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  • grinned是什么意思
  • “咧嘴笑”的英文
  • 英文里的“大笑”怎么说
  • 笑的英语单词
  • 露齿笑的用英文怎么说
  • grin什么意思


grin1 vi.1. (尤指因高兴、愉快、满足等)咧嘴而笑,露齿而笑,龇牙咧嘴:The boy grinned from ear to ear when his mother gave him the apple.当小男孩的母亲给他苹果时,他咧嘴大笑。2. (人痛苦、狗狂吠时)咧嘴,龇牙:A snarling dog grins.狂吠的狗咧嘴龇牙。3. (一层涂料透过其上面一层)显露出来(常与through 连用);(织物)有稀路织疵vt.露齿而笑地表示:He grinned his approval.他露齿一笑表示赞同。n.露齿的笑,龇牙咧嘴的笑;龇牙咧嘴变形:vi.grinnedgrinninggrin2 n.(一拉就紧的套绳似的)罗网,圈套vt.(用罗网)捕捉grinned vi. 露齿而笑(grin的过去分词


grin n.咧嘴笑I know she is joking because she has a big grin on her face.我知道她是在开玩笑, 因为她满脸笑容。vi.露齿而笑She grinned with delight.她高兴地咧开嘴笑。vt.露齿笑着表示She grinned her delight.她露齿一笑表示高兴。




v. 笑,发笑;嘲笑,不以为然;愉悦地说;用嘲笑使(某人)离开;(特别表示因成功而)处于有利地位

n. 笑,笑声;令人开心的时刻;引人发笑的人或事,笑料


Laugh at 嘲笑 ; 笑话 ; 取笑 ; 讥笑

You Make Me Laugh 你让我开怀大笑 ; 你让我开心 ; 你让我畅怀大笑 ; 你让我畅怀年夜笑

laugh off 一笑置之 ; 用笑摆脱 ; 一笑了之 ; 把


giggle, laugh, chuckle, roar, sneer, beam, jeer, grin


giggle v.咯咯地笑,痴笑,傻笑,多指女人和孩子由于紧张、被逗乐、尴尬时所发出的笑声。

The schoolgirls giggled when the famous football player walkedsintostheir classroom.当这个著名的足球运动员走进教室时,女生们都咯咯地笑起来。

laugh v.笑,大笑,用于一般的笑或出声的大笑。

chuckle v. (书面语)吃吃的笑,抿嘴笑,轻声笑,多指因得意或领会到某事中的趣味而暗自发笑。

She does not laugh out loud; she only chuckles.她没有笑出声来,只是抿嘴而笑。

roar v.怒吼,咆哮,引申为放声大笑,哄堂大笑。

He roared when he heard the joke.听完这个笑话,他哈哈大笑。

sneer v.冷笑,嘲笑,指以语言、表情、和声调表示轻蔑或嘲弄。

He sneered at the offer and said it was two low.他对报价嗤之以鼻,说它太低了。

beam v.本义指照耀,放光,引申为“微笑“,是正式用语,指面带喜悦或笑容,暗示对他人的友好或内心的满足。

She beamed with happiness.她高兴得眉开眼笑。

jeer v.讥笑,嘲笑,其同义词是mock。

The crowd jeered when the boxer was knocked down.当那个拳手被人打倒时,人群开始嘲笑他。

grin v.露齿而笑,指人因高兴、满足、轻蔑等咧开嘴露齿地笑。

He grinned at his mother.他冲他的妈妈咧嘴一笑。


laughvi.笑, 讥笑n.笑, 笑声laughlaughAHD: D.J.K.K.v.(动词)laughed,laugh.ing,laughs v.intr.(不及物动词)To express certain emotions, especially mirth, delight, or derision, by a series of spontaneous, usually unarticulated sounds often accompanied by corresponding facial and bodily movements.笑:为表达某种情感,尤指高兴、快乐或嘲笑而发的一阵自发的,通常是不清晰的声音,并常伴随着脸部和身体的运动To show or feel amusement or good humor:感到好笑:表示或感到好笑或非常幽默:laughed to herself at the memory; an experience we would laugh about later on.想起这些,她暗自发笑;以后他们会感到好笑的经历To feel or express derision or contempt; mock:嘲笑:感到或表示嘲讽和轻视;嘲笑:We used to laugh at their provincial manners. I had to laugh when I saw who my opponent was.我们以前常常嘲笑他们粗俗的举止。当我得知我的对手是谁的时候,我感到好笑To feel a triumphant or exultant sense of well-being:得意洋洋:因安乐而洋洋得意或欢欣:You won’t be laughing when the truth comes out.一旦真相被揭露,你就不会洋洋得意了To produce sounds resembling laughter:发出类似欢笑的声音:parrots laughing and chattering in the trees.鹦鹉在树上欢唱着v.tr.(及物动词)To affect or influence by laughter:用笑声所影响或感染:laughed the speaker off the stage; laughed the proposal down.用笑声把演讲者赶下台;用笑声否定了这项提议To say with a laugh:笑着说:He laughed his delight at the victory.他的笑声表达了他胜利的喜悦n.(名词)The act of laughing.笑The sound of laughing; laughter.笑的声音;笑声Informal Something amusing, absurd, or contemptible; a joke:【非正式用语】 笑话,笑柄:可笑的,荒诞的或可鄙的事情;笑话:The solution they recommended was a laugh.他们提出的解决办法简直是个笑话Often laughs Informal Fun; amusement: 常作 laughs 【非正式用语】 消遣;玩乐:decided to go along just for laughs.决定一起去,只为了乐一乐laugh atTo treat lightly; scoff at:不以为意;对…一笑置之:a daredevil who laughed at danger.鲁莽大胆的蔑视危险laugh off 或laugh awayTo dismiss as ridiculously or laughably trivial:一笑置之:把……当作滑稽可笑的琐事而置之不理:laughed off any suggestion that her career was over.对有关她事业生涯已经结束的暗示置之不理laugh up (one’s) sleeve 或laugh in (one’s) sleeveTo rejoice or exult in secret, as at another’s error or defeat.幸灾乐祸:偷偷地欣喜或高兴,如对他人的错误或失败Middle English laughen 中古英语 laughen from Old English hlæhhan 源自 古英语 hlæhhan laugh“ern.(名词)laugh“inglyadv.(副词)laughvi.笑; 发笑(自然物等)呈现欢欣景象They are talking and laughing.他们边说边笑。Green pines laugh in the breeze.青松迎风欢笑。laughvt.以笑表示笑得使...laugh a hearty laugh由衷地笑laugh a reply以笑作答He laughed his dissent.他笑着表示不同意。laughn.笑, 笑声令人发笑的事嘲笑; 玩笑belly laugh纵声大笑; 逗人发笑的事物holy laugh充满宗教热情的笑horse laugh捧腹大笑; 嘲弄的笑声sardonic laugh轻蔑的笑, 冷笑burst out laughing放声大笑die of laughing笑得要死die with laughing笑得要死Don’t make me laugh.你太可笑了, 你真荒谬。fall about laughing忍不住大笑for laughs为了取乐, 作为消遣, 借以开心get the laugh at sb.(=get the laugh on one’s side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸get the laugh at sb.(=have the laugh on one’s side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸get the laugh of sb.(=get the laugh on one’s side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸get the laugh of sb.(=have the laugh on one’s side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸get the laugh on sb.(=get the laugh on one’s side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸get the laugh on sb.(=have the laugh on one’s side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸get the laugh over sb.(=get the laugh on one’s side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸get the laugh over sb.(=have the laugh on one’s side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸have the laugh at sb.(=get the laugh on one’s side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸have the laugh at sb.(=have the laugh on one’s side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸have the laugh of sb.(=get the laugh on one’s side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸have the laugh of sb.(=have the laugh on one’s side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸have the laugh on sb.(=get the laugh on one’s side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸have the laugh on sb.(=have the laugh on one’s side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸have the laugh over sb.(=get the laugh on one’s side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸have the laugh over sb.(=have the laugh on one’s side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸have a good laugh尽情地笑have a hearty laugh尽情地笑have the last laugh笑在最后; 取得最后胜利get the last laugh笑在最后; 取得最后胜利He is not laughed at that laughs at himself first.先自嘲的人, 不会见笑于人。He laughs best who laughs last.最后笑的人笑得最好。He who laughs at crooked men should need walk very straight.要笑别人驼背, 自己就要挺起胸膛走路。join in the laugh随着大笑on the laugh笑着raise a laugh引人发笑raise a laugh against sb.(=put the laugh on sb.)使某人成为取笑的对象, 使某人处于可笑的地位turn the laugh against sb.(=put the laugh on sb.)使某人成为取笑的对象, 使某人处于可笑的地位Laugh and grow fat.常笑发福, 心宽体胖。laugh at因...而笑嘲笑付之一笑laugh away笑着不理, 付之一笑笑着消磨时间laugh down以笑声打断(讲话等); 以笑声拒绝(建议等)laugh fit to kill拼命地笑, 狂笑laugh off对...付之一笑; 以笑来排除...laugh over笑着谈论; 想着...发笑laugh sb. out of以谈笑的方式使某人忘记(忧愁等)laugh sb. out of worries以谈笑的方式使某人忘记(忧愁等)laughlaughAHD: D.J.K.K.v.laughed,laugh.ing,laughs v.intr.To express certain emotions, especially mirth, delight, or derision, by a series of spontaneous, usually unarticulated sounds often accompanied by corresponding facial and bodily movements.To show or feel amusement or good humor:laughed to herself at the memory; an experience we would laugh about later on.To feel or express derision or contempt; mock:We used to laugh at their provincial manners. I had to laugh when I saw who my opponent was.To feel a triumphant or exultant sense of well-being:You won’t be laughing when the truth comes out.To produce sounds resembling laughter:parrots laughing and chattering in the trees.v.tr.To affect or influence by laughter:laughed the speaker off the stage; laughed the proposal down.To say with a laugh:He laughed his delight at the victory.n.The act of laughing.The sound of laughing; laughter.Informal Something amusing, absurd, or contemptible; a joke:The solution they recommended was a laugh.Often laughs Informal Fun; amusement:decided to go along just for laughs.laugh atTo treat lightly; scoff at:a daredevil who laughed at danger.laugh off orlaugh awayTo dismiss as ridiculously or laughably trivial:laughed off any suggestion that her career was over.laugh up (one’s) sleeve orlaugh in (one’s) sleeveTo rejoice or exult in secret, as at another’s error or defeat.Middle English laughen from Old English hlæhhan laugh“ern.laugh“inglyadv.laugh中古英语laughen《古英语hleahhan《印欧语词干klég叫出声,发声laugh,smile,grin,chuckle,sneerlaugh 指哈哈大笑At that moment, everybody began to laugh and sing.这时候,大家开始又是笑又是唱。We all laughed to tears at his funny story.听了他的滑稽的故事,我们都笑出眼泪了。smile (名词:smile)指微笑The inn-keeper smiled and immediately went out.客栈老板微微一笑便出去了。The porter and I looked at each other and smiled.我和脚夫微笑着你看着我,我看着你。grin (名词:grin)满脸的笑He grinned from ear to ear.他满脸堆着笑。The boy grinned with delight.那个男孩子高兴得咧着嘴笑。chuckle (名词:chuckle) 咯咯的笑,抿着嘴发出的笑(声)He was chucking to himself over what he was reading.由于书中读到了有趣的东西,他一个人咯咯地笑出了声。sneer 冷笑Oh, is it? …said the sheriff with a sneer.“噢,是吗?”司法官冷笑着说。注:除此之外,sneer表示看不起人的冷笑,giggle傻乎乎地咯咯笑。如:The funny man amused the girls, so they giggled. mirth 为名词,指欢乐轻快的笑。如:…occasioned great mirth…laughchucklegigglegringuffawhowlroarsmilesnickertittercrylaughvi.笑,发笑 n.笑


grin英 vi.露齿而笑vt.露齿笑着表示n.咧嘴笑,露齿而笑第三人称单数: grins 复数: grins 现在分词: grinning 过去式: grinned 过去分词: grinned


grin英   美  副词: grinningly 名词: grinner 过去式: grinned 过去分词: grinned 现在分词: grinning第三人称单数: grinsv.露齿而笑;(以咧嘴笑来)表示n.露齿笑;咧嘴笑用作动词 (v.)They grinned with pleasure when I gave them the sweets.当我给他们糖果时,他们高兴地咧开嘴笑了。He grin at me, as if sharing a secret joke.他朝我龇牙一笑,好像彼此会心领略一个笑话。用作名词 (n.)He twisted his face into a grin.他扭歪着脸露齿而笑。His face broadened out into a grin.他咧开嘴笑了起来。


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