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  • 学校外文数据库不丰富,请问有没有什么免费的网站可以
  • 请问怎么用EI检索专利文献
  • 如何使用IEEE Electronic Library
  • IEL的IEEE/IEE Electronic Library
  • 长春市第一外国语中学怎么样


去学校图书馆的网站,上面应该有外文数据库,去IEEE/IEE Electronic Library(IEL)全文数据库下载。我的就是这样下的,都是免费的。


数据库检索指南+科技文献获取指南(中科院文献情报中心) http://www.las.ac.cn/subpage/Information_Content.jsp?InformationID=556&SubFrameID=10039&strWhere=%20order%20by%20informationtitle 内容 提供格式 ISI Web of Knowledge 3 PPT Springer Link 在线图书馆 PPT INSPEC 1.5 PPT PDF Landolt-Bornstein工具书 PPT PDF Web of Science 7.2 PPT PDF PDF Beilstein/Gmelin Crossfire PPT ISI Proceedings 3.0 PPT PDF Knovel电子图书及工具书 PPT WORD BIOSIS Previews 4.0 PPT PDF Elsvier 电子全文数据库 PPT Current Contents Connect PPT PDF IEEE/IEE Electronic library PPT Journal Citation Reports PPT PDF 中文科技期刊全文数据库 PPT Derwent Innovation Index PPT PDF 中文电子图书全文数据库 WORD WoS Quick Reference Guide PDF CSA 剑桥科学文摘数据库 PPT Ei Engineering Village 2 PPT PDF PQDDB 博硕学位论文文摘数据库 PPT 专利文献检索 PPT 网络参考咨询方法与利用 PPT 标准文献检索 PPT PDF 科技文献全文获取途径与方法 PPT 常用文献查询 PPT CSDL 文献传递与馆际互借系统 WORD CSDL 资源与服务 PPT 研究生学习型科技文献信息获取 PPT Google 检索方法与技巧 PPT 国内大型科技文献机构的特色与获取 PPT 中科院图书馆印刷版资源检索与服务 PPT

如何使用IEEE Electronic Library

具体参阅百度文库文档如何使用IEEE Electronic Library_百度文库http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=5Vyl9KI2Xm_H-ioYo_wg-Wn79WxbZ3eMufQsQFB0Vu4dwoP0UhAipSSc6BQ0BOQd-PzGJ2tZCDNFFPte7dhs5pXh__gKg9_SHEHJHeg0pCS祝你愉快,满意请采纳哦

IEL的IEEE/IEE Electronic Library

IEEE/IET Electronic Library(IEL)数据库提供美国电气电子工程师学会(IEEE)和英国电气工程师学会(IEE)出版的219种期刊、7151种会议录、1590种标准的全文信息。IEEE学会下属的13个技术学会的18种出版物可以浏览全文,且数据回溯的年限也比较长,其他出版物一般只提供1988年以后的全文检索。部分期刊还可以看到预印本(accepted for future publication)全文。提供IEEE(电气电子工程师学会)和IET(国际工程和技术学会)的在线数据资源,它收录了当今世界在电气工程、通信工程和计算机科学领域中近三分之一的文献,在电气电子工程、计算机科学、人工智能、机器人、自动化控制、遥感和核工程领域的期刊影响因子和被引用量都名列前茅。IEEE每年在全球举办超过900场的学术会议,涉及电气电子、通信和计算机、能源、自动化控制等学科领域。  截止2008年IEL收录的内容包括:149种IEEE期刊与杂志、23种IET期刊、900+种IEEE会议录、40+种IET会议录、2000+种IEEE标准。其中,共有145本期刊被SCI收录,总收录率达到84% 。


长春市第一外国语中学 长春市第一外国语中学座落于伊通河东岸惠工路立交桥旁,是一所美丽的花园式学校,学校始建于1972年3月,1983年由108中学易名为长春市第一外国语中学。1992年经市教委批准,成立长春市赴日学生预备校。学校现有高级教师96人、一级教师189人,其中全国劳动模范2人,省市劳动模范4人;全国优秀班主任2人、省市优秀班主任2人;市级以上优秀教师18人;获市级以上各种奖励489人次,学校教师学历达标100%。 学校现集小学、初中、高中为一体,分为南北两个校区,校园总面积49280平方米,建筑面积44438平方米,教学设备齐全,有标准的理、化、生实验室、微机室、多媒体语言实验室、多媒体计算机综合教室、电化教室、演播大厅、电子图书馆、双向闭路电视、智能广播系统、校园网,吉林省电化教育示范校。图书室、阅览室共有藏书15万余册。几年来,学生在国家、省、市各科各级竞赛中有632人获奖,中考连续15年名列第一,92、97、2000,2003,2004年五次夺得中考状元。学校开设英、日、俄三个语种,在小学、初中试行双语种教学实验,特聘7位外籍教师任教。学校体育设施先进,1999年8月游泳馆、体操馆、体育馆落成,现全面对学生、教师开放,学校被确定为吉林省体育传统学校,涌现出举重世界冠军;省女子速滑冠军;省少年女子乒乓球冠军、亚军、团体冠军,学生书法作品参加国际大赛取得优异成绩。2000年10月北校综合楼落成2002年1月南校小学部西楼落成为我校学生学习、活动提供了更优越的环境。学校先后获得国家、省、市政府和教育行政管理部门授予的各种荣誉称号。 The Introduction of the SchoolNumber 1 Foreingn Language Middle School of Changchun City lies on the eastern bank of Yitong Riverbesides Huigong flyoverit is a beautiful school which looks like a garden.The school was founded in March1972.In 1983it was renamed No.1 Foreign language Middle school from No.108 Middle School .In 1992after authoriztion of Changchun City Educational Committeethe preparatory school of Changchun city which will send students to Japan was constructed.Now there are 96 high-level teachers189first-level teachersincluding 2 national model workersprovincial model workers2 outstanding headteachers2 provincial outstanding headteachers8outstanding teachers of Changchun cityther are 489 teachers who have got some certain rewardand all the teachers have got astandard diploma.There is primary school ajunior middle schooland a vocational senior middle school in the whole schoolwhich is divided into two partscovering49280 square metersits building area is 44438 square meters with all kinds of teaching tools and a standard physical laba chemical laba biological laba commputer rooma multi-media language laboratory a multi-media comprehensive computer rooma classrom with electrical audio-visual aidsa performance and sports hallan electronic librarya two-way closed-circuit televisionan intercommunication systemand an enlarged school internet systemOur school is a model school with an audio-visual education programme of JiLin province.There are 150000 books in the library and reading room.For several years632 students have gotten awards in all kinds of competitions which are organized by the dountryprovince and city .Our graduating strdents have gotten the first place in the graduation exam in 19921997200020032004and thd first place students were all from our school.We offer EnglishJapanese and Russian in the prmary school and Junior Middle School.In order to attempt the tow-language teaching methodwe engage six foreign language teachers to work in our school.The sports facilities of the school are advanced. In July 1999the natatoriumstadium and gymnasium were finished.Now they are open for all the students and teacher. The school was named physical culture traditional school of JiLin province. The weight lifting champion of the worldthe girl’sspeed skating champion of Jlin province and the champion in girl’s table tennis of Jilin province are all graduates from our school.The second place in girl’s table tennis was also gotten by our schoolin addition to the team title.Some calligraphy of students was chosen to take part in the international calligraphy match and they got excellent results.


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