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凡是句子开头的第一个单词的首字母都要大写。如:Good morning! This is a book .

单词I (我)在句中任何位置都必须大写。如:Liu Tao and I are good friends .

表示人名、地名等一些专有名词放在句中任何位置,其首字母都必须大写。如:Mr. Wu , China . 二、注意距离

英语单词的排列应整齐美观,单词与单词间以空一个字母a 的距离为宜,句子与句子之间空两个字母的距离为宜。 一句话结束时要用句号“.”;疑问句用“?”;感叹句用“!”;连接并列万成分时不用顿号“、”,而用逗号“,”;省略号是三个或四个小圆点“…”或“….”;书名用斜体或大写来表示,不用书名号《 》。



Whether today or tomorrow , I won`t miss you!

Don`t cry because it came to end , smile because it happened .


I still love you !

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(1) Tom’s best friend, we have a lot in common, he is good at English, always during high school. I’m proud of him. The day before yesterday, when my teacher told me, when I failed the English test, I pretend nothing, in fact, I feel very ashamed, even cry. I begged Tom not to tell the secret. Tom accepted my request. If you promise to keep a secret, you should keep its promise. Otherwise, your friends will feel betrayed and will get mad. (2) due to traffic jams, Tom was late for school again, he was pissed about this. Therefore, when the head teacher accused him of violating the regulation and scolded him, Tom got angry and said some hurtful things. Naturally, the master could not help but temper, and notify the parents. Zhihou, Tom admits his mistakes and to apologize to the teacher. He now realized that along with others is important and is determined to hold the class back.有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)。


上一篇: 初级日语会话短句

下一篇: 人生就像一列火车短句
