(《破损的耳朵》) :被阿尔卡扎将军从上校侍卫官任上解职的迪亚斯下士,是个对阿尔卡扎怀恨在心的笨蛋,在每次进行破坏活动前,都会不自觉地以罗曼罗兰的名言鼓励自己。可惜,最后他因为不知道确切时间,被准备炸死将军的定时炸弹送上了西天。
“现在,我给您开具违章通知书:在私人领地野营,还有采摘果实。这第三条罪状吗,是擅自游泳!”(《黑岛》) :丁丁在英国苏塞克斯郡坐的拖车出车祸撞上了一棵苹果树,苹果落了一地,丁丁滚到河里。
可爱的无名英国警察天降现场,十分严谨地指出了上述问题。 “老皮猴儿!江湖骗子!迫害狂!丑八怪!食人魔!胆小鬼!草包!蠢蛋!海盗!禽兽!乌贼!王八!噬血狂!野人!混蛋!太便宜他了!肮脏的奴隶贩子!”(《红海鲨鱼》):在发现原来“拉蒙那”号货船卷入了奴隶交易后,阿道克船长连骂16个毫不重复的骂人用词,估计在帆船上的那个奴隶贩子被气得(吵的?)够呛。
1. 我们将深感荣幸,并乐意为你效劳。
2. 这火车会把我们撞个粉身碎骨的,我们必须尽快想办法离开
3. 丁丁伸出手轻轻抚摸着白雪的颈毛,关键时刻可不能开这种玩笑,对于丁丁的潜意词,白雪心知肚明,这是分散丁丁注意力的好方法,屡试不爽。
4. 车夫拉着丁丁和白雪在街上飞奔,旧上海的十里洋场让丁丁大感新奇。
5. 被撞的是个西方人,他顿时火冒三丈,举起手中拐杖便打,从他的举止来看,他一点儿没受伤,只是受到了惊吓,车夫缩着头,受惊反而比他更甚,也不敢还手,甚至不敢辩解。
6. 门开了,外面站着三个一模一样的大胡子巡捕,身躯结实,堵在门口像座肉墙,惟一可区分他们的是:左边的比中间的略矮,右边的又比中间的略高。
7. 他们是警局里出名的恶汉,也是眼镜的御用打手……威力古、古威力和力威古三兄弟。
8. 牢门开了,威力古、古威力和力威古满脸狰狞,不慌不忙地挽着袖子,他们望着房间里的小不点儿,流露出轻视的神态,力威古狞笑着用力把门关上了。
9. 街上的行人川流不息,男人们戴着瓜皮小帽,穿着中式的长衫、马褂,不慌不忙地在街上溜达;女人们大多烫着卷发、旗袍、高跟鞋,打扮的花枝招展,丁丁觉得旗袍真是好看,最能衬托出东方女性的曲线美。
10. 魔术师西巴沙露维斯尼表演了令人惊讶的绝技,他像只弹簧一样在满是碎玻璃的地上又蹦又跳,算是做过了热身运动,之后有人取来了尖刀和钢钉。
11. 魔术师用钢钉扎进脚背、手背,如果这还不算奇的话,接下来发生的一幕则非让人目瞪口呆不可,他开始用尖刀刺穿自己的大腿、手臂、胸膛、肚腹……一刀两个洞,这头进去,那头出来。
12. 在绸缎庄的内室,丁丁见到了平野松城,这个人戴着一副金边圆眼镜,小眼睛在镜片后闪着阴冷的光,他留着个仁丹胡子,身材高瘦,全身包裹在一件看上去并不合身的燕尾服里,十分拘谨地做了自我介绍,招呼丁丁坐下后,迫不及待地切入了正题。
13. 丁丁在房间里来回跺着脚,又回到电台旁望着测向仪上的指针喃喃自语。
14. 这时,一个仆人打断了丁丁的思考,他十分恭敬的鞠了一躬,“丁丁先生,土邦主想见您。”
American he was. All hair oil and no socksAnd we’re going to the one place that could have the answer.”on one of the most ruinous voyages in maritime history.””Ship never reached destination.””Attacked by pirates, all hands lost except for one survivor.”。
“the adventures of tintin” is a world-renowned film good at creating images spectacle spielberg and peter jackson together to create out. the film is based on the comic book “the unicorn’s secret” adapted from, i deeply attract by the film. various roles in the movie gives lifelike realism, nearly two hours of viewing, i actually did not see it the characters are digital synthesis, there is not even a real person, shooting technology is really marvel !
“adventures of tintin” the film is not only good shooting technique, content is also very exciting, and brother, after reading the excited shouting look at the second part. movie hero tintin and his partner “snow” by international drug trafficking syndicates kidnapped on a cargo vessel, and thus lead to a just and evil.
hero tintin is a reporter, his distress when they are calm and optimistic, very smart. he hijacked the wrong aircraft through the wall of death, and even into the desert undaunted, the last pirate child red mubarak mother suffered a thousand difficulties to find “treasures secret. the evil always overcome not justice the vicious sacalin arrested. tintin is the kind face of difficulties, the all-conquering spirit deeply touched me, his body filled with charming youthful. more than a good movie, it is not seen enough!
although we never quite found the experience those things like tintin, but does not mean that there is no difficulty in our lives. as captain haddock said: “if there is a wall to stand in front of you, you should not hesitate to break through it!” this is not exactly tell us the difficulties life to how to do this?
5.谁能提供 丁丁历险记的英文简介 不要太多,大概100
TinTin is the hero of the series. His goal in the books is to solve the mysteries he encounters on his travels.
Captain Haddock is an old seafaring captain who TinTin meets in The Crab with the Golden Claws. The two men become friends for life.
Calculus is that “almost deaf” professor whose meet in Red Racham’s Treasure and whose inventions are often disliked by Captain Haddock, but Calculus thinks he loves them.
Snowy is TinTin’s trusty dog and companion in all his adventures.
Thomson and Thompson are those two clumsy detectives TinTin meets in Cigars of the Pharaoh, who have made a habit of getting in TinTin’s way.