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屁股的意思是什么 屁股怎么写

屁股的意思是什么 屁股怎么写Life is all about ASS.You are eithercovering your ASSlaughing your ASS offkicking ASSkissing ASSbusting AS

今天我们来认真谈谈 "屁股"

Life is all about ASS.

You are either

covering your ASS

laughing your ASS off

kicking ASS

kissing ASS

busting ASS

trying to get some ASS

or behaving like an ASS

…. or….

you live with an ASS.

1. ASS

The most common and literal definition of ass is a donkey, and then the human butt/buttocks . It is used in a very literal sense (fall on your ass), and sexually (that guy/girl has a niceass). It can also be a person who is being an inappropriate jerk . Neither of these are formal or polite, but their use is extremely common.


今天我们来认真谈谈 "屁股"


(1) “He tried to kick the ball but missed and fell on his ass.”


(2) “My friend drank too much and started acting like an ass (or making an ass out of himself)”


2. Cover Your ASS

To protect yourself or someone else or getting into trouble in a problematic situation (protect yourself from risk),usually within an organization or something related to the law.


今天我们来认真谈谈 "屁股"

CYA = Cover Your Ass 替你擦屁股

CYOA = Cover Your Own Ass 给你自己擦屁股


The police officer didn’t want to fill out the report. He only did it to cover his ass so he wouldn’t get in trouble later.


3.LMAO (Laughing my ASS Off)

The common textspeak (internet/digital acronym) term to describe laugher. Given the fact that the original term for it, LOL (laugh out loud), lost its power with time and overuse, LMAO and LMFAO(Laughing My Fucking Ass Off) became popular for sincere humor. [verb] + your ass off is a common generative formation that is used with other verbs too:

比较恰当的解释是,笑的屁滚尿流。非常常见的一种首字母缩略的网络用语,现在越来越流行,用来形容某件事或者人特别搞笑。有点像之前的LOL(开怀大笑),不过已经被用烂了。动词+ your ass off是一个非常常用的组合,为了强调或者表示程度重。

今天我们来认真谈谈 "屁股"


(1) “I worked my ass off last week to pay rent.”


(2) “I studied my ass off to pass the test.”


(3) “I laughed my ass off when he fell on his ass.”


4. Kiss my ASS

A disrespectful thing to say to someone you are angry at and don’t want to communicate with.

来亲我的屁股表示看不起别人,是一种非常粗鲁的表达。当你非常生气,不想与对方沟通时可能会冲着对方说:Kiss my ass!

今天我们来认真谈谈 "屁股"


An aggressive driver who is angry at another car might yell kiss my ass out the window.

一个凶悍的司机很生气,透过车窗冲着另外一辆车大喊:Kiss my ass!

5. ASShole

The literal definition of asshole is anus ,but it is most commonly used to call somebody a jerk. This is a bit disrespectful and a profane, but sometimes it is merited. Asshole is more commonly used to describe men, while bitch is the female synonym of this.


今天我们来认真谈谈 "屁股"


“The waiter was such an asshole that I decided not to leave a tip.”


6. Bust my ASS / Bust or Rip ASS

(1) to bust your ass is to work very hard(2) to bust or rip ass is to fart (to flatulate), but generally in a loud and probably embarrassing way.


今天我们来认真谈谈 "屁股"


(1) “I busted my ass studying for that test.”


(2) “He busted ass in front of the whole class.”


7. Get some ASS

Get some ass is to hook up or to have sex. It’s usually used by men (although not always), and is talked about as an achievement. It’s often shortened to “Get some.”简单来说就是约炮的意思。男性使用的较多,成为嘴上谈资。通常缩写为“Get some”。

今天我们来认真谈谈 "屁股"


“The only reason a lot of people go out is to get some ass.”



JackASS 傻帽

BadASS 坏蛋

DumbASS 傻帽

LazyASS 懒癌症患者

HardASS 难搞的人

SmartASS 机智鬼

Thumb up your ASS 浪费时间

Get Your ASSin Gear 赶紧振作起来!

Your ASS is Mine 你属于我了



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