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  • 代词英语缩写是什么
  • existential quantifier 是什么意思
  • 英语终语法专用词的翻译(如动词-verb;名词-noun之类的),越多越好 定语,表语,宾格,主语之类的也包括
  • 英语量词的其它用法比如:ounce,Spenting her last ounce of strength^
  • 为什么英语等语言会有冠词的存在,而汉语和日语的都没有呢冠词的存在依据是什么
  • 英语中的限定词,除了形容词以外,还有一些限定性的词语,能不能给我多一些有关的词语
  • 求英语高手帮我看一下,哪里错了,急急急!!谢谢1
  • 英语中单位名词和量词是一回事吗 数量词和数词都是什么
  • 英语翻译成中文 内容为数学物理考纲




Here you should use plural pronoun. 


Comparatives, superlatives, hedges, numerals, quantifiers and pronouns are also used in advertisements. 


Cushman said he would abide by whatever pronoun individual students requested for themselves, but he drew the line at changing his emphasis on women. 


One of my observations is that Chinese speakers tend to have trouble with third-person pronouns ( he and she aren’t interchangeable in English) and collective plurals. 


Like is a preposition and is used before nouns and pronouns.

existential quantifier 是什么意思

existential quantifiern.存在量词existentialadj.存在的; 关于(人的)存在的; 存在主义的; 断定存在的As a syntactical phenomenon, existential sentences are widely used both in Chinese and English.存现句作为一种句法现象在汉英两种语言中普遍存在,汉英存现句有同有异。quantifiern.量词“Yi N“is a temporary quantifier phrase, and “N“ stands for the “location“ of it.“一N”是一种临时性的量词短语,能够做临时量词的“N”都具有“处所”这一语义特征;复数:quantifiers

英语终语法专用词的翻译(如动词-verb;名词-noun之类的),越多越好 定语,表语,宾格,主语之类的也包括

1. Noun (名词) countable uncountable (可数名词、不可数名词) Number of N (名词的数) Irregular plurals (不规则复数) Genitive case of N (名词的所有格) Double genitive (双重所有格) 2. Pronoun (代词) Personal pronoun (人称代词) Possessive pronoun (物主代词) Reflexive pronoun (反身代词) Interrogative pronoun (疑问代词) Indefinite pronoun (不定代词) 3. Numeral (数次) Cardinal 、ordinal numbers (基数词、序数词) Percentage (百分数) Fraction (分数) Decimal (小数) Multiple (倍数) 4. Determiner (限定词) Definite、indefinite 、zero articles (定冠词,不定冠词,零冠词)Quantifiers (数量词) 5. Preposition (介词) 6. Adjective (形容词) Attributive 定语Predicative 表语Adverb clause equivalent 副词性从句7. Adverb (副词) Modifier of Adj / Adv / Prep-phrase / N-Phrase / Adverb-clause (形容词、副词、介词短语、副词性从句的修饰语) The comparative and superlative degrees of Adj / Adv (形容词和副词的比较级和最高级) 9. Verb classes (动词) Transitive and intransitive verbs (及物动词和不及物动词) Auxiliaries and modal auxiliaries (助动词和情态动词) Semiauxiliaries (半助动词) Phrasal verbs (短语动词) 10. Tense (时态) Simple present, past, future and with modals (一般现在时,一般过去时, 一般将来时和情态助动词加动词) Present and past progressive (现在进行时和过去进行时) Future progressive and with modals (将来进行时和情态动词加进行时) Present and past perfect (现在完成时和过去完成时) Future perfect and with modals (将来完成时和情态动词加完成时) Present perfect progressive (现在完成进行时) Past perfect progressive (过去完成进行时) 11.Passive voice (被动语态) Passive voice in simple tense (被动语态的一般时态) Passive voice in perfect and progressive tenses (被动语态的完成和进行时态) Passive voice of phrasal verbs (短语动词的被动语态) 12. Subjunctive mood (虚拟语气) 13. To V (Infinitive 动词不定式) as subject, object and complement (用作主语,宾语和补足语) Indicating purpose / result (表示目的和结果) Modifying adjective (修饰形容词) as post modifier in a noun phrase (后位修饰名词) to be + V-ed2, to have + V-ed2, to be + V-ing (不定式的被动式,完成式和进行式) 14. V-ing (Gerund 动名词) object, subject and predicative(宾语,主语和表语) N / Pron or their possessive + V-ing as subject and object(名词 / 代词或其所有格加动名词作主语和宾语) Prep + N / Pron or their possessive + V-ing(介词加名词 / 代词或其所有格加动名词) being + V-ed2, having + V-ed2, having been + V-ed2 as a noun equivalent(动名词的被动式,完成式和完成被动式起名词作用) 15pre-modifier and post modifier in a noun phrase 现在分词和过去分词) as complement (补足语) as an adverb clause equivalent(作状语) When / while, etc. + V-ing / V-ed2 (When / While 等加现在分词或过去分词) (with) N + V-ing / V-ed2 ( 名词加现在分词或过去分词 ) Dangling V-ing as adverb clause equivalent(无归属现在分词作状语) being + V-ed2, having + V-ed2, having been + V-ed2 as an adverb or adjective clause equivalent(现在分词的被动式、完成式和完成被动式作状语或定语) 16. Basic sentence patterns and sentence elements(基本句型和句子成份) Pattern 1: S + V Pattern 2: S + V + Cs Pattern 3: S + V + O Pattern 4: S + V + Oi + Od Pattern 5: S + V + Od + Co 17.Interrogative form(疑问形式) Negative form(否定形式) Passive form(被动形式) relative clause(定语从句) Restrictive and non-restrictive(限制性和非限制性定语从句) Appositive clause(同位语从句) Noun phrase appositive to clause(名词短语作句子的同位语) Clause of time and space(时间从句和地点从句)Clauses of condition, concession and contrast(条件从句、让步从句和对比从句) Clauses of cause, result and purpose(原因从句、结果从句和目的从句) Clauses of manner and comparison(方式从句和比较从句) Clauses of proportion and other types(比例从句和其它从句) 3rd person pronouns, and plurals of the 1st and 2nd person pronouns(第三人称代词,第一、二人称代词的复数) indefinite pronouns(不定代词)( + of + N / Pron) Subject-verb inversion(主语与谓语倒装) Parenthesis(插入语) Omission(省略) Omission through coordination (并列结构中的省略) Negation (否定) Total negation(全部否定) Partial negation (部分否定) Double negation (双重否定) Transferred negation (转移否定)

英语量词的其它用法比如:ounce,Spenting her last ounce of strength^

量词是现代汉语11类词中的一种,运用非常普遍,大约有500多个量词。除了表“量”以外,它的一个显著特点就是习惯搭配。即使是华人也有弄错的时候,学中文的外国人更是头疼。所以正确认识量词,准确翻译汉语量词也是很重要的。英语中没有像汉语这样的“量词”分类,但有类似的用法和修辞结构,如quantitive determinatives(量词限定词),portative(量词),quantifiers(量词)。它们之间有相同之处,但更多的是差异。因而,本节以一定的版面来分析其不同结构和用法,不过,更多的还是靠读者自己潜心收集认识,才能掌握如何翻译。 1、一群 一群人 a crowd/group/multitude/throng/army/team/class of people;a gang/swarm/horde/pack/band of people(in a derogatory way) troop 通常指聚在一起活动的、生气勃勃的一群人。如: a troop of demonstrators/shoppers/visitors bevy 特指女性的“一群”,有时指鸟类,尤指鹌鹑或云雀。如: a bevy of actresses/young women/ladies/shop girls/quails 表贬义的“一群”有:a mob of angry people/rioters/slaves/liars/blackguards horde 原意为游牧部落,通常含有轻蔑色彩: a horde of lazy-bones/swindlers/locusts/hooligans band;gang 常指“帮”: a band of robbers/gangsters/thieves/outlaws a gang of criminals/slaves/prisoners 一群牛、象、马、天鹅 a herd of cattle/elephants/horses/swans 一群鸟 a flock of birds/geese/hens/goats/swallows/sheep/chickens 一群猎狗 a pack of hounds/wolves/grouse 一群狐狸 a skulk of foxes 一群狮子 a pride of lions 一群星星 a cluster of stars 一群鱼 a school/shoal of fish/shrimps 一群马 a stud/drove of horses 一群鹅 a gaggle/flock of geese 一群蚊子/蝴蝶 a swarm of mosquitoes/butterflies 一群(窝)蚂蚁 a colony of ants/bees 一群建筑物 a clump/complex of buildings 2、一丝/点/层/片 一片草皮 a chunk of turf 一丝睡意 a wink of sleep 一丝怀疑 a shadow of doubt 一点点工作 a stroke of work 一线未来之光 a glimpse of future 一缕月光 a streak of moonlight/amber(fig) 一丝绿意;一片绿色 a tint of green 一片心意 a small token of our hearts 一丝嫉妒;一阵窘迫 a slight twinge of jealousy/embarrassment 一丝恻隐之心 a sign of sympathy for... 一丝懊悔 a slight twinge of remorse 一层霜/雪/糖霜 a layer of frost/snow/cream 一丝失望的眼神 a flicker of disappointment (剩下)一口气/一丝气 a spark/breath of life 一丝失望的情绪 a taint/faint of disappointment 一片漆黑 completely dark;dismal night;pitch dark 一片汪洋 a flood of water 3、英译“一阵”,颇有学问,且看以下译例 (突然爆发出的)一阵哭泣/喝彩/炮击/雷声 a burst of tears/cheers/gunfire/thunder (量如洪水的)一阵泪雨/瓢泼大雨/夸夸其谈 a flood of tears/rain/boasts 少量或稀疏的 一阵(小)雨/射击 a spatter of rain/bullets 一阵稀疏的掌声/喝彩 a spatter of applause/cheers 声响很大的 一阵隆隆的炮声/雷声 a peal of artillery/thunder 突然而猛烈的 一阵暴雨/狂风/烈火 a gust/blast of rain/wind/flame 持续短暂的 一阵怒气/激情/咳嗽 a fit of anger/passion/coughing 一阵呕吐 a vomiting fit 持续一段时间的 一阵厄运/暑热 a spell of bad luck/summer heat 一阵寒潮 a cold spell of weather 一阵昏厥 a fainting spell (针捻刀刺般的)一阵内疚/牙痛/风湿痛 a twinge of remorse/toothache/rheumatism 一阵尴尬 a twinge of embarrassment (抽搐或颤抖的)一阵痛苦/伤心/咳嗽/激动 a spasm of pain/grief/coughing/excitement 雹打雨淋般的 一阵轰炸/打击/咒骂 a hail of bombs/blows/curse 一阵弹雨/批评 a shower of bullets/criticism 更多的例子 一阵欢乐 an agony of joy 一阵子爱意 a flush of love 一点点工作 a stroke of work 一阵心脏病发作 a stroke of heart attack 一点点满足 a crumb of satisfaction 一种混乱的政治局面 a chaos of politics 4、“一阵”为何有这么多不同的译法 其实原因很简单,汉语“一阵”这个数量词不含修辞色彩,可用于各类描述;而在英语中,“一阵”这个概念则是由许多不同的名词来表述的,而且这些词一般分别具有不同的修辞色彩。如: spatter “少量”,“稀疏”之义; peal 专指一阵响亮或轰鸣的声音; twinge 特指肉体或心灵上的一阵剧烈的刺痛; burst 泛指突然爆发出的一阵,有突如其来之感; hail 和shower的比喻色彩也很浓,有雹打雨淋之感; spell常用于描述天气、疾病等,表持续一阵子; flood一词比喻色彩浓厚,给人以量如洪水,滔滔不绝之感; gust则专指风、雨、雹、火、烟等的突然而猛烈的一阵。也可用喻感情的猛烈进发; fit常指持续时间短暂的一阵——尤指疾病的短暂发作或感情的短暂进发; spasm原指痉挛,抽搐,用于动作、感情的一阵突发时,表抽搐或浑身颤抖之感。 由此可见,英译“一阵”,宜细心推敲,酌情翻译。 5、其他类似的汉译英所用的修辞性的用法 a)暗喻Metaphor 一串香蕉a hand of bananas 颗颗汗珠beads of sweat 一长串汽车a string of cars 很大的朋友圈a large circle of friends b)借代Metonymy 一串珍珠 a rope of pearls 一炉钢 a heat of steel 一年三熟 three crops a year 一大群飞机 a cloud of planes 林立的烟囱 a forest of chimneys 一片沙滩 a beach of sands c)夸张Hyperbole 多如牛毛的问题 a sea of troubles 一大笔钱 a pile of money 勃然大怒 a wave of anger 开怀大笑 gales of laughter 无数次 heaps of times 小不点 a dot of child 一小撮敌人 a pinch of enemy 滔滔不绝的话语 a flood of words 6、英语常用单位词及汉语对应词(Commonly-used unit nouns and their Chinese equivalents) piece块;片;段;项;件;篇;首;幅;张 a piece of bread/paper/wood/furniture/land/advice/news/meat/cloth/music... bit一点;一些;一片 a bit of water/wood/grass/trouble... item条;则;项 an item of news/information/business/programme... article件;项;条 an article of furniture/clothing/luggage/export... grain粒;颗 a grain of ricce/wheat/salt/sand... drop滴 a drop of water/oil/rain/blood/dew... slice薄片 a slice of meat/bread/cake/ham... cake块 a cake of soap/mud/ice... bar块;条 a bar of chocolate/candy/soap... ear穗 an ear of corn/rice/wheat/millet... loaf块;条 a loaf of bread... lump块;团 a lump of clay/sugar/earth... spiral盘 a spiral of mosquito incense... card板 a card of buttons pack副;盒 a pack of cards/cigarettes fistful(s)一把 a fistful of sand/rice... handful(s)一把 a handful of soil... armful(s)一抱 an armful of flowers... cupful(s)一杯 four cupfuls of jam... mouthful(s)一口 a mouthful of snow/whys... spoonful(s)一汤匙 a spoonful of sugar... spadeful(s)一铲 a spadeful of coal... bagful(s)一袋 a bagful of letters... 但an eyeful of…的意思是“对……大饱眼福” truckload一货车 a truckload of apples... shipload一船 a shipload of TV sets... lorryload一卡车 a lorryload of iron... fit一阵子 a fit of coughing/fever/laughter/anger/... ray一线 a ray of hope/intelligence/sunlight… peal一阵 a peal of thunder/laughter/applause... flash闪现一下 a flash of hope/lightening/wit... display炫耀一下 a display of power/courage/force/learning/skill... attack一疾病的发作 an attack of fever/malaria group组;群;批 a group of students... team队:组 a team of experts/footballers/scientists... gang帮;伙;群;队;组 a gang of four/thieves/robbers... army大群;队 an army of beggars/ants/bees... troop群;伙 a troop of soldiers... host大群 a host of friends/heroes... pack群;伙 a pack of liars/thieves/rascals/hounds... band帮;伙 a band of music(players)/brigands... choir队;组;群 a choir of singers... bunch串;束;挂;群;帮;伙 a bunch of bananas/fools/flowers/keys/thieves. bouquet束;把 bouquet of flowers string串;挂;节 a string of beads/pearls/words/thread sheaf p1.sheaves捆;束 a sheaf of wheat/arrows/papers crew帮;伙;全体 a crew of sailors/pilots party组;伙;批 a party of guests/children... batch批 a batch of letters/telegrams/visitors... gaggle群 a gaggle of geese/girls... litter一窝 a litter of kittens/little piglets/puppies... herd群 a herd of elephants/deer/cattle...s swarm群 a swarm of ants/locusts/bees/people/stars... cluster串;束;群;组 a cluster of flowers/grapes/bees/islands/stars... a cluster of butterflies/grapes/berries/consonants/houses brood窝;群;组 a brood of chickens/paintings/thieves... school群 a school of whales/dolphins... shoal群 a shoal of fish/whales/people... flock群 a flock of geese/birds/pigeons/ducks/visitors/customers... dozen一打 a dozen(of)pencils/eggs/red roses... gross一罗 a gross of nails/pencils/can openers... pile一大堆 a pile of what-ifs一大堆假定 mound一大堆 a mound(mouthful)maybes满嘴的可能 clump一群 a clump of islands/buildings school流派 the school of traditional grammar train一列 a train of cars一列火车厢 pot一锅 a pot of soup/tea/water... fleck片 a fleck of snow... 7、 汉英表量的对应名词(Quantity and amount in both languages) 中英文都有表量的手法,除了常见的平铺直叙的说法,还有一些修辞性说法。如: a sea of people/flames/blood/flags/flowers/happy faces 如海般的/如潮一样的人群;火海;血海;旗海;花海;无数幸福的面孔 an ocean of trouble/time/space/cheering 无穷的麻烦;无休止的时间;浩瀚的宇宙;欢乐的海洋 a scene of great rejoicing 一片欢腾 a chorus of protest/praise 一片抗议之声/赞扬之声 a trove of Chinese porcelain 一批中国磁器 a grove of coco(a)nut/bamboo 一片椰林/竹林 a blaze of lights 一片灯火 a mountain of debts/rubbish/money/dirty clothes 债台高筑/垃圾如山;家财万贯;一大堆脏衣服 a mass of images/facts/figures/data 大量的图像/事实/数据等 a rain/storm of tears/ashes/arrows/bullets 嚎啕大哭;尘土蒙蒙;一阵箭雨,一阵弹雨 a storm of applause/criticism/cheering 一阵暴雨般的掌声;激烈的批评;狂热的欢呼 a gale of laughter/excitement 阵阵欢笑;一阵激动 a flood of tears/words/1ight/terror 泪如潮涌;滔滔言辞;一片光明;一片恐惧 a store of learning/experience 知识渊博;经验丰富 a wealth of experience/data/troubles/good/goods 经验丰富;丰富数据;问题多多;大有好处;商品丰富 a surfeit of food/drug dosage过量的食品;过量的药品 a succession of defeat接二连三的挫败 a world of goods/food/pleasure/meaning/to do sb a world of good/harm a forest of hills/flags/chimneys/hands 这些表量的手法也可用复数,像lots of,thousands of一样,如seas of,mountains of,stores of,swarms of,thunders of,showers of ,in showers,in stores,in numbers。 a(great)number of books 许多的书 numbers of peoples 许多的民族 a quantity of energy 大量的能量 quantities of oxidize 大量的氧化酶 an amount of material 大量的材料 small amount of water 少量的水 The amount of energy possessed by a given quantity of radiation depends strictly on its frequency.一定量的辐射所拥有的能量完全基于其频率。 The total amount of radiation 辐射的总量 What’s the size? 尺码多少? What’s the linear size of the Galaxy? 银河系的直线长度是多少? the linear dimensions 直线尺寸 all sizes of gloves 各种尺码的手套 (in)all shapes and sizes 大大小小,各式各样 (in)life size (如)实物大小 What are the dimensions of the room? 这房间的长、宽、高各多少? the dimensions of the solar system 太阳系的范围 the dimensions of a building lot 一座建筑物的准确面积 the magnitude of this angle 这角度的大小 the value of the balloon 气球的体积 the value of this correction 修正值 the extent of a judge’s power/his knowledge 法官的权力范围/他的知识面 be…in length/width/height/diameter/perimeter/shape/size be…in quantity/amount/great numbers/extent/dimension/value


冠词就是来限定名词的 表明是这个还是别个 是一个还是两个 英语有定冠词the 不定冠词a/an 和零冠词 ,,至于零冠词吧 由于专有名词带有确定特质的含义,所以用零冠词呢 像 Russia Adam Smith 什么的 还有不懂的么


包括冠词,指示代词,形容词性物主代词,名词所有格,数词。第七讲 英语名词短语中的限定词(Determiners in Noun Phrases)一、限定词的定义(Defining the notion of “determiner”)限定词不同于修饰语(modifier)。限定词是用来表示名词短语中中心词(head noun)(68页)是特指(specific reference)还是类指(generic reference),是表示确定数量(definite quantity)还是不确定(indefinite quantity)数量,是指称部分还是整体,起限定作用的一类词。修饰语只是在语义上增添名词中心词的“描绘”信息,使之更具体。因此限定词通常是必不可少的,而修饰语一般是可有可无的;限定词只能位于名词前,而修饰语很多则可以位于名词后,特别是形容词短语作修饰语时;限定词无短语成分,形容词等修饰语有短语成分。True or false?Determiners are words that are used to describe head nouns in noun phrases.(68页-71页)请看下面的例子(课本68页):(1)A deer can stand as soon as it is born.(2)Thousands of visitors come to this museum every year.(3)The old and the young sometimes find it hard to understand each other.(4)All the first three winners in the game were Chinese.(5)This company decides to pay the workers by the hour.(6)Come and see us whenever you have any time.(7)To tell you the truth, I do not like either color very much.(8)I have to read all these books for my course.请说出上面各句中的名词短语有哪些,注意其中的限定词。二、限定词的类型(Types of determiners)(69页)按照它们在指称名词时发挥的不同作用,英语限定词通常可以分为五类:(一)冠词(articles):还可分为三类:定冠词(Definite Article):the;不定冠词(Indefinite Article):a, an;零冠词(Zero Article)。(二)物主限定词(possessives):包括物主代词(Possessive Pronoun):my, your, his, her, our, your, their, one’s, its以及名词属格(Generic Noun):Tom’s, my mother’s。(三)指示限定词(demonstratives):在语义上和定冠词有紧密联系,用来指明所指物的数量以及与说话人的距离远近。定冠词几乎总是非重读的,而指示词却常常需要重读。指示限定词包括:this, that, these, those, such。(四)量限定词(quantifiers):指明名词的数量,还可细分为四类:全部(inclusive)(all, each, every, whole)、大量(large quantity)(many, much)、适量或少量(moderate or small quantity)、任意量或否定量(arbitrary/negative member or amount)(any, either, no, neither)。(五)数词(numerals):包括基数词(cardinal numerals)、序数词(ordinal numerals)、倍数词(multiplicative numerals)(twice, three times…)和分数词(fractional numerals)(one third, two thirds)。基数词在语义上和量限定词相近,不同之处在于基数词提供具体的数量。序数词指明名词的顺序。除了上述五类,还有疑问限定词(what, which, whose)和关系限定词(which, whose)。72页课内练习2;76页课后练习1;三、限定词在名词短语中的排列顺序(order of determiners in a noun phrase)(69-70)根据限定词在名词短语中所处的位置,限定词又可分为三种:前位限定词(predeterminers)、中位限定词(central determiners)和后位限定词(post-determiners)。前位限定词有:1、all, both, half; 2、倍数词double, twice, three times等;3、分数词one-third, two -fifths等。中位限定词有:1、定冠词和不定冠词;2、物主限定词(物主代词和’s属格名词);3、指示限定词;4、不定数量词(some, few, no, any, every, each, either, neither);5、疑问限定词和关系限定词。后位限定词有:1、基数词;2、序数词(包括一般序数词next, last, past, another, additional, further);3、封闭数量词(closed-system quantifiers)(few, fewer, several, most, more, many, much, little, less, least);4、开放数量词(open-system quantifiers)(plenty of, a bit of, a lot of, lots of, a great deal of, a number of以及bags of, heaps of等)。(73页练习5)(跨类限定词:such, what, many)从名称可以看出三类限定词的相对位置,当名词前有多个限定词时,它们的顺序是:前+中+后+名词。请看例句。(70页)(9) The volunteers came from all the thirty-two provinces, municipalities and regions.(10) In all your four sentences the singular form is acceptable, but not the plural one.(11) All these last few days we have been preparing for the qualifying test.*注意:(70页)当两个同位限定词一起位于名词前时,有以下几种情况:1、前位限定词是相互排斥的,在一个名词短语中的中心名词前只能有一个前位限定词,如:all both sides, all half apple, all double hours都是不正确的说法。2、中位限定词也是相互排斥的。如:the every book, his some books 就不对。3、后位限定词不互相排斥,请看下列例句:He will stay here for the first 3 days of the month.Where will you be during the next few weeks?I have two more hats than he does.Many such regulations are also applicable to us.Another such disaster and he will be ruined.I’ll be here for another five/few weeks.The last two pages are missing.The two last pages are missing.(Which is wrong?)The last two pages of this book are missing.The two last pages of this book are missing.(Which is wrong?)The second last page is missing.The last second page is missing.True or false?Functionally speaking, determiners can be subdivided into pre-determiners, central determiners and post-determiners.(71页)练习(见课本)补充:?each与every都有“每个”的意思,但二者含义及语法功能不同,主要区别是:1. each既可用作形容词,又可用作代词,在句中可以作定语,主语、宾语、同位语、状语等。Each student has his own dictionary . (形容词,定语)Each has his good point . (代词,主语)Our head teacher had a talk with each of us . (代词,宾语)The students each have a desk . (代词,同位语)The children can have a bag each . (副词,状语)2. each与every都可用作形容词,在句中作定语,但each更强调个人或个别,every更强调全体或全部。比较:I know each number of your family.I know every number of your family .3. each指两个或两个以上的人或事物中的“每个”;every是指许多人或事物 的“全体”,与all的意思相近。试译:这条街上每边都有很多商店。[误]There are many shops on every side of the street .[正]There are many shops on each side of the street .我给她父母每人一件礼物。[误]I gave a present to every one of her parents .[正]I gave a present to each of her parents.4. 指上下文提到过的确定数目中的“每一个”时,要用each;如果上下文没有提及时,不能用each,要用everyone等。试译:我认为这三个答案个个都正确。[误]I think every answer of the three is right .[正]I think each of the three answers is right .我看见人人都忙着工作。 [误]I saw each was busy with his work .[正]I saw everyone was busy with his work .单元音12双元音8


She is good to express themselves 不对She is good at expressing herself

英语中单位名词和量词是一回事吗 数量词和数词都是什么

不是一回事。 英语中没有像汉语这样的“量词”分类,但有类似的用法和修辞结构,如quantitive determinatives(量词限定词),portative(量词),quantifiers(量词)。它们之间有相同之处,但更多的是差异。

英语翻译成中文 内容为数学物理考纲

楼上机器翻译不准确。如下:初等逻辑和代数 :命题演算,量词。归谬法。 集合和函数术语,整数、自然数、有理数集合;排列组合 多项式:欧几里德除法 实数集合的性质:区间,邻域,上界。数列:极限(柯西准则),收敛速度,形如 un+1 = f(un)的递归.实变量数值函数:极限和连续性,可微,有限增量公式,单调和反函数,泰勒公式和不等式,有限扩张,常见函数。 复数域:常见复函数(指数函数 等). 线性代数: 向量空间,线性映射,基和维数。矩阵,行列式,线性系统。特征值和特征向量,特征多项式,对角化。微分系统的应用和方程式。 分析 :有理函数及其分解,基本计算:有限区间的积分,数值方法。带积分余项的泰勒公式。二维、三维实坐标系下的矢量函数(不包括度量性质)。二维、三维实坐标系下的含参曲线。一,二阶线性微分方程。沿线积分。数列: 实变函数:函数数列和级数,整级数,傅里叶级数的应用。简单收敛、绝对收敛、一致收敛。实区间上的积分,含参积分。(傅立叶,拉普拉斯级数的应用和例子)。 数值和矢量分析:微分:多变量函数。偏导数和切线的应用。二元泰勒公式:适用局部极值。 2或3重多重积分。连续积分的计算和坐标变换公式。 有限维欧几里德空间 :标量的积,范数,标准正交基和正交化。伴随阵,厄米特阵,一般单运算符。二维线性空间介绍。二维线性空间的正交基,勒让德多项式,三角函数基础。傅里叶级数的应用。傅立叶变换:Plancherel平等(这个Plan。。。不知道具体是什么 你应该了解吧 呵呵)。 翻完了 祝好!


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