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包括的意思是什么 包含怎么写

包括的意思是什么 包含怎么写"Include" "contain" "involve"表示“包括,包含”时,意思相近。怎么区别他们呢?请看下文分解吧!If one thing includesanother, it has the seco

"Include" "contain" "involve"表示“包括,包含”时,意思相近。怎么区别他们呢?请看下文分解吧!

If one thing includesanother, it has the second thing as one of its parts.如果一个东西包括另一件东西,那么后面这件东西就是组成前者的一部分。"Include" usually deals with a list."Include" 通常涉及到列表性质的内容。

My favorite sports include volleyball and badminton.我最喜欢的运动包括排球和羽毛球。

My rent is 50,000 yen per month, and this includes my water bill as well.我的房租是每月50000日元,这包括我的水费。

"Include" "contain" "involve"表示“包括,包含”的辨析"Include" "contain" "involve"表示“包括,包含”的辨析

If sth containssth else, it has that thing inside it. (to have something inside)如果某物含有其他东西,那个东西就包含在它的内部。

This drink contains alcohol. 这种饮料含有酒精。

The chocolate bar contained sugar.巧克力含有糖。

"Include" "contain" "involve"表示“包括,包含”的辨析"Include" "contain" "involve"表示“包括,包含”的辨析

If a situation or activity involvessomething, that thing is a necessary part or consequence of it.如果一种情况或活动包含某件事,那件事就是它的必要部分或结果。(一种逻辑的因果关系)

Any investment involves an element of risk.任何投资都包含一定的风险。

Many of the crimes involved drugs.许多罪案都与毒品有关。

"Include" "contain" "involve"表示“包括,包含”的辨析"Include" "contain" "involve"表示“包括,包含”的辨析


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