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  • 华盛顿英文介绍,有的进


I have a good friend with the name Naixiuhua. She is friendlyand kind and she does well in her study. She shares everythinggood with me.


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George Washington was born on February 22, 1732 .He was the commander(kemander) of the Continental(kangtinantou) Army(arming) in the American Revolutionary War and the first President(perseidengte) of the United States(sideici) of America. For his central(sanqiu) role(rou) in the formation of the United States, he is often referred(ruiferde) to as “the father of his country“.Washington presided(perzaidide) over the Philadelphia(feledaofeiya) Convention(kenvanxun) that drafted(jvawutide) the United States Constitution(kangsitetiuxun) in 1787. Washington became President(perseidente) of the United States in 1789 and established(yisidabulaixude) many of the customs(kasidengmus) and usages(useijiersi) of the new government’s executive(yikezaikidevu) department.He sought (saate)to create(kuiAte) a nation capable(geibepo) of surviving(servaiving) in a world torn(duoerna) asunder(eisangder) by war between Britain(buruitianna) and France. His unilateral(youlenlaiterou) Proclamation(pruageruomeixun) of Neutrality(nichuailedi) of 1793 provided(perouvaidide) a basis(beisasi) for refrain(ruifuiying) any involvement(yinvelomente) in foreign(foruanna) conflicts(kangfuleikesi). He supported(sipotide) plans to build(biude) a strong central(sanqiu) government by funding the national(naixiunou) debt(daite), implementing(yinpelementing) an effective tax system, and establish(yisidabuleixu) a national bank. Washington died in 1799, and the funeral oration delivered by Henry Lee stated that of all Americans, he was “first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen“.注有拼音英标


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