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writedown(write up 和write down 有何区别)


  • write up 和write down 有何区别
  • write down是什么意思
  • writedown什么意思
  • write down, write with ,write in,writeon都啥意思
  • write down的用法
  • Write-Down 是什么意思啊啊
  • Write-Down是什么意思呢

write up 和write down 有何区别

在“写东西”的意义上,“write”、“write down”和“write up”有着很大区别,不能相互替换。1.       “Write something”:意为写的动作,对应的是没写的概念。如:a)       Molière wrote his last play, The Imaginary Invalid, in 1673.b)      I’m planning to write my essay on Molière’s comedies next week.2.       “Write something down”或“write down something”:意为写下备忘,强调具体内容,不很正式;对应的是默记的概念。如:a)       I wrote down your number, but now I can’t find it.b)      You don’t have to write everything down that the lecturer says.3.       “Write something up”或“write up something”:意为完整清晰地记录,强调写作目标,相对正式;对应的是部分写完的概念。“Up”常用于强调完成,例如“chop up”就比“chop”彻底。如:a)       I’m going to write up my lecture notes this evening.b)      Write your notes up while they’re still fresh.同一事物可用不同短语描述,但侧重点不同。在“Teen who was so ill she wrote a bucket list undergoes lifesaving double lung transplant”中,“list”本不必写,但她写了,强调的是写下遗愿这一事实。在“I’m going to write up an event by writing down a list of people who attended”中,“list”是写作素材之一,属于要记住的具体内容,“event”才是写作目标;而在“Set aside time to write up your gift list”中,“list”本身就是要完成的写作目标。在其它意义上,“write down”和“write up”可以是反义词,比如“低估资产”和“高估资产”。

write down是什么意思

write down 英 写下; 记下; 视为; 贬低(地位、重要性等); On the morning before starting the fast, write down your starting weight早晨开始禁食前,记下你的体重。


writedown 划减(账面资产)另一种选择是被迫划销不良资产在金融部门,或者更多的财政资本重组或债转股互换。

write down, write with ,write in,writeon都啥意思

write down 写下(什么东西)如:write down your nameswrite with 用。。写(用笔、铅笔、钢笔,后面跟写字的工具)如:write the letter with pen 用钢笔写信write on 在哪里写(后面跟写的地方,如纸、本子)如:write names on the paper 在纸上写名字write in 在选票上加写或加进(非原定候选人的名字):或将…插写进去,把…写入(或补进);或写信提出(请求等)如:His name was written in by his supporters. 他的支持者在选票上加进了他的名字。She wrote in some examples in her paper.她在论文里加进了一些实例。You’d better write in to our radio station to express your opinion.你最好写信给我们电台阐明你的意见。

write down的用法

write down 后面接名词性宾语或者宾语从句。比如 I always write down the questions that I want to ask. Please write down the word and try to remember it.

Write-Down 是什么意思啊啊

write-down 划减 减记;减值;减计例句筛选1.Write down everything like a personal diary and the day before theappointment make a list of questions to ask the specialist.写下一切就像一个个人日记和任命的前一天做出的问题清单,要求专家。2.I’m in the moment of light, spot light beyond the limits of my sorrow, writedown the moving chapters.我在聚光灯照亮的瞬间,我超越了悲伤的极限,写下那动人的章节。







上一篇: 哥德堡变奏曲(哥德萝莉)

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