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All Life , there are always some fragments looked at it does not matter, but in fact it affects the overall situation.


Human nature is so true, both credulous and love of doubt, that it is weak and very stubborn, their own undecided, but for others to do things very decision.



1、it is true that human nature is so, both credulous and doubting, that it is weak and stubborn, and that he can not make up his mind and do things for others. 2、life in the world, some of the fragments at that time looked at the indifference, but in fact, it was involved in the overall situation. 3、if a person is abandoned, most of them are not good. 4、alas, all the profits, all is vanity! Who are really happy inside of us? Who is happy? Even if it was a wish at that time, is it not satisfactory after that? Come on, children pick up from the stage, hide the puppet, let’s play is played out. 5、if a person does not put anyone in the heart, of course, he can not expect to have a true friend. 6、If I have 5000 pounds, I am a good woman, too. 7、many rich people had in mind have no conscience this thing, in their view, but be beneath the human character of conscience. 8、I think of those interested in fame, friendship and how long, how perfect, have to admire them. 9、if you are a small abacus when all of the people who, the world’s population must be greatly reduced. 10、a woman to look down on other women is a very proud thing! 11、alas, all the profits, all is vanity! Who are really happy inside of us? Who is to have as is wished? Even if it was a wish at that time, is it not satisfactory after that? 12、there was always some time when it was insignificant, but in fact it was in the big picture. 13、I want the story to end at the end of that everyone is dissatisfied, not happy。

We should feel about our own stories and all the stories. 14、China men have two kinds of bad habits, one is working, they usually tell you that money, this is us.There is a love come from them, with your love, which we call the father. 15、the life sorrow, you are advised dandyism today, the butcher said, see the Buddha flowers. When love comes, Lu Chiwen felt that love had gone. It’s better to say love than to do it.。


1、it is true that human nature is so, both credulous and doubting, that it is weak and stubborn, and that he can not make up his mind and do things for others. 2、life in the world, some of the fragments at that time looked at the indifference, but in fact, it was involved in the overall situation. 3、if a person is abandoned, most of them are not good. 4、alas, all the profits, all is vanity! Who are really happy inside of us? Who is happy? Even if it was a wish at that time, is it not satisfactory after that? Come on, children pick up from the stage, hide the puppet, let’s play is played out. 5、if a person does not put anyone in the heart, of course, he can not expect to have a true friend. 6、If I have 5000 pounds, I am a good woman, too. 7、many rich people had in mind have no conscience this thing, in their view, but be beneath the human character of conscience. 8、I think of those interested in fame, friendship and how long, how perfect, have to admire them.9、if you are a small abacus when all of the people who, the world’s population must be greatly reduced. 10、a woman to look down on other women is a very proud thing! 11、alas, all the profits, all is vanity! Who are really happy inside of us? Who is to have as is wished? Even if it was a wish at that time, is it not satisfactory after that? 12、there was always some time when it was insignificant, but in fact it was in the big picture. 13、I want the story to end at the end of that everyone is dissatisfied, not happy。

We should feel about our own stories and all the stories. 14、China men have two kinds of bad habits, one is working, they usually tell you that money, this is us.There is a love come from them, with your love, which we call the father. 15、the life sorrow, you are advised dandyism today, the butcher said, see the Buddha flowers. When love comes, Lu Chiwen felt that love had gone. It’s better to say love than to do it.。




































你好: 英文如下: 1 vanity is not wrong, when vanity become an excuse for fall, it’s become the abyss of perdition. 2 both have heavy, only a solitary month high. My eyes Mo stay in that a tombstone, coagulate fat, asing if is ten years of waiting, looking for only one time. Past memories seems in sight, but much transformed. I do not know the soul has been broken, empty dream. Despite of the sky, no one know. Former ShiYu talk in my ears. I would like to with your bosom friend, a long life have no unique failure. LeiZhenZhen winter, summer rain, mountain without edges, heaven and earth together, is a must-jun and dare.3. 3 for a long time since I’ve been looking for a reason, to explain why I love you. But I can’t find, because I can’t take me to your aichi prefecture is due to a reason. Love reason to beat me, only know that one day you don’t coming from a long ladder, a day to see the smile on your face, one day you are not in the kitchen cooking for me, I would sit alone in the boundless darkness night, let alone a bite of my life.4. 3 for a long time since I’ve been looking for a reason, to explain why I love you. But I can’t find, because I can’t take me to your aichi prefecture is due to a reason. Love reason to beat me, only know that one day you don’t coming from a long ladder, a day to see the smile on your face, one day you are not in the kitchen cooking for me, I would sit alone in the boundless darkness night, let alone a bite of my life. 4 don’t don’t rules, otherwise you will living with the results of thinking of others, don’t let other people’s point of view the noise made by motion simulation inner voice. The most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they may already know that you actually want to be a very kind person everything else is secondary.5. people and happiness is just like a cat with its tail, when the cat is desperately chasing its tail, tail always run faster than it, when the cat decided to always forward tail will closely follow it.希望能帮到你,望采纳,谢谢。


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,

it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness

, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity,

it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness,

it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair,

we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way–in short, the period was so. far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.



Gaximo abandoned, in a chance meeting was Fuzhujiao Claude. Corfu Luoluo justice for the adoption of adulthood

After him on the Notre Dame de Paris when the bell people. Although he is very ugly but also multiple disabilities, but different spiritual

Often noble and pure.

Bohemian long street girls Rafah. Esmeralda, and could sing and dance, naive beauty and carefully Namsoon

Thick. Dole Biaier poor young poet. Sweet Fruit watts accidental encounter with her, and in a more casual occasions become her name

Meaning husband.

Wang, deputy leader of the famous have always concentrate on the “priesthood” and suddenly one day enjoy the Bohemian girl

Dance, worry about doing everything possible to take her appropriation of her threats even a trap, and also this is not

Learn to play despicable means to deceive the use of his son Gaximo justice and more students Sweet Fruit watts. In any case it is also a glance

Esmeralda is not possession of criminal attempt to end they Qinshouba that cute girl into a gallows.

On the other hand, many private Gaximo also love the Bohemian girl. She was entrapment, the more skillfully Gaximo

Of the rescue, in a confined space, Notre Dame asylum the bell with a very simple and sincere feelings of comfort her –

Guarding her. When she once again at a critical time in the bell person to assist her, demonstrated extraordinary bravery and resourcefulness. And

When he inadvertently found themselves “Yifu” and the “benefactor” far up there on the gallows Looking at the girl and the Bohemian

Ningxiao like a demon, Gaximo more immediately to the hypocrisy that the final judgement Qingshouba Claude.

Corfu Luoluo from pushing up the sky Belfry, he threw the pieces.



eg: 1. Pain past is pleasure.


2. While there is life, there is hope.


3. Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.


4. Storms make trees take deeper roots.


5. Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.


6. The shortest answer is doing.


7. All things are difficult before they are easy.


8. Great hopes make great man. (伟大的理想造就伟大的人。)


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