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  • 韩国和朝鲜分别用英语怎么说
  • 为什么只能用unification而不能用reunification
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  • 请翻译: “重新整理”怎么说
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  • 革命先烈用英语怎么说
  • 请翻译:“重新整理”怎么说
  • 坚持统一,反对分裂,增加了解,化解歧见的英文怎么说
  • 重新用英语怎么说形容词性


1、韩国用英文表示为:South Korea2、朝鲜用英文表示为:North Korea拓展资料

South Korea


2、It has called the typhoon the worst natural disaster in South Korea in many years 


3、The United States is a close ally of South Korea. 


4、Perhaps the major stumbling block to reunification is the military presence in South Korea.


5、India had to struggle to beat defending champions South Korea 2-0. 


North Korea

1、They increased economic actions against North Korea after it launched missiles and tested a nuclear device. 


2、We had a chance to consult and coordinate our diplomatic efforts and approaches with North Korea. 


3、Russia says that Iran and North Korea do not have missiles capable of striking Europe.


4、Here the examples given are Burma, North Korea, Iran and Syria. 


5、North Korea carried out nuclear tests in 2006, 2009 and 2013. 




语法问题 帮看下 非常感谢!!

  • We cannot remain indifferent to the devastating attack that the AIDS is taking.

  • to后只要有名词作宾语 ,to就是介词

    不定式符号to后面只能是 动词原形 

     不定式符号to+动词原型 可以表示目的

    本句是not to be  indifferent to sth  句型 对。。。无动于衷  to sth是介词 短语


    及物动词是直接跟宾语的动词  但有时 动词和宾语之间 可以插入其他成分 包括介词短语 

    不及物动词不能直接跟宾语 须加介词 构成动介词组 才能相当于一个及物动词 才可以跟宾语


    relfect是及物动词 也是不及物动词 。英语中这样的动词很多。3.之前问过,分词做状语可以保留连词,那As I was coming here, I met your brother,可变为As coming here, I met your brother。因为从句主语与主句主语一致 所以可以用分词短语代替状语从句。

    坚持统一,反对分裂的翻译:persist in reunification and oppose separation。统一用reunification是因为 目前有不统一的现象  如果用unification 则表示 现在没有不统一的现象

    如 我们要 坚持 祖国的统一   就应该用  reunification

    persist 后加in 是固定的动介词组 4.leave things as what there were中as what there were是宾补 根据意思 判断的

    使某物处于 原有的状态 Leave sth with sb as a pledge中,with sb不是宾补 可以看做状语  其实相当于双宾语中的间接宾语    as a pledge是宾补 补充说明 sth           当然也有人认为是定语  都有道理。5..He has left a number of books with / to me。后面的with / to me是介词短语是作状语的

    因为 是说明动词 has left 的

    he leave windows  fastened和He leaves his papers lying open on the desk中的 fastened是状态 不是动作,是过去分词作宾补 相当于形容词作宾补 

     lying的逻辑主语是句子宾语papers   是宾语 发出的动作

      这是不及物动词 也可以看做系动词  。 现在分词作宾补

    第二句中的lying是宾补, open可以看做 形容词作lying的 伴随状语  也有人认为是lying 的表语on the desk是lying的地点状语 6.You really have a lot to offer me这句话对  不定式作定语 修饰 不定代词 a lot

    是动宾关系  即 offer sb a lot = offer a lot to sb

    即 双宾语 如果 直接宾语提前 间接宾语 前要加to 

    offer sb sth =offer sth to sb

    如 We offer a free backup service to customers.对顾客我们提供免费配套服务。

    请翻译: “重新整理”怎么说

    重新整理again; anew; afresh: 重新考虑 reconsider; 重新确认[证实] reconfirm; 重新委任[指定] reappoint; reappointment; 重新审理 rehearing; 重新使用 reactivate; 重新统一 reunification; 他重新讲了一遍。 He explained it once again. 敌人重新发起进攻。 The enemy launched a fresh offensive. 你应该仔细地重新考虑一下这个问题。 You should give it careful reconsideration. 重新安排 reorder


    Dear Sir / Madam: Hello! Thank you for your busy schedule to read this letter. First of all, let me give you my sincere greetings and best wishes! The cause of your organization and wish prosperity and bright future! In the letter, you will not see unrealistic boast gorgeous and moving words, you will see a real, I am the Guizhou Institute of Finance and Economics Institute for International Economics in 2008 graduates, I am now trying to second-guess the dream of leaving school, entered the community in numerous and the market is full of self-confidence to look for a new start in life. I Kouxiang courage of your company’s door, I am confident that the door must be filled with a vigor and vitality in the world. Four years of university life is beautiful, unforgettable, it not only gave me a new living environment, but also gave me a knowledge and continuously to equip themselves with self-wide space. In a knowledge-based economy as the main body of the 21st century, high-quality talent is the community’s appeal and also your company’s preferred recruitment goals, I know: only the unremitting efforts and hard work, have a good harvest, in order to cultivate their own as a Meet the needs of people. So in school, I study hard and a variety of expertise and inputs for their tremendous enthusiasm and energy, not only on many occasions to obtain a scholarship, but also successfully passed the national English examination four computers and state secondary examination, I have A certain amount of English listening, speaking, reading, writing and Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Photoshop, Flash, VF programming language, such as e-business software applications. In the serious study of expertise at the same time, I actively participate in practical activities outside the school, and a number of accomplishments. Such as serving as squad leader during the exercise not only my communication, coordination, organization, such as the ability to plan, develop a passion, hard-working, pragmatic, innovative style of work. Without delay the ban to work at the same time, I also used the holiday weekend and time for Master Kong, reunification, Iraq, Mengniu’s product marketing activities on campus, not only accumulated a certain amount of work and social experience to improve my ability to work. I do not seek the easy life and good treatment, can only own the school, do career and is willing to Baozhan with a sincere heart to open the door into the community, to the door of life. I believe that your company can provide an opportunity for self-display! Mongolia discarded if not, will do all we can to Qingsa young blood, with their wisdom and talent for your company’s vigorous development of the cause of building blocks, add wonderful gorgeous. Enclosed herewith is a biographical notes and other materials, for a deeper understanding and look forward to your interview! Sincerely Salute


    同志们!我们党自诞生之日起就勇敢担当起带领中国人民创造幸福生活、实现中华民族伟大复兴的历史使命。为了完成这个历史使命,一代又一代中国***人前赴后继,无数革命先烈献出了宝贵生命。当代中国***人必须继续承担好这个历史使命。我们党正在带领全国各族人民进行的改革开放和社会主义现代化建设,是新中国成立以后我国社会主义建设伟大事业的继承和发展,是近代以来中国人民争取民族独立、实现国家富强伟大事业的继承和发展。抚今追昔,我们深感肩负的使命神圣而光荣。展望未来,我们对实现推进现代化建设、完成祖国统一、维护世界和平与促进共同发展这三大历史任务充满信心。 Comrades, Ever since its founding in July 1921, the CPC has bravely dedicated itself to the historical mission of leading the Chinese people in striving for a happy life and for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Chinese Communists have been fighting one generation after another to fulfill this mission, and countless revolutionaries have sacrificed their lives in the course. Party members in contemporary China must continue on this mission. The ongoing reform, opening up and socialist modernization drive undertaken by the people of all ethnic groups under the Party’s leadership are a continuation and development of the great cause of socialist construction since the founding of the People’s Republic and the great cause of the Chinese people’s struggle for national independence, prosperity and strength since modern times. Reviewing the past, we feel deeply honored to carry on this sacred mission. Looking ahead, we have full confidence in fulfilling the three historical tasks of advancing the modernization drive, achieving national reunification, and safeguarding world peace and promoting common development.


    重新整理again; anew; afresh: 重新考虑 reconsider; 重新确认[证实] reconfirm; 重新委任[指定] reappoint; reappointment; 重新审理 rehearing; 重新使用 reactivate; 重新统一 reunification; 他重新讲了一遍. He explained it once again. 敌人重新发起进攻. The enemy launched a fresh offensive. 你应该仔细地重新考虑一下这个问题. You should give it careful reconsideration. 重新安排 reorder


    坚持统一,反对分裂,增加了解,化解歧见 [词典] persist in reunification, oppose separation , increase understanding and iron out differences; [例句]坚持统一,反对分裂,增加了解,化解歧见Persist in reunification, oppose separation, increase understanding and iron out differences


    重新 adv. again, anew, afresh 重新考虑 reconsider重新确认(证实) reconfirm重新委任(指定) reappoint; reappointment重新审理 rehearing重新使用 reactivate重新统一 reunification他重新讲了一遍。 He explained it once again.敌人重新发起进攻。 The enemy launched a fresh offensive.你应该仔细地重新考虑一下这个问题。 You should give it careful reconsideration.


    上一篇: 参加活动的感受与收获,参加团队活动的感受与收获(快来参与活动收获浓浓年味吧~)

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