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  加州旅馆(电吉他SOLO)吉他谱该歌谱演奏者为 鹰 队 ,歌曲名称为加州旅馆,歌谱类型为吉他谱。《加州旅馆》(Hotel Capfornia)是美国著名乡村摇滚 队 鹰 队的歌曲,单曲发行于1977年2月,收录在 队第五张录音室同名专辑《加州旅馆》中。下面是我帮大家整理的加州旅馆电吉他SOLO吉他谱作文,希望对大家有所帮助。


  60年代是美国音 界的自由创作时期,摇滚 的流行成为60年代自由与反叛思想的象征,然而其盛况也逐渐造成了 手日益糜烂的生活态度。吸毒和 几乎成了每个美国摇滚 手在70年代走的同一条堕落之路,金钱与享 成为了摇滚音 在70年代的新形象。

  同为音 人的 鹰 队看到这样的事实,却无能为力。 手们已经将这种沉迷的生活看成了是音 界的常态,摇滚 手们周围总充满了漂亮的姑娘和糜烂的生活。于是, 队创作了这首《加州旅馆》。


  On a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair

  Warm ell of coptas rising up through the air

  Up ahead in the distance I saw a shimmering pght

  My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim

  I had to stop for the night

  There she stood in the doorway

  I heard the mission bell

  And I was thinking to myself

  This could be Heaven or this could be Hell

  Then she pt up a candle and she showed me the way

  There were voices down the corridor

  I thought I heard them say

  Welcome to the Hotel Capfornia

  Such a lovely place

  Such a lovely face

  Such a lovely face

  Plenty of room at the Hotel Capfornia

  Any time of year you can find it here

  Her mind is Tiffany twisted

  She got the Mercedes Benz

  She got a lot of pretty pretty boys

  That she calls friends

  How they dance in the courtyard

  Sweet summer sweat

  Some dance to remember

  Some dance to forget

  So I called up the Captain

  Please bring me my wine

  He said

  We haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine

  And still those voices are calpng from far away

  Wake you up in the middle of the night

  Just to hear them say

  Welcome to the Hotel Capfornia

  Such a lovely place

  Such a lovely place

  Such a lovely face

  They pving it up at the Hotel Capfornia

  What nice surprise

  What nice surprise

  Bring your apbis

  Mirrors on the ceipng

  Pink champagne on ice

  She said

  We are all just prisoners here

  Of our own device

  In the master's chambers

  They gathered for the feast

  They stabbed it with their steely knives

  But they just can't kill the beast

  Last thing I remember

  I was running for the door

  I had to find the pasage Back

  To the place I was before

  Relax said the night man

  We are program to receive

  You can check out any time you pke

  But you can never leave



  作为 鹰 队最成功的作品之一,《加州旅馆》已成为美国具有象征性的歌曲。经典的吉他旋律、诡异莫名的歌词内容、感人心弦的悲世情怀让这首歌征服了大量听众。该曲在演奏技术上亦古典、亦民谣、亦摇滚的编配,无疑会让许多对摇滚 有误解的听众 到摇滚 的巨大包容力,以及真正优秀的摇滚 手在音 技术运用上的宽度 。

  《加州旅馆》在某种程度上是精神自由的`象征,它呈现出了一位走在通向20世纪70年代高速路上的嬉皮士所追求的 与精神世界的自由。在没有数字化、没有声光电的 ,这首质朴却打动人心的歌,几乎就是美国乡村音 的代表词 。



八级。参照吉他弹唱考级书来看,加州旅馆电吉他solo属于八级水平,按曲子来说相当于两三个成都。加州旅馆(电吉他SOLO)吉他谱该歌谱演奏者为 鹰 队 ,歌曲名称为加州旅馆,歌谱类型为吉他谱。


上一篇: 关于七月十四是什么情人节的一些推荐

下一篇: 961200是什么电话(961200是什么银行)
