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  • 准确的英语翻译
  • 这句话啥意思,谁能帮我翻译下这句英语
  • unintentionally是什么意思
  • unintentional是什么意思


1.Whenever I was going to give,you would always bring me hope intentionally or unintentionally.2.Whenever I felt I standed a good chance,you would always discourage me into thorough desperation.


这句话的断句应该是:to use | without due credit | the ideas, expressions, or productions of (another). 由于use后面的宾语太长,于是这句话把作为状语的介宾结构without due credit提到了前面,顺便也起到了强调without due credit的作用。正常来说,这句话是to use the ideas, expressions, or productions of (another) without due credit.due credit 直译是应得的名声、赞美等。在写英文论文的literature review和reference的时候,要求把被引用的作者和发表年份说清楚,以表示对前人研究的感谢。这就是“due credit”,那么如果不引用或者引用不清楚,就会被视作抄袭,没有给那些作者应得的名誉。


unintentionally非故意地,非存心地; 无意之中双语例句1. I offended him quite unintentionally.我触犯了他完全是出于无心.2. They dealt with their dilemmas by mixing perhaps unintentionally an explosive brew.他们――也许是无意地――把爆炸性的佐料混合在一起,以此来应付困难处境.3. Her laughter made It’sound more shameful, though unintentionally.她的笑声使她的话显得更加厚颜无耻, 虽然这是无意的.*********************************************************************祝学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!**********************************************************************


unintentional adj. 非故意的;无意识的网络释义 专业释义 英英释义 非故意的 无意的 无心的 故意短语unintentional memorization 无意识记unintentional poisoning 事故性中毒Human unintentional 人无心 更多网络短语柯林斯英汉双解大词典 21世纪大英汉词典unintentional /ˌʌnɪnˈtɛnʃənəl/ 1.ADJ Something that is unintentional is not done deliberately, but happens by accident. 非故意的例:Perhaps he had slightly misled them, but it was quite unintentional.或许他有一点误导他们了,但完全是无意的。2.ADV 无意地 unintentionally例:...an overblown and unintentionally funny adaptation of “Dracula.“…对《吸血鬼德古拉》的一种夸大且无意中显得滑稽的改编。同近义词 同根词adj.非故意的;无意识的mechanical / automatic / unconscious / spontaneous双语例句 原声例句 权威例句1.The needs of the business and the role of IT evolve; these unintentionalgovernance solutions do not. 跟读商业的需求和 IT 的角色在演进,而这些无意识的治理解决方案没有演进。www.ibm.com2.Silently keep repeating: “I forgive you, for your words and actions, intentional orunintentional, I forgive you. 跟读心中默念:“我原谅你,原谅你的言语和行为,不论是有意的还是无意的。


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