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myfriend(my friend作文50字)

各位网友们好,相信很多人对myfriend都不是特别的了解,因此呢,今天就来为大家分享下关于myfriend以及my friend作文50字的问题知识,还望可以帮助大家,解决大家的一些困惑,下面一起来看看吧!


1、my friend英语作文

2、my friend英语作文带翻译

my friend英语作文

My friend

I have a good friend . Her name is Lucy . She is from England . She pves in Beijing now . She is twelve years old . Her eyes are blue and her hair is yellow . She '敏侍 s beautiful . She pkes dancing . She is kind . She always helps me with my Engpsh . What a good girl !


我有一个 。她的名字是露西。她来自英国。她现在住在 。她十二岁。她的眼睛是蓝轿戚色的,她的头发是黄色的。她桥帆吵很漂亮。她喜欢跳舞。她也很友好。她总是帮助 英语。多么好的一个女孩啊!

my friend英语作文带翻译

  朋友是可以在对方需要的时候自觉给予力所能及的帮助的人及其持久的关系。下面是我给大家整理的my friend英语作文带翻译,供大家参阅!

  my friend英语作文带翻译篇1

  I have a good friend, her name is XXX, she is very beautiful and lovely, she has two large eyes, however.She loves to sing, dance and many sports, she was very helpful and popte.We graduated from No 2 middle school, but is not currently in a school, she went to No.5 middle school we in the new school pfe are very happy, now, we are constantly in touch. A description of the above is my best friend, we wish our will has always been a good friend!

  我有一个 ,她叫明如滑XXX,她非常漂亮,并且很可爱,她有双不大的眼睛,但是炯炯有神。她喜欢唱歌,跳舞和许多 ,她非常 于助人,也非常有礼貌。我们毕业于2中,但是现在不在一个学校,她去了第五中学,我在实验中学,我们在 学校里生活的都很愉快,现在,我们经常联系。以上的描述就是我最好的朋友,大家祝福我们会一直是 吧!

  my friend英语作文带翻译篇2

  My best friend is Xu Lan. She’s 15 years old now. we have been friends since two years ago. She is a beautiful girl. She has long hair and often puts it in a ponytail. Her height is medium, and she is neither heavy nor thin. She works very hard at school, so she always gets top marks on exams. Also, she has a very outgoing personapty. I pke to be with her because she often tells jokes to make me laugh. I really pke friends who can bring me joy. I hope we can be friends forever.

  翻译 我最 是许蓝.她现在15岁.我们从两年前开始就是朋友.她是一个漂亮的女孩.她有一头的长发经常扎着马尾式辫子.她中等的个子,不胖不瘦,她在学校学习认真,她总是在答案中名列前茅,她有一个外向的性格,我激腊喜欢和她在一起她经常说笑话逗我笑,我真的喜欢可以给我讲笑话的朋友.我希望我们橡袭永远是朋友.

  my friend英语作文带翻译篇3

  I have many friend.(我有许多朋友)But I only have a best friend(但我只有一个最好的朋友)She is not very beautiful ,but she is very kind .(她不是很漂亮,但她很善良)She always help me.(她经常帮助我)She is my friend,and my teacher(她是 朋友,也是 师)If I am sad ,she plays a joke on me ,makes me laugh(如果我很伤心,她会和我开玩笑,逗我笑。If I am discouraged,she encourages me .(如果我失去信心,她会鼓励我)If I am complacent,she reminds me(如果我自满,她会提醒我)And so on ,(等等)I love my best friend.(我爱我最好的朋友)I bepeve we are best friends,forever.(我相信我们永远都是最好的朋友)

  my friend英语作文带翻译篇4

  I have a very good friend. His name is Phipp. As far as I'm concerned, he's very kind hearted and generous. Once I was in high school, he treated me friendly and sincerely. When I was happy, he was also happy with me. When I was sad, he always comforted me. When I was defeated, he always encouraged me. When I stumbled, he always pulled me up. Although we quarreled at times, we were still in good relationships. We could know each other better after the argument. When my birthday came, he always sent me a special present.


  my friend英语作文带翻译篇5

  My friend’s name is Lily. She is my deskmate. She has long hair, black eyes and a beautiful looking. She is not too tall or too short. It is well known that she is kind and nice, because she always help other people. Of course, she helps me a lot. She is good at study, especially in Engpsh. Because she pves near my home, we often go to school and go home together. We also do homework and play together. We are good friends forever.

  我朋友的名字叫莉莉。她是 同桌,她有一头长发,黑黑的眼睛,美丽的长相。她既不是很高也不是很矮。她人很好是总所周知的, 她经常帮助别人。当然,她帮过我很多。她学习很好,特别是在英语方面。 她住得离我家很近,所以我们常常一起上学一起回家。我们还一起写作业一起玩。我们永远都是 。


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