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内容导航:1、BBC推荐:疫情时期抚慰人心的老电影(上)2、evil什么意思及同义词3、evil什么意思啊 evil的意思4、Evil是什么意思...?




Still from film Top Hat. Credit: Continental Home Vídeo

If you want to be footloose and fancy-free


In times of trouble, it can be oddly uplifting to see people with no troubles at all. One example would be J Harold Manners, the blithe millionaire played by Harold Lloyd in For Heaven’s Sake(1926). While the other great silent comics’ characters are often buffeted by crime and hardship, Lloyd’s trademark persona is breezily positive, and never more so than when Manners floats through this buoyant Sam Taylor comedy, writing cheques without hesitation whether he needs to buy a car or establish a mission for the poor. Another example would be Henry Fonda’s Charles Pike inThe Lady Eve(1941), a brewery heir with nothing to worry about except being pursued by Barbara Stanwyck’s gold-digging dame. But the definitive footloose and fancy-free movie idols must be Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, who gave Depression-era audiences a glittery glimpse of high society in Top Hat(1935) andCarefree(1938).


buoyant[ˈbɔɪənt]: adj. 轻快的


Poster of the film Singin’ in the Rain. Credit: MGM

If you want to sing along


While it may not have been medically proven that it is impossible to get through Fit as a Fiddle, Make 'em Laugh,Moses SupposesorGood Morningwithout cheering up, it’s certainly very likely, so you should watch the film which boasts those dazzling song and dance routines at least once a day for the next few weeks.Singin’ in the Rain(1952), starring Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds and Donald O’Connor, is the most acclaimed of all Hollywood musicals. But, actually, almost any good musical should have enough energetic fun to lift the spirits, fromEaster Parade(1948) andThe Band Wagon(1953) toThe Blues Brothers(1980) and Little Shop of Horrors(1986).

尽管没有医学证明,但是你在听完了《Fit as a Fiddle》、《Make 'em Laugh》、《Moses Supposes》和《Good Morning》这几首曲子后很可能心情会好起来,所以接下来几周你应该看看那部拥有这些美妙的歌曲和舞蹈的电影,每天至少一次。吉恩·凯利、黛比·雷诺兹、唐纳德·奥康纳主演的1952年电影《雨中曲》是最受欢迎的好莱坞音乐电影。不过,事实上,几乎任何一部优秀的音乐电影都有足以振奋精神的活力和乐趣,比如,1948年电影《花开蝶满枝》、1953年电影《龙国香车》到1980年电影《福禄双霸天》和1986年电影《异形奇花》。


Still from film When Harry Met Sally. Credit: Castle Rock Entertainment

If you want to fall in love


A film so comforting that it has an item of soft furnishing in its title, Pillow Talk(1959) stars Doris Day as a career woman who can’t stand her playboy neighbour (Rock Hudson) who hogs their shared phone line. Why is it such a pleasure? One reason is that the most tense dramatic question is whether its devastatingly attractive heroine and hero will get together (of course they will), while the characters boast such aspirational lifestyles in the meantime. The best romantic comedies let you imagine that you, too, could wear those clothes, lounge around in those apartments, and have that flirtatious badinage in those metropolitan nightclubs and restaurants, so snuggle up with Doris and Rock – or, if you prefer, Hugh and Andie inFour Weddings and a Funeral(1994) or Billy and Meg inWhen Harry Met Sally(1989).


hog[hɔːɡ]: v. 独占

badinage[ˈbædɪnɑːʒ]: n. 开玩笑


Still from film The World Is Not Enough. Credit: MGM

If you want someone to save the world


Bond movies are intrinsically comforting to Brits of a certain age because they bring back memories of flopping in front of the television on Christmas day. But you don’t have to be British to feel soothed by a supremely competent and confident champion trouncing evil and cracking one-liners while he’s at it. Not a Bond fan? Choose your favourite action hero, whether it’s John McClane in Die Hard(1988), Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark(1981), or Superman inSuperman: The Movie(1978), a paragon who can literally turn back time to happier days.


paragon[ˈpærəɡɑːn]: n. 模范;完美之物;优秀之人





英音 [ 'i:vl ] ; 美音 [ 'i:vil ] adj.1. 恶毒的;邪恶的2. 有害的;道德败坏的3. 恶魔的;罪恶的4. 讨厌的;令人作呕的;使人不舒服的n.1.不可数名词: 邪恶;罪恶;恶行2.可数名词: 害处;坏处;弊端词形变化:形容词比较级:eviler,evilest;副词:evilly;名词:evilness。同义词:harmful,injurious;immorality,iniquity,wickedness;vicious;malefic,malevolent,malign;ness。




3、evil什么意思啊 evil的意思



Evil英文发音: [ˈiːvl]中文释义:1、adj.恶毒的;邪恶的;有害的;道德败坏的;恶魔的;罪恶的2、n.邪恶;罪恶;恶行;害处;坏处;弊端例句:We are still being attacked by the forces of evil...我们仍在遭受邪恶力量的攻击。扩展资料:与Evil相近的词语:一、bad英文发音:[bæd]中文释义:1、adj.令人不快的;问题成堆的;坏的;质量差的;不合格的;拙于;不擅;不善于2、n.坏人;坏事(物)3、adv.很;非常例句:The bad weather conditions prevented the plane from landing...糟糕的天气使飞机无法降落。

二、wicked英文发音:[wɪkt , ˈwɪkɪd]中文释义:1、adj.邪恶的;缺德的;淘气的;调皮的;恶作剧的;危险的;有害的;强大的2、n.恶人;邪恶的人例句:She described the shooting as a wicked attack她称那次枪击为恶意袭击。

本文关键词:midevil什么意思,bwana devil什么意思,forevil什么意思,do no evil什么意思,pure evil什么意思。这就是关于《evil什么意思,evil什么意思及同义词(疫情时期抚慰人心的老电影)》的所有内容,希望对您能有所帮助!


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