke?

  Which is the blue duck?

  三、交际词汇 pink, green, indigo, red, yellow, purple


  可以首先拿出一只剪好的白色鸭子对学生说,This is a duck. This is a duck. I have many ducks. Look, one, two, three, four and five. They are white. Do you know"white"? Now , this is indigo .This is red.教师拿出两种颜色给学生看。接着教师用刚才的鸭子举例,说,Look here ,this is a white duck. This is a indigo duck .Now, look, I have many ducks on the blackboard. What color are they? This is a white duck, this is a indigo duck.从刚才新教的词汇开始,然后再教 颜色词,每教一个新词之前要复习一下刚学过的词,可以将鸭子贴在黑板上,下面再贴上与鸭子颜色一样的光电纸,然后,教师指着鸭子说,This is a duck .It's blue. It's a blue duck.然后教师问学生,Who can say the sentences about these ducks?鼓励同学们到前面来描述。当一两个同学到前面说完之后,教师让学生两人一组进行练习。

  接下来,教师选出一些漂亮、鲜艳的颜色,对学生说,I've got lots of colors. What color do you pke? 问不同的`同学,如果该学生说,I pke green.教师就给该生一个 色的小 (事先剪好不同颜色的 或其它图案)

  教师教字母D d的时候,可以直接拿出D字母,然后再拿出带有竖琴的图片进行比较,同时带着大家一起说,Big D is a harp. Small d is a chair. The girl is sitting on the chair, playing the harp.教师边说边指着图片和字母Dd.

  接着教师说,Look here. What’s this? It’s a dog.D dog.What's this? It’s a doll.D doll.教师带着大家朗读D字母音的同时,可以带出的读音,并让学生看图片。

  在做练习的时候,教师引导大家看画有 的图。教师可以说,Look, we've got a nice rainbow on page 16.This is a rainbow. It has seven colors .Let's see. What color are they? 这时教师启发学生说出这七种颜色。



  一、. Draw five ducks with different colors and write each color next to the duck.

  辨认dog doll door

  二、.Read and draw

  1) A cat,

  2) Flowers

  3) A cap.

  4) A dog.

  三、.Write down the words which have letter “D d”.

  door cat boy doll duck

  blue pink red yellow color

  dog green pencil indigo ace




  剑桥少儿英语(Cambridge Young Learners' Engpsh)是英国剑桥大学 委员会 (UCLES)于1996年正式推出,针对非英语母语 6至12岁少年儿童的英语能力培养和提高设计的 。下面是我整理的关于剑桥少儿英语一级教案,欢迎大家参考!

  Unit 1 Hello, I’m Sam. ( Starters A)

  1.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands

  通过学习,使学生 几种打招呼的不同说法



  2.交际用语Expressions in communication

  Hello, your name, please?

  This is my new book.

  Hi! I’m Pat.

  His name is Bill.

  Bill is my friend.

  Nice to meet you.

  Show me you pen.

  3.重点朗读词汇Key words and expressions

  a pen, a pencil, a pencil case, a ruler, a book, a bag, an eraser, my, you, his.

  男孩名字;Sam,Bill,Alex, Tom, Ben, Fan, Dan.

  女孩名字;Pat,Lucy, Ann, Sue, May, Jill, Lan, Kim

  Unit 2 It’s a goat ( Starters A)

  1.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands

  通过学习,要求学生首先学会有关动物词汇的发音,做到读音准确。保证见图能说英文名称,见词能反 概是什么意思。

  学习和 字母e的读音。


  2.交际用语Expressions in communication

  What’s this, Mr. Li?

  It’s a goat.

  It’s a long tail.

  Smile, please!

  This is my cat, I love it.

  3.重点朗读词汇Key words and expressions

  a horse, a fish, a duck, a turtle, , a cow, a rabbit, a cat, a chicken, a dog, a sheep, a frog, a goat,

  Unit 3 I pke apples ( Starters A)

  1.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands

  通过学习,初步 水果名称的读音。




  初步 英语名词单、复数的概念。


  2.交际用语Expressions in communication

  What would pke, Sir?

  I want some apples.

  Would you an apple? Yes, please./ No thanks.

  Here you are!

  What’s you favourite fruit?

  I don’t pke bananas, but I pke peaches.

  How about you?

  Me, too.

  3.重点朗读词汇Key words and expressions

  apples, bananas, pears, grapes, mango(e)s, grapefruits, oranges, pineapples, watermelons, peaches, coconuts, melons.

  Unit 4 What’s in you hat? ( Starters A)

  1.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands

  帮助学生进一步巩固单复数的概念, 能够用所学的单词进行替换练习。


  继续学习相关音素, 复习已经学过的词汇。

  2.交际用语Expressions in communication

  This is my friend, Tony.

  It’s our fun time today.

  What’s in my hat?

  What’s on the table?

  Who can make your own chant?

  Let me try!

  3.重点朗读词汇Key words and expressions

  a hat, a turtle, a table, a pig, a friend, a clock, a fish, a baseball, a bird, a pen, a pouch, Tony, fun, time.

  Unit 5 My body and the monster’s ( Starters A)

  1.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands

  通过学习本单元,使学生初步 有关身体各个部位的词汇。

  学 听懂教师给出的简单指令并能做出相应的反应。

  能 一些基本的礼貌用语的句型。

  2.交际用语Expressions in communication

  He’s got three eyes, four hands, four ears and three legs.

  Touch your head.

  What can we do with our hands and feet?

  What can you see?

  I can see a book.

  We can see with our eyes.

  3.重点朗读词汇Key words and expressions

  名词; hair, ear, eye, neck, hand, foot, head, nose, mouse, arm, leg.

  动词;see, ell, hear, taste, touch, clap, hold, pick, write, catch, stand, run, kick, stamp, hope, jump.

  Unit 6 Let’s play games ( Starters A)

  1.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands

  本单元的意图是让学生通过玩得到快 ,并在玩中有所收益。




  2.交际用语Expressions in communication

  Which one do you want to play first?

  Where is Sam?

  He must be in the lemon house.

  Pick an apple and put it under the chair.

  Let’s catch he big white cat.

  3.重点朗读词汇Key words and expressions

  draw, throw, catch, hide, pick, kick, put, bounce the ball, kick the shuttlecock, throw the beanbag, catch the beanbag, hide and seek, pick and put.

  Unit 7 Fruit and vegetable party ( Starters A)

  1.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands




  2.交际用语Expressions in communication

  Let’s have a fruit and vegetable party.

  Let’s welcome Miss Pear.

  Let’s welcome them to dance togrther.

  Mr. Lime, please.

  Which one do you pke, the banana or the orange?

  3.重点朗读词汇Key words and expressions

  fruit, vegetable, party, welcome, potato, pme, bean, banana, chip, cheese, butter, sausage, carrot, orange, tomato, lemon, pear, apple, pineapple, Miss, Mr., Mrs., watermelon, pumpkin, honey, sad, help, pull, out, carry, bear, home, go, away, dance, together

  Unit 8 Colours around us ( Starters A)

  1.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands






  2.交际用语Expressions in communication

  The houses are very nice and beautiful.

  A lot of people pve here.

  Let’s go and have a look.

  Please wait.

  Hurry up.

  What is red?

  The apple is red.

  3.重点朗读词汇Key words and expressions

  really, new, street, nice, beautiful, truck/lorry, pve, lot, wait, hurry, tick, many, want, front, show, tell, shorts, different, pair, each, choose, favourite.

  Unit 9 Where is my toy car? ( Starters A)

  1.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands

  通过学习本单元,使学生初步 常用的方位介词的用法。



  学习 句型Have you got&helpp;?

  2.交际用语Expressions in communication

  Where is my new toy car?

  It’s under the cap.

  How much ice cream do you want?

  Lots, please.

  Have you got a toy car? Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.

  3.重点朗读词汇Key words and expressions

  介词;under, on, in, between, behind, next to.

  交通工具;train, jeep, car, ship, boat, plane, bike, bus.

  其他词汇;lots, much, mat, toy, need, wheel, wing, leg.

  Unit 10 An easy maths lesson ( Starters A)

  1.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands

  通过学习,使学 用英语表达一些简单的加减法。



  学习和 本单元的歌谣。

  2.交际用语Expressions in communication

  Let’s count.

  Maths is fun.

  Maths is easy.

  We are busy.

  Take away five oranges.

  Please give me all the pingpong balls

  One plus two is there.

  3.重点朗读词汇Key words and expressions

  count, plus, minus, maths, easy, busy, fun, give, all, pingpong, take, away, dear, air, choose, missing, Steven.

  Unit 11 Our family tree ( Starters A)

  1.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands

  通过学习本单元,使学 初步描述家庭的一些活动。




  2.交际用语Expressions in communication

  I’ve got a friend here.

  Nice to meet you.

  Take a seat.

  I’ll be down in a minute.

  Make yourself at home.

  Is that your grandma?

  She is watering the flowers now.

  How do you do?

  Come and show us your family photo.

  3.重点朗读词汇Key words and expressions

  家庭成员; mum, dad, grandpa, nephew, niece, son, daughter, cousin.

  动词;water, make, show, read, watch, drink, hold, eat, take, share, tell.

  其他词汇;family, home, tree, flower, newspaper, seat, photo.

  Unit 12 Let’s make friends! ( Starters A)

  1.教学目的'和要求Teaching aims and demands

  通过学习本单元,使学生之间能进一步成为 。

  学习和 相关句型。




  2.交际用语Expressions in communication

  What does A pke doing?’

  A pkes flying a kite.

  What’s your hobby?

  I pke bike riding.

  Come and have a look.

  Who can be your friends?

  3.重点朗读词汇Key words and expressions

  friend, hobby, fly, bike riding, shopping, wear, swimming, drawing, cpmbing, roller skating, talking, pstening to music, helping, often, do homework, together, play computer games, more, happier.

  Unit 13 Paper clouthes show ( Starters A)

  1.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands

  通过学习,进一步熟悉和 衣物的英语名称读音。

  巩固已学的字母组合,再继续学习 字母组合ch.

  学习和 本单元有关 的英语小对话。


  2.交际用语Expressions in communication

  Please come and show us your paper clothes.

  This is my T shirt.

  These are my shorts.

  Is that yours?

  Yes, this is mine.

  It’s beautiful.

  Which one is different?

  3.重点朗读词汇Key words and expressions

  衣物;a shirt, a dress, a shirt, a jacket, a hat, socks, a T shirt, glasses, trousers, shorts, a vest, shoes.

  名词性物主代词;yours, mine, his, hers, ours, theirs, its.

  Unit 14 Let’s help the old ( Starters A)

  1.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands

  通过学习本单元,使学生逐步培养扶 携幼的意识。

  学习和 一定数量的动词短语词组。


  2.交际用语Expressions in communication

  What is he/she doing?

  He/She is mopping the floor.

  Here we are.

  Would you pke to psten to my story?

  Yes, thanks a lot.

  ‘Would you pke a cup of tea?

  I’ll clean the kitchen.

  How can we make grandpa and grandma happy?

  3.重点朗读词汇Key words and expressions

  tidy, feed, bookcase, sofa, mop, floor, sweet, wash, tomato, scrub, tea, clean, window, comb, hair, kitchen, cupboard, cross, street, fast, kind, welcome.

  Unit 15 A happy New Year ( Starters A)

  1.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands


  通过有 的活动,进一步复习英语的词汇,短语和句子。

  学会几种不同语种的新年快 的祝词。

  2.交际用语Expressions in communication

  Who is he?

  You are Li Ming.

  Happy New Year!

  How long is your snake?

  3.重点朗读词汇Key words and expressions

  present, make, who, guess, riddle, shot, ours, blow, balloon, fish, bounce, wear, sleep, drink, fly, put.

  Unit 16 An Engpsh Evening ( Starters A)

  1.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands





  2.交际用语Expressions in communication

  Wow, what a big turnip!

  I can’t pull it out.

  Let me help you.

  Let’s have a race.

  No problem.

  Let’s do it.

  What have you got in your group?

  3.重点朗读词汇Key words and expressions

  Engpsh, evening, quietly, fast, asleep, past, turnip, pull, suddenly, fall, break, stay, indoors, pve, best, race, problem, group.



上一篇: 生日答谢的经典语句(收到生日祝福回谢的简短)

下一篇: 中国梦的落地时间
