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  • 罗宾汉英文名什么
  • 谁知道HR这个牌子的衣服
  • 衣服的标志是个和标致汽车类似的小狮子,这个是什么牌子
  • 罗宾汉是那里的品牌
  • 企鹅英语《罗宾汉》的中文简介
  • 有关罗宾汉的资料
  • 《罗宾汉》故事英语主要内容


  • 罗宾汉英文名是 Robin Hood 


没有HR这个衣服牌子,是RH,罗宾汉,一个英国服饰品牌。罗宾汉是中国在英国引进过来的品牌,英伦因素浓烈, 罗宾汉(robinhood)为什么叫 R H 只不过是他们的一个缩写。 就像Calvin Klein 人们都称为ck,dior 缩写 CD。 一个道理。


是英国皇家贵族品牌pringle 全称是Pringle of Scotland Pringle of Scotland是顶尖的苏格兰毛衣制品商,通常简称为Pringle。公司由罗伯特 普林格(Robert Pringle)和他的搭档于1815年建立,最初的名字是Waldie, Pringle, Wilson & Co。他们的第一间工厂位于苏格兰边界的霍伊克(Hawick)小镇,当时那里的纺织业非常发达。 1967年,公司被道森国际集团(Dawson International)收购。它的主要市场在于高尔夫球服装,大多数是羊毛制品。Pringle公司是高尔夫球手尼克 法尔多(Nick Faldo)大部分职业生涯的赞助商。 2000年,Pringle 公司被香港的纺织业大亨,香港纺织业联会名誉会长方铿(Kenneth Fang)所领导的SC Fang & Sons公司收购。据闻方氏公司只花了六百万英镑便取得了这间年亏损额高达1000万美元的百年老店。他让自己的儿子 Douglas Fang 去经营这间新收购的公司。方氏公司为新购入的Pringle投入了大约7百万英镑的资金,并且聘请了斯图尔特 斯托克戴尔(Stuart Stockdale)作为首席设计师。在他的带领下,Pringle公司重新回到了之前作为顶级时尚品牌公司的地位。并且在伦敦时装周上发布了基于公司传统菱形格设计的新款服装。 许多名人都穿着Pringle品牌,如玛格丽特公主,摩纳哥王后格雷斯 凯丽(Grace Kelly),诺埃尔 科沃德(Noel Coward),罗比 威廉斯,麦当娜,贝克汉姆。Pringle公司持有伊丽莎白二世女王和王太后颁发的王室供货许可证。 Pringle公司在伦敦邦德街,纽约,米兰,汉城,东京都设有专卖店。


  商店品牌  罗宾汉作为英国历史上的传奇英雄,1943年,以这位英雄名字命名的服装品牌在英国诞生,服装充满简约注意风貌,粗犷而富有肌理的风格受到人们的追捧与欢迎,起步不久便成为世界上知名的休闲品牌。1999年宾汉国际集团公司首先取得“罗宾汉(ROBINHOOD)”在大中华地区的代理权,并于同年8月在北京西单开设第一家旗舰店,近10万的开业记录让我们看到了“罗宾汉(ROBINHOOD)”为中国市场带来的新奇、赞赏,热情与狂喜,从而奏响了“罗宾汉(ROBINHOOD)”全面进入中国的乐章。凭借鲜明的品牌特色与成熟的市场管理经验,在短短三年内,“罗宾汉(ROBINHOOD)”专卖店已遍及中国二十多个省市,数量增至一百五十余家,销售业绩已超过3.5亿元!截至2004年,“罗宾汉(ROBINHOOD)”专卖店的数量已近三百家,遍布东北、华北、华东、华中、华南的大部分地区。  罗宾汉国际集团公司的创建团队于20世纪80年代末90年代初率先以代理国际知名皮草品牌而进入中国零售市场舞台,并且迅速发展,在累积雄厚资本的同时获得大量宝贵的市场零售经验。通过艰苦的创业和不断地摸索,成功合作打造了中国最早的休闲服饰品牌之一“意丹奴”。三年时间里,意丹奴不仅创下3.8亿元的年销售业绩,更为国内培养了一批优秀的品牌服饰职业经理人。  1997年,罗宾汉国际集团公司在香港正式成立,并以“诚信、共赢”作为经营理念,以“多品牌经营集团化运作”为发展战略,以资源的有效组合为途径,开始打造“服饰王国”的伟大工程。


Robinhood ( Robin Hood) A heroic figure of the chivalrous stealing type in the British popular legend, he enlivens Britain between 1160 and 1247 according to legend, it is called the rank of nobility of Dunbar Ding of Chinese.From middle period of the 12th century, begin to be spreading folkly about Robinhood’s folk rhyme and legend.In the 14th century, the story about Robinhood comes out as the literary works for the first time.After this, there is writer’s material of regarding this as constantly, write out a lot of immensely popular works.Among them, Howard of American writer Paul “ Robinhood in promise exploration story, man of fort“ what we are relatively known well on whom one year publish.This works are different from our plot and personage known very well in the past, have shown a brand-new one, more vivid and more plump Robinhood to us, chance to offer a contrast to us and read.Have referred to him too in “ Scottish annals “ of Scottish historian Walton.The 15th century later, Robinhood became a widely known personage gradually.The literary works about Robinhood kept at present can trace back to the 14th century, William bright Land’s long poem is the earliest works among them “ about making its presence felt of the farmer Pearce “.Robinhood and Wood with summer is as the base camp, ,etc., Dr.eye: rob the rich and help the poor, renovates ruthless and tyrannical Luther graceful noble, government official when unite little John, warm, and use the wealth obtained for succouring poor common people, reflect British people resist the spirit of feudal oppression in Middle Ages. In the legend of Britain, Robinhood’s name is extremely loudThe story about him is not the historical facts, but the heroes usually all overstate or make up. His legend has many kinds of statements, roughly says when famous Crusades fights east in the 12- 1st century, king Richard of England is captured, stay domestic prince John seizes the chance to usurp the power, refuse to redeem king Richard.And seize the chance to convert loyally in the manor of king Richard’s Robinhood’s house too long in Nottinghamshire that act in collusion with each other with him, attempt to have finger in his sweetheart Marian even more.Robinhood is forced to shelter from into Sherwood forest, regards this as the base, the leader supports agriculture the people’s insurrectionary army robs the rich and help the poor everywhere, succeed in redeeming king Richard finally, have crushed the conspiracy of such people as prince John,etc..Robinhood is the most outstanding exactly the archery is superb.Up to now, there is a term that has been named “ RobinHood “ in the archery match ,Mean “ hit another arrow that has already hit the bull’s-eye, and divide the arrow body into twoing “ ,This is just portrayal to Robinhood’s consummate arrow skill.It is about A.D. 1190 to have and say too, Richard Wang of British lion’s heart leads the British army to participate in the Crusades to fight east, Robinhood goes along with an army and moves ahead too. But look on as the war is over, when Robinhood returns to the hometown from the battle field, find one’s own manor and property have already been confiscated with the unwarranted charge by the public security officer of NottinghamshireAt this moment, Britain is being solicitted through lion heart Wang Dong but prince John that seizes the chance to manipulate power rules, his extorting excessive taxes and levies lets the people suffer unspeakably. For this reason, Robinhood gather gangs of brigands, rely on one’s own wisdom and bravery, lead everybody to rob the rich and help the poor, oppose the tyranny of the fatuous and self-indulgent ruler. The legendary hero of Robinhood is not only in Britain, but also widely known by the people in a lot of countries of the west, a widely known legendary hero of westerners, his story often appears on the film and television screen too.Remembering that there is an English song and was sung by Canadian singer Brian and Adams, “ all is for you “ ( Every thing I Do, I Do ItFor You) .The song famous film “ chivalrous to steal Robinhood “ theme song that Costner star in, Kevin of movie star.Robinhood’s story happens in Nottingham of Britain.Nottingham is an old city with legendry.Nottingham is one of the cities with the longest history of Britain too, the 6th century, the ancient vessel dose is stupid Saxon settles down here, is invaded by the other nationality in the 9th century, the rule for Norman in the 11th century.About 700 years ago, in wide Sherwood forest to the north of Nottingham, there are a gang of brigands robing the rich and help the poor headed by Robinhood, start an uprising, resist oppression, Norman of people.It seems to be that this legendary figure offered around Robinhood in all beauty spots in Nottingham.This is Robinhood’s hillock, there is Robinhood’s spring, cave, Robinhood’s arrow has been hit here,etc.he most convincing statement is that Robinhood was born in the sixties of the 12th century, concentrated on Richard all one’s life (on the throne in 1189- 119 years) mainly in its activity To king John (1199- In place in 1216) During this time. At that time, the runaway convict how to let to offend against the severe law hid in the forest.Can imagine, it is easy to draw a brave and loyal and righteous team there.It is said Robinhood dies November 18, 1247Talk about Robinhood, must say that is full of forest of legends, Sherwood forest ( SherwoodForest) ,The occupation of land was very wide for a time in the past on this stretch of forest, today but opened up, the cities and towns and village are distributed during that time.By Nottingham city 30 northwards, have first Edwin ask then the village is Sherwood in the center of the forest by the village, can appreciate the looks of dawdling of the forest in Middle Ages hereStill there are exhibition halls in the centre, specially explain Robinhood’s story.There is an enormous oak near the centre, it plays a role too in the legend. Dr.eye: It is said, Robinhood and his partners meet by chance under this treeTrue or false, the own answer on the comment card by the tree. Originally, the life-span of this oak is over 800 years, weigh up to 32 tons. Got on this picture tree from centre about 2 kilometers, was joined by a footpath. However, make no trouble out of nothing.Walk in Zhong Lin, heart will gush out those romantic stories in the past frequently. Except the forest, there are the worlds of history, legend and art, the castle of Nottingham ( NottinghamCastle) ,In 1068, king William ordered to build the castle in this place. It is said that has met the sandstone and rock stratum while excavating and protecting the river of the will, the project is very arduous.Having reached early years for the 13th century, king John drafts that rebuilds the plan of the castle. It is said he is a cruel ruler, therefore become Robinhood’s foe. At that time, this castle became the centre of politics, finance, army too. After the 17th century, Cassel count buy castle, build up the residence at the mountain in rock.In 1875, here can be repaired again, being regarded as the largest museum in the locality is opening to the outside world, until today.Robinhood’s story spreads wide just like the Water Margin story of China.he exhibit here is rich and varied, very interesting. In addition, the castle gate was built in 1255, renovated in this century, the inside becomes Robinhood exhibition room.Meet the eye on every side fresh and green garden mount the castle, come to Cassel museum.


  罗宾汉(Robin Hood)是英国民间传说中的侠盗式的英雄人物,相传他活跃在1160年至1247年间的英国,人称汉丁顿伯爵。从12世纪中叶起,关于罗宾汉的民谣和传说就开始在民间流传。14世纪,有关罗宾汉的故事首次作为文学作品问世。此后,不断有作家以此为素材,写出了许多脍炙人口的作品。  其中,美国作家霍华德·保罗于1883年出版的《罗宾汉在诺丁堡的探险故事》是我们比较熟悉的。  《侠盗罗宾汉》是法国文豪亚历山·仲马在前人基础上再创作的作品。这部作品与我们以往所熟知的情节和人物不同,向我们展示了一个全新的、更加生动丰满的罗宾汉,为我们提供了一个对比阅读的机会。  目前保留下来的关于罗宾汉的文学作品可以追溯到14世纪,威廉·朗兰德的长诗《关于农夫皮尔斯的显圣》是其中最早的作品。苏格兰历史学家沃尔顿的《苏格兰编年史》中也提到了他。15世纪以后,罗宾汉逐渐成为了一个家喻户晓的人物。  罗宾汉以夏伍德为大本营,联合小约翰、温里奥等人,劫富济贫,整治暴戾的路德曼贵族、官吏,并把得来的钱财用于救助贫苦百姓,体现了中世纪英国人民反抗封建压迫的精神。 在英国的传说中,罗宾汉的名字是极为响亮的。关于他的故事并非史实,不过英雄通常都是夸张或者虚构出来的。他的传奇有很多种说法,大致是说在12~13世纪著名的十字军东征的时候,英格兰的理查王被俘,留在国内的约翰王子趁机篡权,拒绝赎回理查王。而与他狼狈为奸的诺丁汉郡长也趁机强占了忠心于理查王的罗宾汉家的领地,更试图染指他的心上人玛丽安。罗宾汉被迫躲进舍伍德森林,以此为基地,领导一支农民起义军到处劫富济贫,最终成功赎回理查王,粉碎了约翰王子等人的阴谋。罗宾汉最突出的就是射箭术高超。直到现在,射箭比赛中仍有一个术语叫做“RobinHood”,意为“射中另一支已射中靶心的箭,并且将箭身一分为二”,这正是对罗宾汉精湛箭术的写照。  也有说是大约公元1190年,英国狮心王理查率领英国军队参加十字军东征,罗宾汉也随军前行。可是当战争结束,罗宾汉从战场返回家乡的时候,发现自己的庄园和财产已经被诺丁汉郡治安官以莫须有的罪名没收。此时,英国正在被借着狮心王东征而趁机弄权的约翰王子所统治,他的横征暴敛让人民苦不堪言。为此,罗宾汉聚集了一帮绿林好汉,凭借着自己的机智和勇敢,带领大家劫富济贫,对抗昏君的暴政。  罗宾汉这位传奇英雄不仅在英国,而且在西方很多国家都广为人知,是西方人家喻户晓的传奇英雄,他的故事也经常出现在电影和电视屏幕上。记得有一首英文歌曲就是加拿大歌手布莱恩·亚当斯演唱的《一切为了你》(EverythingIDo,IDoItForYou)。这首歌是著名影星凯文·科斯特纳主演的电影《侠盗罗宾汉》的主题曲。  罗宾汉的故事就发生在英国诺丁汉市。诺丁汉是一座拥有着传奇色彩的古老城市。诺丁汉也是英国历史最悠久的城市之一,公元6世纪,盎格鲁撒克逊人定居在此,9世纪又受到外族的入侵,11世纪为诺曼人所统治。大约700年前,在诺丁汉以北广阔的舍伍德森林中,有一伙以罗宾汉为首的劫富济贫的绿林好汉,揭竿而起,反抗诺曼人的压迫。诺丁汉好像所有景点都是围绕着罗宾汉这个传奇人物开设的。这里是罗宾汉的山丘啦,那里是罗宾汉的泉水、洞穴啦,罗宾汉的箭曾射中这里啦,等等。最令人信服的说法是罗宾汉生于12世纪60年代,其活动主要集中在理查德一世(1189~1199年在位)至约翰王 (1199~1216年在位)期间。当时,有多许触犯了严厉法律的逃犯匿藏在森林中。可以想象,在那里拉起一支勇敢忠义的队伍是不难的。据说罗宾汉死于 1247年11月18日。就在弥留之际他还射出一支箭,人们便在箭所射中的地方埋葬了这位好汉。  说到罗宾汉,就必须说说充满传说的森林,舍伍德森林(SherwoodForest),这片森林过去一度占地很广,今天却被开辟出来,城镇和村庄分布其间。由诺丁汉市向北30公里,有一个埃德温斯托村,村边是舍伍德森林中心,在此可欣赏到中世纪森林的耗貌。中心内还设有展馆,专门解说罗宾汉的故事。中心附近有一棵巨大的橡树,传说中它也扮演了一个角色。据说,罗宾汉与他的伙伴们便是在此树下邂逅的。是真是假,树旁的解说牌上自有答案。原来,此橡树的寿命超过800年,重达32吨。由中心到这棵像树大约2公里,是由一条步行道连接的。不过,无风不起浪。走在林中,心中会不时涌出过去的那些浪漫故事。除了森林,还有历史、传说与艺术的世界,诺丁汉城堡(NottinghamCastle),1068年,威廉王下令在此地修筑城堡。据说在挖掘护志河时遇到了砂岩岩层,工程十分艰巨。到了13世纪初叶,约翰王拟定了重建城堡的计划。工程的总指挥便是诺丁汉郡长菲利普·马克。据说他是一个残酷的统治者,因而成为罗宾汉的仇敌。当时,这座城堡也就成了政治、财政、军队的中心。17世纪后,卡斯尔伯爵买下了城堡,并在岩石山上建起了公馆。1875年,这里再次得以修缮,并作为当地最大的博物馆对外开放,直至今日。由满目青翠的花园登上城堡,便来到卡斯尔博物馆。这里展品丰富多样,非常有趣。此外,城堡大门建于1255年,本世纪又加以修葺,内部成为罗宾汉展室。  罗宾汉的故事就像中国的水浒故事一样,广为流传。


During the famous Crusades in the 12th and 13th centuries, King Richard of England was captured. Prince John, who stayed in England, opportunity to usurp power and refused to redeem him.


The Sheriff of Nottingham, who was in collusion with him, also seized the territory of Robin Hood’s family, who was loyal to King Richard, and get in touch with his sweeteart Marianne.


Robin Hood was forced to hide in Sherwood and led a peasant army to rob the rich help the poor . Finally, he successfully  King Richard and smashed the conspiracy of Prince John and others.








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