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  • FILTER是什么意思
  • filter 意思是 过滤掉 还是过滤出 精细翻译
  • 空调显示“FILTER”是什么意思
  • filter的中文意思
  • filter中文是什么意思
  • 流式细胞仪的filter是什么意思


n. 1. 过滤, 过滤器2. 滤光器;滤声器;滤波器 3. 交通红灯指示不得直行的同时,表示可左转或右转的)分流指示灯4. (香烟头上的)过滤嘴;[口语]有过滤嘴的香烟vt. & vi. 1. 透过, 过滤2. 缓行3. (光或声)渗入;透过4. (交通指示灯处的交通)仅可左转行驶 vi. 1. (消息等)走漏2. 漏过,滤过,透过3. 渗,渗入vt. 1. 用过滤法除去(固体粒子或杂质等),滤出,滤清(常与off或out连用)2. 起滤器作用adj. 1. [口语]过滤嘴的

filter 意思是 过滤掉 还是过滤出 精细翻译

不是过滤掉,也不是过滤出。filter做及物动词时是过滤、滤除的意思,就是在explicit results里面按照一定规则进行筛选,合格的留下,不合格的剔除。filter explicit results:对直接结果进行滤除




n.滤波器;滤光器;滤色镜;[化] 过滤器



例句:The best prevention for cholera is to boil or filter water, and eat only well-cooked food.


n.滤波器;滤光器;滤色镜;[化] 过滤器vi.过滤;透过;渗透vt.过滤;滤除1.VERB过滤To filter a substance means to pass it through a device which is designed to remove certain particles contained in it. The best prevention for cholera is to boil or filter water, and eat only well-cooked food.预防霍乱的最佳方法是将水煮沸或过滤,并且只食用煮熟后的食物。2.N-COUNT滤器;过滤器A filter is a device through which a substance is passed when it is being filtered....a paper coffee filter.咖啡过滤纸3.N-COUNT滤声器;滤光器;滤波器A filter is a device through which sound or light is passed and which blocks or reduces particular sound or light frequencies.You might use a yellow filter to improve the clarity of a hazy horizon.可以使用黄色滤光器让模糊的视野更加清晰。4.VERB(光或声)隐约透过,缓缓传至If light or sound filters into a place, it comes in weakly or slowly, either through a partly covered opening, or from a long distance away. Light filtered into my kitchen through the soft, green shade of the cherry tree.光线透过樱桃树柔和的绿阴隐约照进我的厨房。5.VERB(消息等)走漏,慢慢传开When news or information filters through to people, it gradually reaches them. It took months before the findings began to filter through to the politicians... 调查结果数月后才传到从政者的耳朵里。News of the attack quickly filtered through the college.有关袭击的消息很快就在该学院中传开了。...as indications filter in from polling stations.随着从投票站透露出各种迹象


vi. 滤过;渗入;慢慢传开n. 滤波器;[化工] 过滤器;筛选;滤光器vt. 过滤;渗透;用过滤法除去kalman filter 卡尔曼滤波器 air filter 空气过滤器 digital filter 数字滤波器 bag filter 袋式过滤器;袋滤器 filter press 压滤机 filter paper 滤纸(尤制定量滤纸) filter material 过滤材料 filter out 过滤掉;不予注意;泄露 adaptive filter 自适应滤波器 filter system 过滤系统;过滤装置 pass filter 过滤器 oil filter 滤油器;机油滤清器 filter element 过滤芯;滤波元件 low-pass filter [电]低通滤波器 ceramic filter 陶瓷过滤器 vacuum filter 真空滤器 filter cake 滤饼 filter bag 过滤袋 pressure filter 压力式过滤器 belt filter 带式过滤机 更多收起词组短语 vi.滤过;渗入;慢慢传开sink in, seep inton.[电子][光]滤波器;[轻][核][化工]过滤器;筛选;滤光器strainer, percolatorvt.[轻][核][化工]过滤;渗透;用过滤法除去penetrate, lauter


这个要看指的是什么。在流式上,有两个地方要用到Filter,但是中文意思完全不同。第一个,在机器内部的PMT前方,荧光素被激发后所释放的荧光通过光导纤维传到各个检测器(PMT),PMT的前放一般装有long pass filter 和band pass filter。这些是用来控制可以到达PMT光线的波长的。本质是光学滤片。第二个要用到的是单细胞悬液在上机前,需要使用filter过滤,以去除杂质。这里filter就是滤网的意思了。


上一篇: 新益华浏览器 新益华

下一篇: windows内核(LINUX 和 WINDOWS 内核的区别)
