- 摘要现代管理必须树立以人为本的管理理念,英文怎么写
- 西文字体1
- 人文用英语怎么说
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- 哪位大人知道人文主义的英文概念及简介阿
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The modern enterprise human resources management, the management idea grasps is “humanist” , this idea advocated “depends upon the human, respects the human, develops the human, the condensation person, finally realizes the enterprise and staff’s communal development”.
字体是视觉设计中最重要的传达元素之一,字体本身的视觉特性和品质影响着信息传递的质量,英文字体有自己非常完善的系统,如果要精通则需要从字体的历史与形成,文化属性细细研究,限于文章篇幅,这里只从个人的感受出发写一些更偏向于应用的内容。 英文字体的分类 英文文字大致分成三类,衬线体,无衬线体和其他字体。其他字体包括哥特体,手写体和装饰体,这些字体在我们工作中使用相对较少,所以重点介绍衬线体和无衬线体两大类。衬线体的历史比较悠久,是古罗马时期的碑刻用字,适合用于表达传统,典雅,高贵,距离感。 衬线体可以分成两类:类似手写的衬线体叫“旧体”,笔尖会留下固定倾斜角度的书写痕迹,O字母较细的部分连线是斜线。旧体并不意味过时,传统书籍正文通常用旧体排版,适合长文阅读。 比例工整,没有手写痕迹的衬线体叫“现代体”。O字母较细部分连线是垂直的。体现了明快的现代感,给人冷峻、严格的印象,这种衬线体缩小后文字易读性比较差,一般在标题上使用。衬线体还有另外一种分类方式,根据衬线变化可以分成三类:具有特定曲线的衬线为“支架衬线体”,连接处为细直线的是“发丝衬线体”,厚粗四角形的“板状衬线体”。支架衬线体是旧体中最常见的字型,在衬线体中相对亲切、传统。比较常见的字体有Times New Roman,Baskerville,Caslon,Georgia。 发丝衬线体是现代体中常见的字型,具有明显现代感,不适合磅值小的字体。比较常见字体有Didot,Bodoni。 板状衬线体比较有力,是19世纪到20世纪初用在广告牌上的文字,多用于标题,具有怀旧气氛。 无衬线体相对衬线体更加亲和,现代。 从类别上大致可以分成四类:Grotesque, Neo-grotesque,Humanist和Geometric。Grotesque是最早出现的无衬线体,所以保留了一些衬线体的特征,比如小写字母g的写法不一样,数字1下方有粗衬线。 Neo-grotesque包括很多常用字体,Helvetica,Arial,Univers,不带情绪,冷静简洁。 Humanist有一点书法感,给人温暖的典雅气氛,有一点女性气质,识别度非常好,网站正文字体常用。 Geometric字体趋近几何形状,例如字母O非常像正圆,字母a是半圆加一个尾巴,易读性不好所以不适合用在正文,但是这类字体有非常强的设计感。在某些需要突出设计感的场合用磅值大的字体效果很好。 个人感觉从趋势上而言humanist和Geometric使用率越来越高,尤其是web端Humanist慢慢在侵蚀Neo-grotesque的领地。 经典字体推荐 当我们不确定用什么字体的时候不妨先确定什么类别的字体最合适,衬线还是非衬线,人文体还是几何体,确定好了之后再多考虑看看一些经典字体是否可以使用,下面推荐一些经典字体。具有史诗般正统风格,特别适合用于表现年代悠久。具体排版时注意合字和老式数字的使用。复古传统,没有强烈个性,十分易于阅读,因为太流行所以很多大的公司都做过Garamond复刻,苹果电脑里有系统字Garamond以及Adobe所制作的Adobe Garamond Pro。 如果是希望web上使用,可以考虑EB Garamond。美国独立宣言用字,是活字时代的大热字体。很多公司也做过Caslon复刻,现在的使用也非常广泛。过渡期罗马体(旧体到现代体)的代表性字体,非常经典,给人古典、高贵的感觉。现代衬线体,发丝衬线。特点是强烈的笔画粗细对比和水平衬线,时尚,现代,优美。与Didot类似,适合大字体表现,相对Didot来说硬朗一点。这款字体是很早出现的无衬线体,所以带有古风,笔画粗狂有力,具有男性化感觉,适合表现强有力。Web字体可以考虑Oswald。Futura是拉丁语未来的意思,现代且具有几何特征,感觉是现在的主流大热字体,尤其是要突出时尚,设计感的时候可以使用。制作过程中受到包豪斯运动的影响。是LV的商标用字,也是现在很多杂志的首选字体。英国风格的代表字体,具有古典风格的骨架,但是又有很强的科技感和未来感,字体外形偏几何,但是是humanist字体,相对futura会柔和一些。有古典气息,笔画两端比较粗中间比较细,气质优雅。时代周刊的字体更换,雅虎2013年使用Optima作为全新标识的设计基准都证明了这款字体的热度。Grotesque字体,比Helvetica更加简练。字体家族非常全面,所以搭配使用很方便。Humanist字体,很早就已经流行,随着苹果的广泛使用更加引人注目,笔画柔和简洁。字形简洁,现代,虽然也有几何特征,但是不失人情味。Avenir是法语未来的意思,对同样未来含义的Futura是一种挑战,放大x-height,降部拉长,使得文字的易读性明显提高。字体家族也很完整。最后提两句Helvetica,内部分享的时候很多设计师问到为什么没有作为一个推荐字体在这里列出,一方面是因为Helvetica已经作为现代字体中的经典字体被应用得非常广泛了,并不缺乏关注。另一方面Helvetica是Neo-grotesque字体,结构严谨,没有情绪导向,提供着强烈的安全感,好像怎么用都不会错,这是个优势也是个劣势,当我们的设计有比较明确的受众群体或者设计对象有比较明确的气质的时候能够寻找到有同样气质的字体会是更优的选择。 适合长文阅读的文字 无衬线体中适合长文阅读的文字一般是Humanist,衬线体中适合长文阅读的文字一般是支架衬线体。下面列几个个人觉得比较适合排长文的字体。 无衬线体:Lucida Grande, Roboto, Open Sans衬线体:Georgia, Droid Serif, Cambria适合长文排版的字体还有很多,比如无衬线体中的Lucida Sans,Geneva,衬线体中的freight text,看一些比较好的设计的时候不妨多留心一下字体用的是什么。 字体应该怎么搭配 字体搭配总体的原则是一致性加对比性。一致性指的是选择调性和情绪一致的字体。比如现代罗马体搭配几何无衬线体,古典罗马体搭配年代比较久远的无衬线体。字体的情绪表达需要统一,严肃的字体并不适合搭配随意的字体。对比性是指字体之间要有较明显的差异,不能感觉很像,分不开差异。对比性也可以用很多种方式达成,上面列出的不同字体搭配是一种,不同的字重和不同样式都可以,用字重来强调对比的话最好不要选择相邻等级,用隔一个等级的字款搭配。 最简单的搭配方式就是用同款字体创造对比,另外一个很保险的方法是选择包含有对比性字体的字体家族,比如ITC Stone Sans Std和ITC Stone Serif Medium以及Freight Sans Pro和Freight Display Pro。很多字体家族是同时包含称衬线体和无衬线体的,它们在设计初始的时候就有相同的骨架,所以排版起来非常协调。
人文就是人类 文化 中的先进部分和核心部分,即先进的价值观及其规范。其集中体现是:重视人,尊重人,关心人,爱护人。简而言之,人文,即重视人的文化。那么你知道人文用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。
Liberal Arts
人文的相关 短语 :
人文关怀 humanistic concern ; humanistic care
人文艺术 Humanities ; Arts ;
人文内涵 humanistic intension
人文知识 General Knowledge
人文研究 humanistic studies
1. to be elected to fellowship of the British Academy
2. She has a background in humanities and modern languages.
3. Like the Humanists or the Agrarians, he has always thought tradition important.
一如人文主义者和重农派, 他一贯认为传统是重要的.
4. London was the biggest aggregation of human life.
5. We see all human institutions grow and change.
6. The medieval universities generally had four faculties: theology, law, medicine and the liberal arts.
中世纪大学一般由四个学院组成: 神学院 、 法学院 、 医学院和人文学院.
7. In many cases, a study of arts was taken as a preliminary to the other faculties.
在许多情况下, 人文学科被视为进入其他学院的预科.
8. In jurisprudence, science, and the arts, man has revealed the boundless magnitude of his mind.
在法学 、 科学和人文学科方面, 人类显示出来的智慧也是博大无边的.
9. London was “ the biggest aggregation of human life - the most complete compendium of the world “.
伦敦是 “ 人文荟萃之区,全球最完备的缩影 ”.
10. Humanist education was based on the study of poetry, grammar, ethicsandrhetoric.
人文 教育 的基础是研究诗歌, 语法, 职业道德和言论.
11. Marginalized in the humanistic quality of education will face a new crisis.
12. Human geography has a good advantage is an elegant garden - like school environments.
13. South ditch Xu enchanting natural scenery, abundant human resources and information.
沟南许地自然景色迷人, 人文资源底蕴丰厚.
14. Lampeter has a special focus on the humanities and social sciences.
15. Presently , entrepreneurship, innovation and excellence - creating are the sublimation of the spirit.
在新的历史条件下, “创业创新创优”的三创精神是新时期江苏人文精神的升华.
·基本释义humanism来源于:Dict.cn·网络释义人道主义:Humanism | Humanitarianism | humanism/humanitarianism/humanitarism人道主义者:humanitarian | humanist | humanist/humanitarian人道主义奖:Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award | Humanitarian Award新人道主义:Neo-Humanism人道主义法:Humanitarian Law | international humanitarian law人道主义危机:humanitarian crisis人道主义援助:humanitarian aid | humanitarian relief人道主义灾难:eine humanitäre Katastrophe | re Katastrophe | eine humanitä人道主义干涉:Humanitarian Intervention人道主义联盟:Humanitarian League·基本释义perish | ruin | destroy来源于:Dict.cn·网络释义毁灭:fall through | Destruction | wreck and ruin毁灭的:Ruined | blighted | destructive a.毁灭者:Destroyer | Devastator | Explorer Destroyer毁灭日:Doomsday毁灭地:ruinously大毁灭:GREAT DESTRUCTION | holocaust | Devastation核毁灭:nuclear holocaust毁灭战士:Doom | Point Blank | Doom Unrated毁灭之路:Road To Perdition | Path Of Destruction | Road To Ruin毁灭之王:Xexex | The Lord of Destruction | D2X
The Chinese culture has two basic spirits, has the high theory value; first, “humanist”; first, “peaces is precious”. was humanist” has also manifested the personality value thought. Kong Zi said that “nature of the world artificial expensive”, emphasizes “the human”; “Ritual Transports“ said that “the human, heart of the world also”, thought the human was the world thought organ, the human has displayed the world self-understanding; “The reason that Mencius discriminates the human to be at variance with the animal”, emphasized “good expensive” idea, namely the human has the moral aware heart. Some people did not understand regarding this that said that China was since old times “the heteronomy”, obeys in the external pressure, the control, said that the Western culture is “the autonomy”. In fact Confucianism says is the human “the autonomy”. Kong Zi said: “is the kernel as one pleases, but by human!”These viewpoints emphasized person’s value, person’s in universe status, may say in a sense is “humanist”, compares with the theism, has the high theory value. the China philosophy takes the harmony specially, stressed that “peaces is precious”. Spring and Autumn Period time’s Shi Bo said that “and the solid biology”, “puts down him by him to say the sum”. So-called “and” is the innovation fountainhead, refers to the multiple unifications. Kong Zi said: “the gentleman is friendly but not at the expense of principles.”Mencius said: “the weather is inferior to benefit, the advantage is inferior to the person sum.”The human and refers to the person and person’s unity cooperation. “with” is an interpersonal relationship important criterion. Between the human and the human, between the country and the country, between the humanity and the nature struggles contradictory mutually frequently, but, if only emphasizes the struggle, finally will perish together. The west is not does not say “and”, but stressed that “the struggle”, looks at very much the benefit and the strength struggle of importantly. But present’s world needs “and”, but is not “the struggle”, if continues to massacre mutually again, then the humanity has not hoped. “with” is the sustained development criterion. 【原文】 孟子曰:“天时不如地利,地利不如人和①。三里之城,七里 之郭②,环而攻之而不胜。夫环而攻之,必有得天时者矣;然而不 胜者,是天时不如地利也。城非不高也,池③非不深也,兵革(4)非 不坚利也,米粟非不多也;委⑤而去之,是地利不如人和也。故曰: 域(6)民不以封疆之界,固国不以山溪(7)之险,威天下不以兵革之利。 得道者多助,失道者寡助。寡助之至,亲戚畔(8)之;多助之至,天 下顺之。以天下之所顺,攻亲戚之所畔;故君子有(9)不战,战必胜 矣。” 【注释】 ①天时、地利、人和:《苟子·王霸篇》说:“农夫朴力而寡能,则上不 失天时,下不失地利,中得人和而百事不废。”苟子所指的“天时”指农时, “地利”指土壤肥沃,“人和”是指人的分工。而孟子在这里所说的“天时”则 指尖兵作战的时机、气候等;“地利”是指山川险要,城池坚固等;“人和”则 指人心所向,内部团结等。②三里之城,七里之郭:内城叫“城”,外城 叫“郭”。内外城比例一般是三里之城,七里之郭。③池:即护城河。 ④兵:武器,指戈矛刀箭等攻击性武器。革:皮革,指甲胄。古代甲胄确 皮革做的,也有用铜铁做的。(5)委:弃。(6)域民:限制人民。域, 界限.(8)畔:同“叛”。(9)有:或,要么。 【译文】 孟子说:“有利的时机和气候不如有利的地势,有利的地势不 如人的齐心协力。一个三里内城墙、七里外城墙的小城,四面围 攻都不能够攻破。既然四面围攻,总有遇到好时机或好天气的时 候,但还是攻不破,这说明有利的时机和气候不如有利的地势。另 一种情况是,城墙不是不高,护城河不是不深,兵器和甲胄不是 极利和坚固,粮草也不是不充足,但还是弃城而逃了,这就说 明有利的地势不如人的齐心协力。所以说:老百姓不是靠封锁边 境线就可以限制住的,国家不是靠山川险阻就可以保住的,扬威 天下也不是靠锐利的兵器就可以做到的。拥有道义的人得到的帮 助就多,失去道义的人得到的帮助就少。帮助的人少到极点时,连 亲戚也会叛离;帮助的人多到极点时,全人下的人都会顺从。以 全天下人都顺从的力量去攻打连亲戚都会叛离的人,必然是不战 则已,战无不胜的了。” 【读解】 天、地、人三者的关系问题古往今来都是人们所关注的。三 者到底谁最重要也就成了人们议论的话题。如我们在注释中所引, 荀子曾经从农业生产的角度论述过天时、地利、人和的问题。但 他并没有区分谁重要谁不重要,而是三者并重,缺一不可。 孟子在这里则主要是从军事方面来分析论述天时、地利、人 和之间关系的,而且是观点鲜明:“天时不如地利,地利不如人和。” 三者之中,“人和”是最重要的,起决定作用的因素,“地利”次 之,“天时”又次之。这是与他重视人的主观能动性的一贯思想分 军开的,同时,也是与他论述天时、地利、人和关系的目的分不 开的,同时,也是与他论述天时、地利、人和关系的目的分不 开的。正是从强调“人和”的重要性出发,他得出了“得道者多 助,失道者寡助”的结论。这就把问题从军事引向了政治,实际 上又回到了他那“老生常谈”的“仁政”话题。 按照孟子的看法,老百姓不是靠封锁边境线就可以限制住的, 国家也不是靠山川就可以险阻就可以保住的,所以,闭关锁国是没有出 路的。要改革,要开放,要提高自己的国力,让老百姓安居炙业。 只要做到了这一点,就会“得道者多助”,多助到了极点,全天下 的老百姓都会顺从归服。那就必然会出现孔子所说的那种情况 ——“则四方之民襁负其子而至矣。”(《论语·子路》各国人士 都来申请留学,申请经商,甚至携带妻子儿女前来申请移民定居 哪里还用得着“封疆之界”呢?只怕是赶也赶不走啊。 “得道者多助,失道者寡助”就这样成了名言,以至于我们为 现在还常常用它来评价国际关系,谴责霸权主义者。 当然,“天时不如地利,地利不如人和”也同样是名言,而且, 还更为广泛地应用于商业竞争、体育比赛尤其是足球比赛的狂热 之中。这充分说明它所蕴含的哲理是丰富、深刻而具广阔的延展 性的。 所谓“人心齐,泰山移。”谁说“人和”不是最最重要的财 呢?
人文学者是人文科学方面的领导者。 “人文科学”一词,在今天已成为一个使用率相当高的概念,但要说清楚什么是人文科学,又是一件难度很大的事情.对于人文科学的理解,不仅是一个学科分类问题,而且是一个构造和规范学术思维空间问题.正是这样,它成为了现代哲学所思考的问题,因为只有哲学才能承担起对各学科思维空间进行建构和解构、开拓和改造的任务.
pharmacistmeteorologist气象学家geneticist 遗传学家地理学者 geographer 政治学家 politician 历史学家 historian 艺术家 artist 生物学家 biologist 物理学家 physical scientist 数学家 mathematician 文学家 litterateur 语言学家 linguistician 考古学家 archaeologist 翻译家 translator 人文学者 humanist
Definitions of HumanismHumanism is a progressive lifestance that, without supernaturalism, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead meaningful, ethical lives capable of adding to the greater good of humanity.• American Humanist AssociationHumanism is a rational philosophy informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion. Affirming the dignity of each human being, it supports the maximization of individual liberty and opportunity consonant with social and planetary responsibility. It advocates the extension of participatory democracy and the expansion of the open society, standing for human rights and social justice. Free of supernaturalism, it recognizes human beings as a part of nature and holds that values—be they religious, ethical, social, or political—have their source in human experience and culture. Humanism thus derives the goals of life from human need and interest rather than from theological or ideological abstractions, and asserts that humanity must take responsibility for its own destiny. • The Humanist Magazine Humanism is a democratic and ethical lifestance which affirms that human beings have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape to their own lives. It stands for the building of a more humane society through an ethics based on human and other natural values in a spirit of reason and free inquiry through human capabilities. It is not theistic, and it does not accept supernatural views of reality. • The International Humanist and Ethical UnionHumanism is an approach to life based on reason and our common humanity, recognizing that moral values are properly founded on human nature and experience alone. • The Bristol Humanist GroupHumanism is: A joyous alternative to religions that believe in a supernatural god and life in a hereafter. Humanists believe that this is the only life of which we have certain knowledge and that we owe it to ourselves and others to make it the best life possible for ourselves and all with whom we share this fragile planet. A belief that when people are free to think for themselves, using reason and knowledge as their tools, they are best able to solve this world’s problems. An appreciation of the art, literature, music and crafts that are our heritage from the past and of the creativity that, if nourished, can continuously enrich our lives. Humanism is, in sum, a philosophy of those in love with life. Humanists take responsibility for their own lives and relish the adventure of being part of new discoveries, seeking new knowledge, exploring new options. Instead of finding solace in prefabricated answers to the great questions of life, humanists enjoy the open-endedness of a quest and the freedom of discovery that this entails. • The Humanist Society of Western New YorkHumanism is the light of my life and the fire in my soul. It is the deep felt conviction, in every fiber of my being that human love is a power far transcending the relentless, onward rush of our largely deterministic cosmos. All human life must seek a reason for existence within the bounds of an uncaring physical world, and it is love coupled with empathy, democracy, and a commitment to selfless service which undergirds the faith of a humanist. • Bette Chambers, former president of the AHAHumanism is a philosophy, world view, or lifestance based on naturalism—the conviction that the universe or nature is all that exists or is real. Humanism serves, for many humanists, some of the psychological and social functions of a religion, but without belief in deities, transcendental entities, miracles, life after death, and the supernatural. Humanists seek to understand the universe by using science and its methods of critical inquiry—logical reasoning, empirical evidence, and skeptical evaluation of conjectures and conclusions—to obtain reliable knowledge. Humanists affirm that humans have the freedom to give meaning, value, and purpose to their lives by their own independent thought, free inquiry, and responsible, creative activity. Humanists stand for the building of a more humane, just, compassionate, and democratic society using a pragmatic ethics based on human reason, experience, and reliable knowledge—an ethics that judges the consequences of human actions by the well-being of all life on Earth. • Steven SchafersmanHumanism is a philosophy of life that considers the welfare of humankind - rather than the welfare of a supposed God or gods - to be of paramount importance. Humanism maintains there is no evidence a supernatural power ever needed or wanted anything from people, ever communicated to them, or ever interfered with the laws of nature to assist or harm anyone.Humanism’s focus, then, is on using human efforts to meet human needs and wants in this world. History shows that those efforts are most effective when they involve both compassion and the scientific method - which includes reliance on reason, evidence, and free inquiry.Humanism says people can find purpose in life and maximize their long-term happiness by developing their talents and using those talents for the service of humanity. Humanists believe that this approach to life is more productive and leads to a deeper and longer-lasting satisfaction than a hedonistic pursuit of material or sensual pleasures that soon fade.While service to others is a major focus of Humanism, recreation and relaxation are not ignored, for these too are necessary for long-term health and happiness. The key is moderation in all things.Humanism considers the universe to be the result of an extremely long and complex evolution under immutable laws of nature. Humanists view this natural world as wondrous and precious, and as offering limitless opportunities for exploration, fascination, creativity, companionship, and joy.Because science cannot now and probably never will be able to explain the ultimate origin or destiny of the universe, I think Humanism can include more than atheists and agnostics. The lack of definite answers to these ultimate questions leaves room for reasonable people to hypothesize about the origin of the natural universe, and even to hope for some form of life beyond this one.In fact, two of Humanism’s greatest luminaries, Thomas Paine and Robert Ingersoll, maintained a hope for an afterlife. On the issue of whether God exists, Ingersoll was agnostic, and Paine believed in a deistic God who established the laws of nature but then stepped away and never intervenes in the world. Those beliefs did not interfere with their ability to lead outstanding humanistic lives.Thus, in my opinion, people holding such views can be Humanists if they believe that humanity is on its own in this world, and the lack of any evidence for an afterlife means this life should be lived as though it’s the only one we have. • Joseph C. Sommer