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loosened(loosened control)

1、Hangs like a blue thread loosened from the sky 像天上垂下的一截蓝色丝绳So this winged hour is dropt to us from above这飞逝的时刻也正是从天而落Oh! clasp we to our hearts, for deathless;and told the Wolf to lie on his side and open his jaws as wide as he could Then the Crane put its long neck down the Wolf#39s throat, and with its beak loosened the bone, till at last it got it;The government#39s control over the newspapers has loosened in recent years7 游完泳后你愿意放松一下吗Would you like to have some relaxation after swimming?8 他喜欢在周末看滑稽剧来放松自己He likes to;通过皮筋拉的太紧,或者突然松开,我会感觉到感情也是一样的,不要拉的太紧,如果太紧绷,突然松开的话,会对人造成伤害,而且拉的越紧,伤害也越大;1loosen主要是当动词讲,而loose主要是当形容词讲loosen v松开放松放宽 第三人称loosens,现在分词loosening,过去分词loosened 造句I loosen my tie after a long day in the office在经过漫长的一天工作后;Levi#39s在不同国家的广告词是不一样的中文的这一句只在中国使用,因此没有官方的英文翻译但是这句话可以大概翻译成Without restriction, be yourself, you are unstoppableLevi#39s的英文广告词有下面这一些A style。

2、By Cai Shitian Loosened sandy beach, shadow of a wild goose movingShining on fluffy flowers of reed, a bright moon with meNow and then, fishing boats passed by my berthSound of oars paddling;习loosen sb#39s tongue 使无拘无束地说话,使自由自在地说 词形变化时态loosened,loosening,loosens同义词undo,untielooserelaxtease,tease apartrelaxloose,relax反义词stiffenstiffen;动词及物 loosened loosened loosening松开,解开 Loosen the screw 旋松螺丝loosen one#39s coat 解开外衣 放松限制等loosen discipline 放松纪律 动词不及物 loosened loosened loosening松开松;脱下衣服的英文Take off your clothesclothes 读法 英 kl#594θ 美 kl#596θ1作名词的意思是衣服,衣物寝具2作动词的意思穿衣 clothe的第三人称单数给提供衣服用语言表达。

3、你的理解是对的,从语法上说 changed,lossened和substituted是并列关系最后substituted这一小句的意思是说,现代社会将原本的人与人的关系用与熟人的肤浅关系代替了从意思上看的话,后边两个部分像是对第一个部分的解释;1 她就想躺在你怀里,听你讲故事 She just wants to lie in your arms and listen your stories2 他搂紧了, 他松开了,那个小男孩 He held the boy tightlyHe released the boy3 把鞋带系紧点。

4、1 Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilised by education they grow there, firm as weeds among rocksCharlotte Bronte;Young people often loosen up on the dance floor 我无法放松,还是很清醒 I could not relax and still felt wide awake 哈里的手稍一放松,安娜便挣脱出来 Harry loosened his grip momentarily and Anna wriggled free 每。

loosened(loosened control) 第1张

5、to sleep3这个结老松开This knot keeps loosening4你能把这个瓶盖松开吗Can you loosen the lid of this jar?5我松开了领带,但是没有把它解下来I loosened my tie, but I didn#39t take it off;Desperately, I looked for something that would offer support and lurched forward to grasp a light outcropping of solid rock just as the surface shale underfoot loosened from its foundation by the warm noonday sun ca;该用loosenloosen是放松的意思,loose是释放的意思所以根据意思可知,选loosen。

loosened(loosened control) 第2张


上一篇: 名人演讲(名人演讲稿500字)

下一篇: 相约九八歌词,追忆中国娱乐圈40年岁月
